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7:00 PM
no template, only a simple router (Arya)
ok, now if you bundle that up as a packagist package
is it still vanilla php?
@MarcelBurkhard no, it is using a micro-framework, and just because input/output management is shitty.
you see where I'm going with this? Anyway I'd love to see more people using composer and components and code reusable components instead of "frameworks" but you'll still need something that wires it together and if you don't want to do that everytime you'll be using a framework by my definition of framework...
@MarcelBurkhard There's nothing to bundle up.
I don't use any preset collection of libraries tied together in a framework.
I'm actually using this for now: github.com/PatrickLouys/no-framework-tutorial
chances are I will use a very similiar "Bootstrap.php" in multiple projects
that Bootstrap.php (with Routes.php and Dependencies.php) is my framework, how do you avoid having these parts duplicated across projects?
7:08 PM
Bootstrap.php? Doing what?
calling vendor/autoload.php
instantiating auryn injector and a router
Yeah, it's a bit of a shame to have no proper router/dispatcher in PHP built-in
Also… instantiating Auryn usually is always redone from scratch
but it's going to be copy & paste mostly?
$injector = new Auryn\Provider(new Auryn\ReflectionPool);
this one line? yes…
oh and btw
if you look for getting started on the offical site you get shit code, and chances are if you look around on the net you'll get tutorials advocating shit code
that's when you start looking for a way to get better structured code, which will lead you to frameworks (because those are more "popular" than composer)
7:17 PM
McDonalds is also very popular.. but it is not healthy
... or so I heard
btw.. cheers
They actually face a decrease in sales now though
yeah… same issue with frameworks
cheers to you too @RonniSkansing
7:18 PM
@RonniSkansing That was the funny thing. Some guy made a documentary about how unhealthy he was after eating a month of McDonald's. And I was like "Duh, anyone could have told you that"
@bwoebi that's not the point, just elaborating on my "make it more attractive"-statement
@Machavity you're not talking about the movie "super size me" by any chance?
@MarcelBurkhard Yeah
Any of you do unity3d?
wouldn't exactly consider that a "documentary" but oh well..
@MarcelBurkhard A lot of people do, sadly
7:21 PM
@MarcelBurkhard Most people first need to be past the frameworks in their evolution before they're able to understand the magnificence of just a tiny micro-framework with only the really needed libraries.
And ideally libraries are really small and don't cover a shitload of things…
@bwoebi that's true, but that's so much wasted time and effort
what's so much wasted time/effort?
learning some shit frameworks first
learning is never wasted, anything
but as it stands today It's way to hard to go the micro-framework route from the get-go
7:24 PM
yea, learn something like slim, then add a DI, then add an ORM, etcetc
@MarcelBurkhard I must admit I never learned a framework from grond up.
@bwoebi oh.. you should try that.. .. ....
@MarcelBurkhard because everything else looks so attractive bidding solutions to everything...
@RonniSkansing I mean… I've started, but I never finished, because it sucked.
=] yes it does
@bwoebi NOT using a full stack framework is the superior choice, but I feel it's a pitty that most people need to learn frameworks first before the realize (after years) that it sucks.
7:26 PM
fwiw i disagree, but hey
@MarcelBurkhard yeah, fortunately I was off that track after a few weeks already :-)
it took me a year, it's just that some things you can't know unless you're told
imho using a full stack framework gives perspective on the cohesion needed when you deal with a large set of coding conventions
@MarcelBurkhard Also… well… frameworks don't inherently suck … but they're aimed at … bad to moderate programmers who can't do better.
@bwoebi that's pure bs, honestly :p
7:29 PM
^^ in case you haven't seen it yet
Haven't you already posted it here?
maybe, I don't remember this morning
I have for loop (tried a while as well) that is set up as
(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
This for loop is only looping once and i can not figure out why... Fair note the 2 is a return value from a method
shouldn't php.net (being a official source) link to some good resources on NOT producing php spaghetti code?
then write them
@HatterisMad that's not PHP code you're showing
7:32 PM
meant to be more like pseudo code
well there is stuff that's ok-ish, at least it mentions composer and oop et cetera...
example: http://www.phptherightway.com/
for ($i = 0; $i < $DB->getTotalRows(); $i++) { -- getTotalRows var_dumps as a 2
@StefanoTorresi It's just that good programmers like them too … It's a way to share their code with others.
might not be perfect by a long shot, but magnitudes better than this: php.net/manual/en/tutorial.forms.php
if i echo from inside of the loop it only prints out once, the code in the loop is also only being run once
7:34 PM
@bwoebi that's irrelevant, i know good programmers who like wordpress. i don't care about who uses what, i care about what is useful for me and others like me
@MarcelBurkhard This is the beginning. The basics. You should not begin at high level without understanding what the possible implications at low level are.
@StefanoTorresi Oh, I surely always find good features in a crappy codebase if I just search hard enough.
@bwoebi and you can't. But if you google for "php tutorial" you'll wind up with code that I consider shit
@HatterisMad the ->getTotalRows() is being called on each iteration. Are you sure it's returning the same thing each time?
@bwoebi and you'll always find something you don't like in a good codebase too, if you search hard enough ;)
@MarcelBurkhard but that manual page isn't shit.
7:36 PM
@ircmaxell let me try removing it from the loop
@bwoebi yes it's not, but somewhere there (on the right side I guess) it should link to further reading
@StefanoTorresi yep. It's just people getting used to these good things and missing them otherwhere and dismissing that then as shit.
@MarcelBurkhard I don't disagree, but phptherightway is more aimed at people who already know coding.
@bwoebi that also describes the ones who use personal bundles of small libs and dismiss frameworks as shit :D
@bwoebi all I'm esentially saying is that there should be good resources on programming with php using best practices that actually show up on google
because it seems that a lot of people use full-stack frameworks because of a lack of knowing that there would be another way
@StefanoTorresi Except that it's not. Picking each time anew what libraries you use. Don't be fixated on the one true solution. Be flexible with the code you use.
7:43 PM
@bwoebi yea, that's a nice approach, but my point is that everything has some value somehow, i wouldn't go around dismissing stuff as shit just because i dont use/like it. unless is for the lulz, like idk.... artisanal stuff... :D
@MarcelBurkhard People often also aren't interested in other ways. They see a way which works and then use it.
@bwoebi plus, not everyone has the time to explore new stuff each time, and some become more confident at their job with the tools they get used to.
@StefanoTorresi It's a lot about passion.
@ircmaxell i don't think this problem is going to be explained logically. I just pulled that out and assigned it to a temp variable and saved the file and it threw a datetime formatting error in a completely seperate file, revert this file back to normal and the error went away. Either way yes i had previously checked that the getTotalRows was returning the same value each iteration. Just felt like humoring your good idea.
If you want the time you find it…
7:45 PM
The only reason i say I don't think it will be explained logically is because the code is getting eval'd and parsed by a really shitty forum software. Sometimes it just does what the fuck it wants to lol
@bwoebi well I can only speak for myself, but a year ago I spent quite some time evaluating "the best php framework" I was looking for the best way... If there was a good resource on doing it the way that you do I would've probably used that, now I'm stuck with symfony2
@StefanoTorresi every time? correct. But most times you should be exploring, otherwise you'll never grow. Remember your half-life is 18 months in this industry unless you keep learning...
@ircmaxell never said every time, there is time for exploring, but there are also the bills to pay
@StefanoTorresi I said "that I consider shit"
well actually that last time, I seem to have said shit before today ^^
7:49 PM
@MarcelBurkhard I'd like to read that tutorial too… because I wouldn't be able to illustrate it myself in a way people understand it.
@bwoebi and that's the issue I can't believe nobody adressed yet
@StefanoTorresi I know, I was agreeing with you, but putting a nuance on the argument
I think the php ecosystem would benefit from such a tutorial
@MarcelBurkhard I mean it's a very hard topic to address.
@ircmaxell oh, misread then :) but yea, I'm with you on the stagnation issue
7:50 PM
@bwoebi yes, I think @Patrick is writing a book about it
@StefanoTorresi btw. people are also often just exploring as much as they need. [aka mostly passively when searching for solutions to a problem]
@MarcelBurkhard what topic exactly?
@ircmaxell quite true, that's when they lack the passion you talk about
@bwoebi disagree with "as much as they need", but better than none definitely
@ircmaxell I mean as much as they need to survive in industry.
Not as much as they need to deliver good work.
7:53 PM
@bwoebi you ever read this: github.com/PatrickLouys/no-framework-tutorial ? I don't know what his book is about, but I guess it's about using the composer ecosystem, maybe some TDD?..
I still disagree on that. at least for reasonable definitions of "survive"
@ircmaxell In the sense of getting and not immediately loosing the job
in most places, that's not enough growth to "get" a job (and I'm not talking google scale)
@MarcelBurkhard Well we have some more to do to it; but for the most part it is
@ircmaxell I never was in interviews nor do I know how they're deciding concretely… I can't tell.
7:56 PM
@ircmaxell in switzerland it would be
@ircmaxell i disagree, i live in a place where the average pay for a developer is 1/5 of yours, i doubt you realize the scale of how "surviving in the industry" varies.
There's enough work to pay people who never have programmed before to program. Look at the market for WP "developers"
that's not what I mean when I say survive
I mean survive as an actual developer on an actual team with stability.
@ircmaxell In that case I agree with you.
gn8, cu around
@ircmaxell that's the point, the parameters vary. i've known teams who regards themselves as top level and work with the biggest clients the national market can offer, but you wouldn't consider them "actual developers" at all, trust me
8:00 PM
Anyone know when we're supposed to hear back on PNWPHP Conference proposals?
nevertheless they are established, they feel like they have their place in the industry, and don't care that much about growing as they should
Derick overrides pull request
Seems reasonable. Stas was at fault here.
8:02 PM
@LeviMorrison it'll likely be at least a few weeks, if not a month or so
yeah, seconded
At the same time I don't think an objection by Derick is enough to kill the feature.
He has historically made some ridiculous decisions with that extension and we let him get away with it.
do you guys still have the sheldon cooper image
DateTimeImmutable should have never existed in the first place, not in the way it does right now anyway.
you know
that one
8:04 PM
@NikiC Stas wasn't at fault? It's just people having to complain for everything not RFC'ed.
that was added in 5.6.0 without an RFC
what's the fucking difference?
I want to revert all of Derick's changes in that extension with regards to Immutable and Interfaces.
(sorry, I'm upset)
It's complete and utter garbage.
I was not as involved back then or I would have heavily protested.
8:05 PM
Yeah, these two things should not have a common interface
oh god why is DateTimeInterface a thing
@Rican7 that is dumb
It should be noted that you cannot implement this interface yourself, you'll get a fatal error (apparently by design). Instead, this interface is (currently) only useful for type checking or type hinting to allow either DateTime or DateTimeImmutable.

function someFunction(DateTimeInterface $date){
    //$date could be either DateTime or DateTimeImmutable
public static function createImmutable(DateTimeInterface $date): DateTimeImmutable;
public static function createMutable(DateTimeInterface $date): DateTime;
@Andrea that's because some ext/date functions were expecting DateTimeInterface and treating it like it's a DateTime object (using its internal structure), so this is kinda reasonable. But having a common interface is probably not...
8:06 PM
Also… so hard to just clone an object… why do we need that immutable thingy?
@LeviMorrison @bwoebi @Rican7 I'm not giving any opinion as to whether or not the change makes sense (honestly, now that the date.timezone warning is gone I don't give a single fuck about the datetime extention) - just saying that Stas merging a change to which there were objections on list without any clear resolution is wrong.
And evidently, he just didn't see the discussion, no biggie
@nikita2206 Make it an abstract class then
An interface is misleading
Interfaces are usually, well, possible to implement
anyway bye
@Andrea I don't remember why it wasn't made as an abstract class. Anyway these two things are pretty different, they are related only in functionality, but not in behavior, they should not be in the same hierarchy
@NikiC Btw, I can't post comments to github right now for whatever reason.
Here's what I was trying to post:
The reason is that if you have `isArray()` you probably think it's typed like this: `function (array $value)`. With union types that assumption is not necessarily true: `function (array|Traversable $value)`.

If shipping without Reflection support isn't an option then let's ship *only* with getting the raw text. Anyway, that's how I feel about it.
8:08 PM
@LeviMorrison you need to try a few times
@NikiC Oh, my fault… I thought Derick only complained after merge.
@NikiC I did :(
> For them isInstance(), isArray(), etc return false and isUnion() returns true
@NikiC No, you don't get it.
For a union type the individual is* methods won't return true
so there should be no confusion in that direction
8:09 PM
I know people will check isArray() and assume that the declaration is array $value
@LeviMorrison yes, and they will be right
That is not necessarily a bad assumption because right now that's true, ignoring the = null
Now someone make a RFC to deprecate immutable in 7.1 again.
isArray() only returns true for array or ?array
But once you add union types that goes out the window.
8:10 PM
but not for array|int or whatever
Their code will be logically broken.
this took years, but somehow they decided to open up: github.com/JetBrains/phpstorm-stubs
eih… Isn't is_array expecting an untyped arg?
@hakre \o/
@LeviMorrison I don't see how their code would be broken apart from not supporting union types - and I would not expect code using type reflection to automatically support union types by magic
8:11 PM
@NikiC Because they will generate code based on the result of isArray().
@LeviMorrison and? what's the problem with that?
@LeviMorrison I think the difference is between isArray() and acceptsArray(), which are similar, but conceptually different
@NikiC Are you being facetious?
@LeviMorrison No, I think you just didn't understand how I suggest isArray() to behave, namely RETURN *****FALSE***** FOR UNION TYPES
note that that there is a false, not a true
if ($hint->isArray()) {
    echo "array ";
People are going to write that code.
And it will be logically incorrect if union types are introduced.
8:13 PM
@LeviMorrison and what's wrong with that?
yep they are, I don't see anything wrong with it
@NikiC That's just bullcrap.
no it won't, isArray() literally means "the type is for an array". which is identical to array $foo
Maybe I'm just in a foul mood right now.
But it looks like to me everyone is just being horribly narrow minded.
I'm going to take a break.
... Oh.
8:14 PM
Sorry if I'm being a doo-doo head.
Before I go, doesn't mbeccati visit here?
I still can't comment on PRs.
@LeviMorrison I think we should just name it acceptsArray() etc. which would be what you really want…
@bwoebi We still need the isArray information
adding acceptsArray is unnecessary forward-compatiblity for something we do not know will exist
and easily implemented in userland with the raw information as well
@NikiC Just because it isn't accepted doesn't mean it can't highly the shortcomings of a new API.
I'm fine with legacy garbage staying there, but there are plenty of issues with what is proposed.
@NikiC what for?
And for reference, I've edited that RFC a lot and worked on the same issue with Return Types as well, in case you don't remember.
8:18 PM
@bwoebi for the very basic case of generating a signature, for example
@NikiC Absolutely not. (string) $type or $type->toString() or something.
@NikiC How would you then eventually generate a union-typed signature?
That's a basic overview of how you could include future union type support
For instance, isNull() does not mean function (null $value)
And generics support
@LeviMorrison It's called isNullable(). Which does mean what it says
isNull() would indeed not make sense, you are correct in that observation
8:20 PM
My point is that it's using the same convention when it's actually something differnt.
All the others are exact matches based on type.
And then there is isNullable() which is not an exact match.
We already have union types in this sense.
I don't see an isNull() on that PR
Anyway, I'm taking a break now.
@NikiC I think always getting an array of ReflectionTypeHints would allow a much easier and unified handling.
@bwoebi Unnecessary forward-compat...
1 min ago, by Levi Morrison
And then there is isNullable() which is not an exact match.
8:22 PM
Do you also want to implement it as if we already had generics, @bwoebi?
@NikiC We already have union types.
We already have at least one union type.
We have nullable types
@LeviMorrison internally?
@NikiC Which is a ************* union type of something and null.
Which is one, single, particular, kina-union type
8:23 PM
Stop being so narrow minded. This is REALLY grating on my nerves. We already have one union type and whether we add more or not we shouldn't create a garbage API.
@ircmaxell Would you mind giving me a sanity check here? Am I crazy?
@LeviMorrison uh, please take your break.
@NikiC what are you saying specifically, that nullable types are a form of union type? or not?
@ircmaxell No, not that, I mean this whole discussion
@NikiC Yeah, that's the issue with needing to spread typing over two versions because feature freeze (freeze isn't a bad thing, but has certain side-effects here). I agree that it's forward compat, but you maybe want to be able to expose the types of internal functions. Which isn't forward compat in that case.
Also, after we have fixed an API for 7.0 it'll be hard to change it in 7.1.
8:28 PM
@ircmaxell Is it that unreasonable to expect that isArray() returns true only for array (or nullable array) typehints? And that union types (should they be added) get a isUnion+getUnionTypes or similar methods?
@NikiC I don't really get what @LeviMorrison is asking for. It sounds like he wants isArray() to return true for array|Traversable
@NikiC I want a way to have a nice API for both versions. … But maybe we also can just break this in 7.1 then as it will anyway require an update of everything using reflectiontypehint.
@NikiC I think that is appropriate.
however, I think we need a ReflectionTypeDeclaration class, which has ->isArray(), etc, and then isUnion() and getUnionTypes(): ReflectionTypeDeclaration[]
@ircmaxell That's pretty much exactly what I want
Just with ReflectionType without the Declaration ^^
function acceptsArray(ReflectionTypeDeclaration $r) {
    if ($r->isArray()) {
        return true;
    if ($r->isUnion()) {
        return [] != array_filter($r->getUnionTypes(), "acceptsArray");
    return false;
8:31 PM
@ircmaxell I dislike the way of considering union types and normal types as something different. Normal types are basically just an union on a set of just one element.
@bwoebi Yes, and normal types are really just generic types with a zero parameter type constructor ;)
@bwoebi then change the method names from isArray() to acceptsArray()
@NikiC exact. Which you can easily define at the point where Generics would be introduced.
is implies singular, and exact
@ircmaxell which is my point.
8:33 PM
@bwoebi and I'd be fine with that
@bwoebi I'm telling you the same about union types. I.e. that I wouldn't design an API around them now while they don't yet exist. Same as designing an API now around future generic types
@ircmaxell But wouldn't you still want to know, for some purposes, whether something accepts only arrays? I think this information is still necessary and isArray() gives you more information than acceptsArray() in that case.
@NikiC I just mean, generic types wouldn't need any change in current API, they'd just add a method.
@NikiC I think it's worth the discussion though. Not to design the API for union types, but to design it to not make them more difficult/unweildy. It's thinking in a forward-compatible manner
@ircmaxell Oh yes, thinking about something like acceptsArray() is okay, I was referring to the suggestion of directly returning an array of types from getType() here.
@NikiC I definitely would. But I think that case is the slightly less common one, which would mean that having that case be 2 method calls $r->count() == 1 && $r->acceptsArray() is not horrific
8:36 PM
The other thing that is bothering me is that I spent a lot of time on this exact subject when I proposed return types. I had a fully working new API that I thought was prudent to pull out before voting.
@NikiC oh yeah, I wouldn't do that
Yet nobody seems to be thinking about all that work I did. Nobody cares. They just want Reflection types so badly they can't see beyond three feet in front of them.
what's the link to the PR in question?
We should not care so about 7.0 that it makes our life more difficult in 7.1 or 8.0.
class ReflectionTypeDeclaration {
    function __toString();
That should be the default if nothing else.
If we need some kind of Reflection support for 7.0 then it should be pretty much that.
Oh btw, I agree that having isArray, isCallable and isScalar is a bit weird. I'd go with just __toString, isInstance and isNullable. The other ones are just special values of __toString. The isNullable one is strictly necessary I'd say and isInstance is a convenience so you don't have to maintain a list of all non-instance typehints to compare against.
8:39 PM
@LeviMorrison I agree with your assessment re isInstance and isScalar
Hey, @ircmaxell, your email on Internals about deprecating the salt is a bit rushed.
If you merge it in on Friday that's essentially only been 3 days since you brought it up.
@LeviMorrison I'll gladly wait more if people want
I'm not against it, but I feel like if someone is against it they may not have had time yet to say anything.
@NikiC What features for reflection do you need in 7.0?
Essentially just the string version of what was declared, yes?
(Oh, you kind of answered it: isNullable and isInstance)
I have no qualms waiting, but if there's no discussion, what's the point of waiting? I'll gladly wait at least a little while...
@ircmaxell It all goes back to time.
Not everyone is going to be checking their Internals emails every day.
Especially not after The Flood from scalar types discussion.
8:46 PM
Anyone have a better name for isInstance()?
@NikiC isObject
@LeviMorrison yeah, I know :-/
@ircmaxell That would however be confusing should we add an object typehint
Though actually, isInstance() would have the same issue
isClass() ?
As you likely don't want it to return true for object - you want it to distinguish "special" types from class/interface types
(I know interfaces can be used as well)
8:48 PM
I'm 100% serious.
@LeviMorrison That ... may actually be it
yeah, seconded
It's not like we have to save characters or something
@ircmaxell Except internals can provide classes and interfaces.
That's not exactly a "User Type"
8:48 PM
class ReflectionType {
    public function toString();
    public function isClassOrInterface();
that solves the 80% use-case, right?
class ReflectionTypeDeclaration {
    function __toString(): string;
    function isClassOrInterface(): boolean;
    function allowsNull(): boolean;
ah yeah, forgot allowsNull()
Any complaints? (sorry Anthony, didn't mean to steal thunder)
how would you differentiate allowsNull from nullable?
actually, nevermind, it's not up to the type to do that
I'd prefer to avoid the word "nullable" since ?DateTime in HHVM is nullable and so is DateTime $t = null.
8:51 PM
yeah, I was meaning differentiating "allows null" from "is required", but that's not the type declaration
Yeah, that's a ReflectionParameter thing.
borrow from js
@LeviMorrison exactly
it's a bool
ignore me. :backs away:
I guess technically it's this:
8:53 PM
@LeviMorrison yeah, I think that's a good start. It doesn't limit us in the future yet still solves the pressing issues, no?
class ReflectionTypeDeclaration {
    function __toString(): string;
    function isClassOrInterface(): bool;
    function allowsNull(): bool;
so next point to discuss is the class name
It's a type declaration.
TypeDeclaration or Type
Is it? Wouldn't a type declaration actually declare a type?
"string" imho is a type, not a type declaration
8:55 PM
@NikiC In the context of reflection I would say it's a type declaration, for either a parameter or return type.
I also feel like ReflectionType composes better - wrt to union types and generics
@LeviMorrison the declaration is how you get to the type, no?
I.e. calling each part of a union type a type declaration is weird, don't you think?
I'd prefer ReflectionType. I just seem to remember some people not liking it for whatever reason.
Just not ReflectionTypeHint, please oh please oh please!
@LeviMorrison yeah, definitely not that :D
8:57 PM
class ReflectionType {
    function __toString(): string;
    function isClassOrInterface(): bool;
    function allowsNull(): bool;
and ReflectionTypeAnnotation just feels off
@LeviMorrison Yeah, that's okay with me
hang on
isNullable() would have been okay with me as well - I'm not 100% sure which one is better there
8:58 PM
is it worth adding support for getting the fully-qualified class/interface name separated from the declared one?
@ircmaxell I don''t think that belongs in ReflectionType.
@ircmaxell wait, wouldn't __toString() return the fully qualified one?
I think only that would make sense - we always deal in fully qualified ones in strings
@LeviMorrison you very well may be right, I'm just asking the question if it's worth it
function getOriginalDeclaration()
For instance, why wouldn't you want a fully qualified name for a function? (I actually hit this sometimes and it bothers me to do __NAMESPACE__ . '\somefunction').
Actually we don't even store it in the form it was originally written in the code - and don't think we should
8:59 PM
nevermind then

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