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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

7:00 PM
It looks to me like you haven't built that library for the simulator.
hmmm, how can I built it for simulator as well?
thing is that I was using parse for 2 weeks now, suddenly I use cocoapods to get another framework. I wonder why this error suddenly arises
check the parse sub-project and make sure it has "x86_64" in both architectures and "required architectures"
where do I check that?
parse sub-project?
is Parse a project & target within your own app's project?
I have the parse framework and all of the included frameworks within the project
this error is occurring within the workspace
and now within the project
7:12 PM
show me a screenshot of the list of files in the left side of your Xcode window.
I'd like to see how you've included the parse files...
ah okay... and where did that Parse.framework come from?
its referring to the 3 parse frameworks
did you build them or did they come from somewhere?
I downloaded the frameworks folder from parse.com 2 weeks ago, dropped them in, copied them to folder and it worked
today I used cocoapods and now they dont
if you look @ my SO question its giving me a ton of errors surrounding parse
7:14 PM
if you right click on the "Parse.framework", you should be able to do "Show In Finder"
takes me to the folder with my project that contains the framework
is there a "MacOS" folder in there? or a "Contents" folder and then inside that, the "MacOS" folder?
you can "show package contents" on that framework
this is inside the parse.framework
7:17 PM
hmmm... what's inside Versions?
What I'm trying to do is get you to find the raw binary
and then we'll look to see if it has symbols for x86_64 (the simulator)
so I can narrow down what the problem is.
go into Current
and what's in there?
Headers, resource folder
and a document named parse
there's a document named Parse?
that's probably the binary.
in Terminal, cd to that directory...
7:18 PM
then type in "`nm -arch x86_64 Parse" on it
and let's see what happens
shows me a >
here is the input "`nm -arch x86_64 Parse"
dunno if I need the quotes
you do not need the quotes.
gives me now an error CDing into it
saying its a directory
now it worked
typed that in
it gives me a massive massive massive list
for "-arch x86_64" ?
0000000000001028 s L_.str
000000000000102c s L_.str1
0000000000001042 s L_.str3
0000000000000e80 S _PARSE_API_VERSION
00000000000010c0 S _PFParseErrorDomain
U ___CFConstantStringClassReference
00000000000010b0 S _kPFDeviceType
0000000000000ff8 S _kPFErrorAccountAlreadyLinked
0000000000000f08 S _kPFErrorCacheMiss
0000000000000ed0 S _kPFErrorCommandUnavailable
0000000000000e90 S _kPFErrorConnectionFailed
0000000000000f98 S _kPFErrorDuplicateValue
0000000000000fa8 S _kPFErrorExceededQuota
nm -arch x86_64 Parse
7:23 PM
yep. So it looks like you have symbols for the simulator there.
I want to figure out why are these errors occuring only after adding a new framework via cocoapods
not to sound like a broken record, but thats really the only that changed between the working and non-working version
ahhh, I see another issue.
the missing symbols appear to be Facebook things.
maybe you are missing another framewrk?
I have a parseFacebookUtils
that's nice... where is FBAppCall defined in your code or in frameworks?
I would assume there
7:31 PM
assumption appears to be wrong.
in that case I dont know, I havent defined it in code anywhere
maybe you should find out where you can pick up the implementations for those missing symbols.
Im going to install the FB SDK and see if that fixes things
don't forget to include the framework into your project
and see if the number of errors goes down
well that fixes one error and creates another
now there are complaints that the bolt.framework and the FB framework share infof
deleted bolts framework and it runs
7:45 PM
I'm glad to hear that it's running...
8:19 PM
except that its not an optimal solution, I cant use FB capabilities with parse now
I need help
So on iPhone 6 Plus (and 6 also) I want 3 items next to each other in a collection view, but iPhone 5 and 4 I want 2 items, How can i do this without detecting the device
Use size classes.
Will that work? I can check but i assume portrait on any iPhone has the same traits
Checking docs now
"_UITraitNameHorizontalSizeClass = Compact" why is anything compact on iPhone 6 Plus!
Ill have to differentiate the devices using size of view and display scale, this is gross and terrible
oh wait, let me rotate again:P
Ok ya, its normal, but still looks same as reported on other devices
hi guys
i'm seeing a consistent crash on ios8 with uiwebviews
UIWebViews crash and no fixes will be done unless you can show proof of crash and how it works, they won't test themselves:P
UIWebView will crash for being on this chat after waiting from some javascript. its all stupid
8:35 PM
anybody here to help me out in ios (swift) - how to transfer data (a string) from one view to another when a countdown timer goes to 0
Nil size classes do nothing really in detecting anything, its all bad
no way to distinct iPhones from each other besides comparing height of screen which is just terrible code i think
Can only check for iPhone 6 Plus because display scale 3.0
3 hours later…
11:13 PM
Q: iOS - How to slow down UISlider at particular value

BigAppleBumpI am working on a customise UISlider where the MinimumValue is 0 and MaximumValue is 100. I want user to slow down the speed at the value of 50. For an example , if a user start sliding from 0 to 100 , it should work in a normal speed from 0-50 and then there should be a speed break at 50 and the...

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I have a problem: How can I update my core data model when the app is in background and recieves a push notification. Currently, messages do not update when the app is in the background and recieves a push notification
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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