do you have 2 variables with the same name or do you really initialize a variable with itself?
Also your cast is lying to the compiler, you said x points to an int, but it actually points to an int * which is itself. I don't know what you are trying to do there.
no i was just trying to know what is pointer.. i mean when I write int *x = &x, then x is a pointer variable which has some location, and points to some other location am i correct?
then int *x = &x makes x point to itself
@nwp no its one variable, want to initialise a variable with itself
its not any practical code, just came off my mind..
except pointing to an address is useless if you don't know what is there, so there are types attached to each pointer that tell you what is there, and that information is wrong
there are some weird things you can do with it, but nothing really useful. And it is not correct because the type of x says it points to an int, but it actually points to an int *, so everything breaks.
you can kinda do void *p = &p; without breaking the type system but it is still useless.
yes but then doing int* cast is also no good right? the doubt that i have is that why is it not correct, afterall pointer and pointer to pointer actually contain address only, so casting should not be wrong? useless but not wrong?
Also sir is string evaluated as pointer? I mean in character 2d array.
Maybe, but not really. All those annoying things like "deprecated conversion from string constant to char"* happen in python too, except there is no python compiler to tell them that, so it crashes at runtime when they run the code.
you get a backtrace after the fact, not a compilation error before running it, which arguably is worse
I know most of the basics of c++ is there a book which quickly explains things like templates, memory management and more complex inheritance etc, stuff beyond basics really succinctly because looking through principals and practices by Bjarne it seem's unnecessarily verbose
more of a reference style book with short explanations?
SFML Game Development.. i read only few parts, and then tried doing rest on my own.
in very primitive c++. still it wasn't finished, only a ball bouncing off the window, then they teach you about collision detection for, which you can create on your own!
but i am having exams, ill too try to complete that project after exams.
if I want framerate independent physics in a game am I right in thinking I can time the game loop and pass the elapsed time as delta time to an update method and just run the game loop as many times a second as I like
does it matter if I'm updating entities like 500 times a second?
you should instead use logical FPS and have like 30 logical FPS in which you only do logic updates, then when you are done with the logic updates you draw to screen
@exitcode the shape needs to have a position and that ordinarily comes from Position, but instead you take it from Interpolated_position which does the interpolation
maybe, but you need to recompute the visualPosition from the physicalPosition every time anyways, so I wouldn't store the actual visualPosition anywhere, just a function that computes it
But that is something you can add later, just draw some shapes on the screen. You are trying to make the perfect solution, fail at that and then give up and read books. Instead you should make the best solution you can, then figure out that it is actually bad and improve it.
the knowledge required to make it good comes from having failed previously and understanding the problem better this time, not from books
The signature for fstream::read is (char_type* s, std::streamsize count), so I think the cast is required for that reason. Otherwise you would have to have a special fstream that specifically knows how to handle a pointer to obj.
i mean we do (char*) for uniformity right? as the function read would have that type of pointer in its signature ( ie char*), so it could have been (int*) too?
If Obj is T, and you write, sizeof(obj), then it means C++ will look for a function called fstream::read(T*, size_type), which does not exist (compile failure).
The idea is, that you are doing something non-portable and potentially dangerous. This example is probably never guaranteed to work properly, but probably will work as long as you have the same machine architecture and compiler version. If you upgrade compilers or change the optimizer settings, I don't know if it will still work (e.g. padding).
C-style casts are usually shunned in C++ because they do a lot without you thinking about the consequences. Just casting it to make it work may have unintended consequences.
If you have to cast something you should first reconsider your approach. For this case though, you need reinterpret_cast. The C-style cast is basically a shorthand for "try a bunch of different casts until it works"
I guess if you wanted you could create your own fstream subclass that has a read method, but I think the normal approach is to create an istream& operator>>(istream&, Obj) helper function for your Obj type. Then you say stream >> o.
If you do the object dump approach, at minimum put in a magic number somewhere that you can test for, e.g. 0xCAFEBABE. If it's not there, there is a problem. It is no guarantee of course, but for many applications it is good enough.
@samjoe you're using a function which reads bytes, don't be surprised. this is the function that every other I/O function is using
std::getline, operator<<, istream::ignore... all of them
@samjoe relying on an implementation defined mapping between values (this is number 5) and their representation (for example, these are 4 bytes: 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
modifiable sorry.. no.. but I read that it is because my struct is not declare inn the same "function".. I tried strcpy but now I have violation access ^^
@Brandin You really wouldn't need anything terribly special. Most of what you need is a member template. With that, you can easily write something like this: template <class T> istream &read(T &val) { return read((char *)val, sizeof(val));. The main reason this didn't happen is that most of the stream design predates member templates (and now, most people would rather do complete overhaul, not just fix this one minor detail).
I can't use "vector" but I need to play with a list of struct.. and pass through some function like "bubble sort". And because I dont know how many "item" I have.. I try to make a function "set_null" with a list of 256 item... and function will set "null" all field in my struct
@Jean-philippeEmond At a guess, the function has a signature like void f(T &value); (i.e., it's receiving the value by reference). In such a case, you can't pass (for example) a const struct or a temporary--you need to pass an actual struct.
@Jean-philippeEmond Not a big deal--we've gotten accustomed to it.