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8:00 PM
yup. that's what we felt like too.
not everyone wants independence, ofcourse
but i believe the numbers are 55-60 to yes
Yeah it seems kinda far left
Wow really?
I can see the PM's words making sense towards the Spanish public opinion
numbers might be lower because a populist party called podemos has gained renown since the european elections
and they promise to change spain to fit everyone
i bet all of this sounds very weird for an american
where there are only two parties
That means "can we" right?
we can
8:06 PM
There are hundreds of parties, and two that people actually know about
@CptEric oh derp no shit
I read the stem before the conjugation haha
it's tricky
Podemos! - We can
Podemos? - Can we?
so that was all, the TED chat about catalonia's political stuff.
we're weird, i know.
TED chat?
like a TED talk
but on chat
8:11 PM
oh haha
That was really interesting
i really like voting night
this was the last one
with 3d graphics over the seats as the vote count was going on
oh wow haha
They're really new
yup, the violet ones
the orange ones are relative to your republican aprty
been on catalonia since 2012's elections
Not really
now moved to spain
their ideas i say
8:17 PM
eh ok if you say so
@CptEric That's really cool that they do that ha
Their website is pretty nice
wich one?
8:17 PM
I'm surprised how much I can read too :P
> Podemos nace con la voluntad de construir una forma nueva de hacer política, y para ello estamos construyendo una estructura transparente, ciudadana, abierta, democrática y eficaz.
I'd vote for these guys haha
they sound cool
but then you hear them at the rallies
Portal de Transparencia? How many parties do that lol
and the cool falls apart
all in catalonia, forced by a law
8:19 PM
Oh really?
yes. they are a "Center" party
(there's no way I'd base judgement on a party off their tagline, but as far as taglines go it's pretty good)
@CptEric Political middle?
that means that they are willingly open to accept anyone in their ranks, them being militarists, fascists, or whatever, as long as they vote them.
and they have said it.
So they're not opposing anything?
neither supporting anything
8:21 PM
they present themselves as a "Tool" for the citiziens, and not as a political idea.
Well when you have a lot of polarized parties there's always space in the middle :P
yup, but this is a weird middle
when asked by if their policies are gonna be socialist or liberal ( here liberal has a different meaning than in usa) , he said " they are gonna be what the citiziens want them to be".
That's a smart way to get votes but that ain't no party platform...
Very romantic idea though
yup. emtpy program full of romantic , strong phrases.
but if wanted to vote a tool i'd vote a hammer
8:24 PM
"I'm voting for podemos because they support what I believe in!" - says everyone
meanwhile Ciudadanos is Center liberal and their main competitor
because they do offer a program
of privatization, corporativism and relaxation of taxes for business
ease to fire
less state workers
Ciudandos... Citizens?
the orange ones
they are also anti-catalan, as the PP
and that always gives some votes
true though
They've been around for a while, but only grew in popularity after Podemos...
funny story
in that graphic
you can see pink ones
8:27 PM
right wing fascists, UPyD, Union, People and Democrazy
remove all regional governments, centralized state, more powers to the king, as base of their program
not a joke.
real party, real ideas.
they were the first to call us nazis, actually.
You said it was a funny story?
because they dropped
to almost 0
8:32 PM
I'm surprised they were still so popular a couple years ago
wait no I'm not
one of the things of usa that i like
in this decade maybe a bit
is your declaration of independence
makes me wanna grab a musket and a tricorn.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necassary for one nation to dissolve the bonds that tie them to another, and something something something
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
these last paragraph fits so well in our situation
if i get my hands into the writing of the catalan constitution i'll try to get that paragraph in there XD
8:37 PM
time to sleep soon
i must program hard!
only half a month left to deliver the app
that's the spirit!
Smart people say "I have a shitton of work, let's sleep early!"
but before sleep
i iz a pretty knight.
blue padded cloth, yellow and red helmet
Which one?
2nd from right
two weeks ago
8:44 PM
13th century aragonese court
was pretty cool
why have a job if not to spend the money in having fun, eh?
To save money to make sure you and the people around you can be assured of that fun in the long term
too young for that, i'm still studying XD
once i get a full time job i'll start worrying about saving money
Slightly longer term? Like an emergency fund?
what type of emergency?
8:49 PM
Like 6-12 months. Injury, fire, lightning bolts falling from the sky, getting laid off, whatever
Though you're still studying
so you're probably fine
What time is it there?
live in parents home ,atleast during two years more ( till my GF can move out of her home)
Oh gotcha
so i'm kinda covered
8:50 PM
I'm assuming you're older than you are haha
and you?
guess ;)
i don't know if less or more... hrmmm.
you have a hamster in your picture
hamser ^ the universe = 42
42 - pi * cat = 16.
i have two cats. just that one is lazy
so doesn't count
am i right?
8:55 PM
( i could have just visited your profile and lurked for your mail)
Well without doing that
Are you gonna guess?
i guess around 20-something
You gotta pick a number
you have a lot of rep, that means knowledge.
let's make it 25.
8:59 PM
I'm touched
But if you remember I said I was younger than Tristan
you're too young to have 8k rep. give me some rep XD
It's not that much
Guess how old Rishav is
no sorry not rishav
his age is on his profile actually
i'm a failure
9:01 PM
rep is a function of time
And it gets way easier as you get more
Being younger than Tristan is actually pretty hard
user image
@Luke yeah this is a constant struggle
6 years until you can drink beer.
Well, we're (me and Tristan) roughly the same age. I'm amazed there are people of that age actually doing... something useful
9:04 PM
@CptEric oops
it's three here actually :p
@Luke uhhh
@AnubianNoob o/
But no one will bother to actually enforce that here
@Luke Where?
9:05 PM
Serbia, Europe
@RaghavSood \o
you're young geniuses born in the age of technology . i had to rewind my cassetes with a pencil.... you'll never know the struggle
You can walk into a store in the center of the capital and buy beer without anyone asking any questions
9:06 PM
@Luke You're legally required to have a fake id to purchase alcohol here
@Luke Definition of useful is a hard one
@CptEric I did that too, but I've only ever played cassetes in old car radio
Well, something that works for you and also works for other people
you should visit europe noob, if you "look" old enough, you don't need any type of id they'll never ask anyway
@AnubianNoob Law requires that here as well, but... meh
@Luke Bars and stores can get in trouble, so they won't serve you drinks
@CptEric Yeah I've already planned my trip to Catalonia
Can I crash at your place?
ain't no beds for visits, but i promise hotel beds are cheap as hell in my city
9:09 PM
and you can have real food (in my place) XD
Real food?
a friend just came back from new york
he didn't see a vegetable in two weeks. and tried hard to do so.
Did he bring you the Empire State Building?
@CptEric o.0
he didn't try hard enough
@RaghavSood curious here, how many copies of your book have you sold?
9:11 PM
you come here, you'll eat real paella and not the crap they sell to tourists on the coast not so good that they sell out there
and real pasta! :P
(just joking, you know)
but we're really good cooks, if you ever visit europe it's a must to try our dishes.
for sure
cya, good night
Good night!
9:24 PM
That RaghavSood guy is onto something
18 year olds stealing our thunder
10:00 PM
See you guys tomorrow
See you later, Een
o/ home now lol
10:16 PM
Now to determine what the next blog post will be
go adam!
bourbon-o-clock has arrived at the Trover office
10:31 PM
Not ass-bourbon-o-clock?
Yes, that trover.
Dinner break, mmm
Tristan, timed match?
What else should I write about? Last night I had a ton of ideas, now I'm beat for some reason.
I was gonna do a multi part segment on AdapterViews.
Still at work and the WiFi sucks in the office
10:37 PM
@McAdam331 Write ideas down
whup whup
in nyc
just landed an hour ago
10:41 PM
Don't waste your time here enjoy yourself :)
got through TSA so fast
@Ahmad Welcome! Please read the room rules.
only in Berlin they did an extra check for explosives
LOL adam
:'D codeMagic, I stole your joke. I'm not sorry.
10:42 PM
will do noob! off then!
Oh fuck, Mac, I missed that opportunity this time!
It's okay, at least you got stars for yours.
Have a star anyway for your honesty
Have fun @Ahmad!
10:43 PM
Ahmad, you probably didn't see because you were on a flight, but I made a blog.
@McAdam331 dude that's not cool
Have a star since you lost at chess again.
nah, anub, it reminded me of my original and still made me laugh
God damnit Tristan.
10:44 PM
I let you win because it's your birthday.
Blog <3
Dude, you've lost almost every other time...
Our record is 16-6.
I've won like, a third of the time.
6 / 22 is not even 33%
10:47 PM
this is humiliating
I'd quit my job
and my chess carreer
Probably I'd become a pirate
@AnubianNoob Exactly!
Mac or Tristan up for a match?
I'm about to run out for dinner. I'll ping you when I get back to see if you're on.
10:58 PM
I'm leaving in ~30-45 mins
Alright. Maybe tomorrow.
nope, on vacation until Tuesday
so next week
will give you more time to prepare >:-D
I'll let you practice on me, Mac
Our office flooded Monday night and we had no power until this afternoon!
\o Dave
11:10 PM
Thankfully the computers aren't damaged
11:22 PM
It dropped an inch of rain in 1 hour over central phoenix.
AZ gets 8 inches per year
11:50 PM
@DavidHackro write access to this room requires a min 100 rep on SO
That's nuts, Dave

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