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i had a question on pointers
if we say

int *x = &x;

it says x is pointer and &x is of type pointer to pointer. I understand that we need to cast, but is such a thing good practice, i mean

int *x = (int*)&x;

and does this have any use? this code just came off my mind...
do you have 2 variables with the same name or do you really initialize a variable with itself?
Also your cast is lying to the compiler, you said x points to an int, but it actually points to an int * which is itself. I don't know what you are trying to do there.
no i was just trying to know what is pointer.. i mean when I write int *x = &x, then x is a pointer variable which has some location, and points to some other location am i correct?
then int *x = &x makes x point to itself
@nwp no its one variable, want to initialise a variable with itself
its not any practical code, just came off my mind..
except pointing to an address is useless if you don't know what is there, so there are types attached to each pointer that tell you what is there, and that information is wrong
but what is happening in this example?
you write the address of x into x
and that is practically useless right? but is it correct, i mean semantically
there are some weird things you can do with it, but nothing really useful. And it is not correct because the type of x says it points to an int, but it actually points to an int *, so everything breaks.
you can kinda do void *p = &p; without breaking the type system but it is still useless.
yes but then doing int* cast is also no good right? the doubt that i have is that why is it not correct, afterall pointer and pointer to pointer actually contain address only, so casting should not be wrong? useless but not wrong?
Also sir is string evaluated as pointer? I mean in character 2d array.
@samjoe you can correctly store the address in the incorrect type. I would not call that correct.
@samjoe depends on if you are talking about std::string or C-strings
thank you that pretty much sums it up!
C strings
c-strings are just a pointer to a char + the convention that you can keep reading chars behind the one pointed at until you find a \0 char
#include <iostream>

int main()
char *c[2] = {"Rameni", "Amenila"};
std::cout << *(*(c+1)+1);
This code is giving error! Is it because c++ doesnt support C strings? The error is:
deprecated conversion from string constant to char*
i think we need a cast.
@samjoe you never ever need a cast
"Rameni" is const, you cannot change it
but then
@samjoe because casts break the type system and make the compiler shut up about errors, which is terrible. You want it to tell you about errors.
so how do we go about making an array of strings
i mean the first element is string, second a string
should the strings be modifiable?
without using std::string, in my school they don't have string
yes or no, better if yes
@samjoe pick one
i guess not possible right?
then no, if yes is not possible
sure you can make modifiable strings
so we can statically allocate them in an array, which requires us to specify the size at compile time
or we dynamically allocate them later and can specify the size at runtime
and how can we do that with static strings like "adadsa"
the static version would be something like char strings[][20] = {"Rameni", "Amenila"}; which means we have 20 bytes for each string
and now it is modifiable so you don't need const anymore
if you write more than 20 bytes into a string bad things happen, so don't do that
yes i was thinking of same thing, but was doing like:
char c[][10] = {{'R','a','m','e','n','i'}, {'A', 'm', 'i'}};
But you gave simpler solution!!
@samjoe that is allowed, just difficult to type
Thank you alot. this language is so pesky at times :(
those who took python are having a good time probably
Maybe, but not really. All those annoying things like "deprecated conversion from string constant to char"* happen in python too, except there is no python compiler to tell them that, so it crashes at runtime when they run the code.
you get a backtrace after the fact, not a compilation error before running it, which arguably is worse
ooh, but at my school they teach only basic python, so they needn't bother much about that :)
I know most of the basics of c++ is there a book which quickly explains things like templates, memory management and more complex inheritance etc, stuff beyond basics really succinctly because looking through principals and practices by Bjarne it seem's unnecessarily verbose
more of a reference style book with short explanations?
@exitcode did you try your hands at pong or an ECS yet?
@nwp I don't really know where to start with an ECS. Don't you need templates for systems and certain components?
I'll give pong a go now actually
@exitcode mostly just for adding components to entities, that is the main thing actually
@exitcode are you using sfml
@samjoe yes
although I have both sdl and sfml installed and set up
then, for making simple graphic games, you can come up with very basic c++ code!
What should I start with for pong
game loop?
i read a book (some parts)
on sfml, i forgot the name
wait a sec..
@exitcode try to follow the sfml tutorial until you can display shapes on screen, then make your Paddle and Ball classes to control the shapes
SFML Game Development.. i read only few parts, and then tried doing rest on my own.
in very primitive c++. still it wasn't finished, only a ball bouncing off the window, then they teach you about collision detection for, which you can create on your own!
but i am having exams, ill too try to complete that project after exams.
if I want framerate independent physics in a game am I right in thinking I can time the game loop and pass the elapsed time as delta time to an update method and just run the game loop as many times a second as I like
does it matter if I'm updating entities like 500 times a second?
@exitcode not a good idea, because calling twice with delta time 10ms will not produce the same as calling it with delta time 20ms once.
I thought this was the method everyone used
Like in unity you put movement in Update() and then multiply velocity by delta time and it doesn't matter how many times it runs?
you should instead use logical FPS and have like 30 logical FPS in which you only do logic updates, then when you are done with the logic updates you draw to screen
so I have a fixed update and an ordinary update and the physics uses the fixed update but rendering occurs as quickly as the cpu cycles or whatever?
but I need to make sure physics is done before I render
well yeah, otherwise you show outdated positions
but what if physics isn't run at 30fps
if something slows it down to 20 say
Should I still pass a different delta time to physics
and times stuff by it
You keep calling update_physics until you caught up. If the computer permanently cannot keep up with window rendering then you just cannot play it.
that means the screen lags, but the game keeps running correctly
surely if physics only updates every 25 fps and you can see stuff 60 fps nothing in the game will move more than once every 2 rendering fps anyway
so it looks like 25fps?
it does, unless you interpolate between logical FPS
so is this bad:

sf::Clock clock;
sf::Time timeSinceLastUpdate = sf::Time::Zero;

while (window_.isOpen())
sf::Time delta = clock.restart();
timeSinceLastUpdate += delta;

while (timeSinceLastUpdate > TimePerFrame)
timeSinceLastUpdate -= TimePerFrame;

animations have more so it looks good and positions can be smoothed out so it is not jumpy
why does the clock restart in a loop?
I think it just counts from 0 in ms then every frame resets so it gives the amount of ms elapsed for each frame
looks about right though, the physics gets updated until it is caught up and the rest is spent rendering
not sure why you need to know how much time elapsed per frame though
in the update loop which I think is a virtual function which is called for every entity, their movement is multiplied by delta time
so I think physics is still tied to framerate, just normalized by delta time which is still problematic
seems reasonable as long as TimePerFrame is a constant
@exitcode how is it tied?
oh nvm it isnt
what is time since last update doing then
I'm confused because this game loop is far simpler than any other example I've looked at
there must be some pitfalls
you need it to know if you need to do more physics updates or not
no clue, can't look inside
but I think you read enough books, you need some practice
how do I render stuff using interpolation if I'm just drawing what the physics has changed
like I would pass interpolation to render() and then somehow do something with it
by letting the renderer look at the time passed since last update + position, velocity and speed when available and adapt the rendering position
or apparently I could use a framerate limit
but that is something for later, for now I'd just make rectangles get drawn on the screen
With the final example
do I need a state machine or something
the whole thing I don't understand is if I use interpolation how does my renderer then handle that
because im just doing window.draw(shape) or something
@exitcode the shape needs to have a position and that ordinarily comes from Position, but instead you take it from Interpolated_position which does the interpolation
oh so I have a physicsPosition and a visualPosition?
@nwp and it's collider uses physicsPosition but renderer draws visualPosition
maybe, but you need to recompute the visualPosition from the physicalPosition every time anyways, so I wouldn't store the actual visualPosition anywhere, just a function that computes it
But that is something you can add later, just draw some shapes on the screen. You are trying to make the perfect solution, fail at that and then give up and read books. Instead you should make the best solution you can, then figure out that it is actually bad and improve it.
the knowledge required to make it good comes from having failed previously and understanding the problem better this time, not from books
Ok I'm underway now, getting there. thanks.
2 hours later…
hey anyone there
i have a doubt
why do we do this in files:
file.read((char*)&obj, sizeof(obj));
What is the type of obj?
i mean the (char*) cast. i do understand that &obj is address of an obj.
It looks like you did a binary dump of obj, and then later you want to resore it.
obj is an object of some class.
no im just reading from file.
into the object obj.
The signature for fstream::read is (char_type* s, std::streamsize count), so I think the cast is required for that reason. Otherwise you would have to have a special fstream that specifically knows how to handle a pointer to obj.
i mean we do (char*) for uniformity right? as the function read would have that type of pointer in its signature ( ie char*), so it could have been (int*) too?
If Obj is T, and you write file.read(&T, sizeof(obj), then it means C++ will look for a function called fstream::read(T*, size_type), which does not exist (compile failure).
so it would have been necessary to do a type cast to a standard data type as classes can be of any variety, but it could have been int* too right?
Brandin so why did C++ files not go for template?
I mean c++ boasts of being modern than c right?
any specific advantage of char* ?
In this example, I think you should technically use reinterpret_cast, i.e. file.read(reinterpret_cast<My_obj_type*>(obj), sizeof(obj))
omg thats way ahead of my level! we have been taught c style char* cast for read and it works (although i learnt that its not good practice)
The idea is, that you are doing something non-portable and potentially dangerous. This example is probably never guaranteed to work properly, but probably will work as long as you have the same machine architecture and compiler version. If you upgrade compilers or change the optimizer settings, I don't know if it will still work (e.g. padding).
C-style casts are usually shunned in C++ because they do a lot without you thinking about the consequences. Just casting it to make it work may have unintended consequences.
If you have to cast something you should first reconsider your approach. For this case though, you need reinterpret_cast. The C-style cast is basically a shorthand for "try a bunch of different casts until it works"
@samjoe Don't read binary data into a struct directly
If you write a struct that way on one machine, and then try to read it on the other, it's very unlikely to read the same contents.
I guess if you wanted you could create your own fstream subclass that has a read method, but I think the normal approach is to create an istream& operator>>(istream&, Obj) helper function for your Obj type. Then you say stream >> o.
Do proper serialization instead
by "proper" I mean the one which will provide reliable guarantees wrt representations: endianess, length, ordering, padding, and so on, and so on
i guess it got little too advanced for me atm.
hhaha yes milleniumbug i had to read it into struct
If you do the object dump approach, at minimum put in a magic number somewhere that you can test for, e.g. 0xCAFEBABE. If it's not there, there is a problem. It is no guarantee of course, but for many applications it is good enough.
@samjoe you're using a function which reads bytes, don't be surprised. this is the function that every other I/O function is using
std::getline, operator<<, istream::ignore... all of them
@samjoe relying on an implementation defined mapping between values (this is number 5) and their representation (for example, these are 4 bytes: 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
2 hours later…
Hi guys!
why a struct received by parameter of my function said: expression must be a modificable value?
@Jean-philippeEmond it actually said "modificable"?
modifiable sorry..
no.. but I read that it is because my struct is not declare inn the same "function".. I tried strcpy but now I have violation access ^^
its not better.. I guess
@Brandin You really wouldn't need anything terribly special. Most of what you need is a member template. With that, you can easily write something like this: template <class T> istream &read(T &val) { return read((char *)val, sizeof(val));. The main reason this didn't happen is that most of the stream design predates member templates (and now, most people would rather do complete overhaul, not just fix this one minor detail).
I can't use "vector" but I need to play with a list of struct.. and pass through some function like "bubble sort". And because I dont know how many "item" I have.. I try to make a function "set_null" with a list of 256 item... and function will set "null" all field in my struct
6 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
@Jean-philippeEmond At a guess, the function has a signature like void f(T &value); (i.e., it's receiving the value by reference). In such a case, you can't pass (for example) a const struct or a temporary--you need to pass an actual struct.
@Jean-philippeEmond Not a big deal--we've gotten accustomed to it.
@Hemant Hello. How are you?
I pass like void set_null(donnee *donn)
if I change to get the donn[256]... it is like a pointer well I not need to return struct?
@Jean-philippeEmond Same basic idea--pointer to non-const rather than reference to non-const, but effectively the same general idea.
or if yes.. I'm piss off because I need to return a ref. because I can't return donnee[256] :-/
3 hours later…
will somebody be kind enough to look at this post stackoverflow.com/questions/43035319/…
Jan 28 at 11:41, by milleniumbug
also don't use new/delete, these are low-level tools, you don't need them
@ShrijanAryal just follow what your set function is doing
get a paper notebook, and follow the code, or use a debugger and do that

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