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12:20 AM
ah @jaggedSpire :)
hi bby
Tony! Hey :)
Just wanted to say hi before going to bed :)
I've been suffering embedded programming.
A true test of my patience
@TonyTheLion well, I hope you have a good night's sleep then.
@TonyTheLion alas
I shall
I spent today unsuccessfully trying to figure out which commit two compiled executables were produced from
I thought I'd isolated the introduction of a behavior, but the person who both committed the change and compiled the executable without the behavior committed the change several days before the executable was put on the server
he didn't seem to know enough about source control that I think he did anything interesting there
the entire thing is very strange
ey, it's @Ell
12:29 AM
I started watching House of Cards
Loving it so far
so you might say
you like its deal
@Ell Which one? The US version, or the original UK version?
an ace of a show, a diamond in the rough. You <3 the show, and'll club anyone who says it sucks
@TonyTheLion When people mention embedded programming, I want to come up with some way of treating the "embedded" as similar to the "embedded reporters" with some line about crappy cell phone video and such, but I haven't figured out a way to make it all really fit together...
I don't really know how to shoehorn spade in there
12:43 AM
@JerryCoffin US version
I've heard the UK one wasn't very good, but I haven't seen it myself
@Ell I found it quite enjoyable. Although it branched out later, the early US episodes were based quite closely on material from the UK version.
@Telkitty Because each developer demands a unique environment--and most of them are picky as hell, so the slightest thing out of place is likely to lead to a nuclear meltdown.
pretty sure many dev just want the system to work
@Telkitty Right. That's where there's never been even the slightest argument about things that both work, such as Vi vs. EMACS.
1:34 AM
still, I would assume most would want something that works in one go, then you can improve it to your fancy
1:51 AM
static_assert(sizeof(series_data) == 113, "allo");
@Luc quand tu retombes sur du code oublié depuis bien longtemps
if I enable VT-x in the BIOS, is it going to be any potential harm?
2:11 AM
@Telkitty Eclipse is the closest to 1-click IDE you'll get.
Lots of preconfigured versions
I am moving away from eclipse because all the plugin and addon issues
2:39 AM
moving to android studio is easier than I thought, but I am running a very simple app
wait until I port the one with 20x complicity across
2:55 AM
I can't find any proof that VT-x has any affect on performance, there once was a fear that it could lead to a security risk although I don't know if this played out.
3:35 AM
@Telkitty Well, at least for those using Windows, VS provides that. Granted, it's nearly the only one.
@Aaron3468 I always thought of it as about the opposite: install, reinstall, change configuration, no matter what you do it never really works.
Can confirm eclipse is total crap, back in the day those guys used to even ship their own JVM
I once "TA-ed" a class where students would drop because using Eclipse was too hard
4:15 AM
eclipse is not so bad in itself, but once you start adding plugins and addons and you need to keep them up to date, it could be a hazard
@JerryCoffin Yeah, I have given up configuring. I stick with vanilla settings
I start with vanilla settings then occasionally get irritated and change a keybinding
or install custom themes
or text macros what is wrong with you Microsoft
most recent tweak was F5 to run all tests with the test window focused
I was hoping to make it the "run" behavior while looking at code in an mstest project, but eh
4:32 AM
Anybody got a favorite 40GbE switch?
4:42 AM
@Mikhail I leave stuff like that to the IT guys (but I believe they tend toward Mellanox and Juniper).
Wow, you have coworkers?
@Mikhail I realize it's a little hard to believe anybody would put up with a jerk like me, but stranger things have happened (allegedly happened, anyway).
tempted to buy one
Hmmm, I found either a bug in the library I'm using or in python 3.6. Or in my computer. But it's not me because my code works fine on both versions of python.
4:48 AM
or you are using the library wrong
Calling it a certain way from the terminal seems to drop commandline arguments as if they don't exist
I think it might be related to this problem
@Mikhail Looks like that's only the backplane, so you'll need at least a few QSFP transceivers for it to do anything useful.
5:03 AM
Yay, problem solved (until the windows poltergeist strikes again)
italicize that
@jaggedSpire it sucks
actually I've never watched it
5:19 AM
Nice save
5:45 AM
the inertia I feel ... before making big changes to a currently working existing app/software
@Aaron3468 because windows
@Telkitty you are only now moving to Android Studio? It has been out for like 3 years. Version 3.0 is in alpha
6:11 AM
@RudiantoPrasetya -1 pas de variable nommée toto ou tata dans la condition
@jaggedSpire fluff
6:27 AM
Oh, that was only one image link :)
@Code-Apprentice I have one project that involves many external lib and very hard to port
looks plug has been pulled for android support on eclipse
6:47 AM
@RudiantoPrasetya Quand j'dis 113, tu dis ouaaaais groos
@Telkitty are the libs available in maven?
7:03 AM
#TabbysStar IS DIPPING! OBSERVE!! @NASAKepler @LCO_Global @keckobservatory @AAVSO @nexssinfo @NASA @NASAHubble @Astro_Wright @BerkeleySETI
You've got to love the passion of scientists when they smell the opportunity to learn new things
I want to believe helium drives are reliable
@Mikhail Helium drives?
How do I call this kind of initialisation? double d {2.3};complex<double> x {d1, d2};
it's a complex initialisation
7:19 AM
Initialization, see the C++ standard for the correct spelling
I just got the reference here. Any reason for introducing braced-init-list? What is the advantage of using {} syntax over = for initialization?
you can’t write complex<double> x = d1, d2; to perform the same initialization
Looks like 40 Gbe is prohibitively expensive because the routers seem to cost around $15k. Anybody got a good card for dual bonding 10 Gbes?
Am new to this syntax, auto b = true, Is it type inference performed by a compiler that allows the compiler to know the type of b at compile time. GO language also has similar syntax.
7:31 AM

C++ Questions and Answers

Solve problems and approach solutions. Just ask and lurkers wi...
ok thank you
am i the only one who browses SO way too much?
it's supposed to be used to ask questions and save time, but i waste time by browsing
7:49 AM
On Opera at work the update thing works and a number appears in the title showing number of new questions, so I occasionally expand the list.
On Firefox it doesn't work so I would need to refresh manually and I get lazy and don't do it, so typically I waste more time at work \o/
Bah, Python woes on Cygwin.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import regex


str = regex.sub(r"([\p{Emoticons}\p{Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs}\p{Transport and Map Symbols}]+)", r"{\\emojifont \g<1>}", str, flags = regex.V1 | regex.UNICODE)
Why Python on Cygwin?
The above does not do the replacement on Cygwin.
@Mikhail Because.
Python version?
@R.MartinhoFernandes 2.7.
7:56 AM
@wilx emojis in python?
You should be more outraged by Python 2.7
@Code-Apprentice That is a reduced version of a bigger thing: github.com/wilx/tweet2latex
I think Python 2 is stuck in Unicode 5.2
@R.MartinhoFernandes But it works on my Xubuntu with Python 2. :(
I could be wrong; that's my vague recollection
7:58 AM
Also, this is using the regex package, not the built-in re.
I have installed that manually through pip2 on Cygwin.
Does matching work?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Do you mean at all?
With the regex you have.
I don't see what could be wrong here other than mismatched Unicode versions :/
8:03 AM
wow, opera is nice as hell
@R.MartinhoFernandes It works on Xubuntu.
should I wipe W10 on laptop y/n
fuck w10
@RudiantoPrasetya Depends on the action that will follow that wipe.
Installing a real OS (probably not Debian though because I don't expect it to handle a recent laptop)
So Arch/Ubuntu or derivatives
8:06 AM
Install FreeBSD
@wilx and on Cygwin?
@Horttanainen I said real OS
define real OS
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, the Cygwin test does not seem to match the string.
8:07 AM
top kek
ubuntu is nice
get out
@Horttanainen OpenVMS!
@RudiantoPrasetya I wouldn't install Arch. They break shit all the time.
@R.MartinhoFernandes There are stabler derivatives that don't break much.
@Horttanainen who are you talking to?
8:08 AM
The man who calls linux a real OS
isn't it?
Everything is an illusion.
Ubuntu if u wanna run server w. cpanel
If FreeBSD isn't then linux surely is not
FreeBSD has BSD in the name so I'd only use it for comedic effect, not for anything involving actual computers.
8:10 AM
@wilx I have a VaxStation 3100 with Vax/VMS installed on it. Is this good enough?
@wilx did you exclude presentation issues?
Maybe your terminal fucks up.
@R.MartinhoFernandes This shows up in the real tool as LaTeX different from the one generated on Xubuntu.
how was the damn online code editor that's always used here called?
It is generated into a file.
amnesia has struck hard
8:13 AM
@ChemiCalChems Coliru?
> Bartosz Banachewicz UPDATED the pull request by adding 1 commit and removing 1 commit
@wilx thanks
the "removing" part always spooks me
@Horttanainen +1
@wilx I'm at a loss :/
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yup, same here.
I guess I will report to Cygwin mailing list now.
8:15 AM
@Horttanainen Also would you please stop assuming people's gender
You know what? Fuck mobile chat
Or to the author of the regex package.
@R.MartinhoFernandes right in the pussy cat
mobile chat sux if (fat👆 == true)
@RudiantoPrasetya Never
8:45 AM
@RudiantoPrasetya You ever used a Quadro P6000? Is that one of those GPUs that appears as two separate GPUs?
Might get one these for work: newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133623, mostly because its easier to load everything into RAM
Some guy made constexpr immutable maps and sets (unordered and not). That's pretty cool.
I don't really get the appeal for constexpr. I mean I haven't found much use for it in my daily work as software dev.
don't really get it's point
just that this function always returns the same, trust me, don't go digging through what it's calling?
Why can't compiler work out for you if something is constexpr?
@StackedCrooked In this case, he generates at compile time a perfect hash function for the data with which the unordered collections are initialized. Every lookup is thus collision-free.
8:55 AM
Yeah, immutable data structures look pretty cool from time to time :)
Constexpr hashing of string literals does seem useful. Jerry showed me a neat example a few months ago.
Everything compiletime is essentially a "better code generator"
Constexpr can also be used to obfuscate strings, for example GLSL or OCL shaders distributed in binary.
?! that's a bit weird IYAM
9:02 AM
some people are paranoid that the shaders will allow people to steal their graphics tech. Same people who put drm in the games
Given that it was easy to do, I'm not sure why you wouldn't
@Mikhail I used a Quadro Ksomething in the past
Yes there's 2 GPUs on it
I assume you need to invoke some operation to transfer from one GPU to the other?
Don't think so, if it has UVA then it will be transparent for you.
9:19 AM
Good morning
Say I have to create a service class. How do I expose the fact that for every action for the service there must be a linked user that makes the action?
too vague
what sort of service? what kind of class? expose how? what are the actions? define 'must'. linked in what way? how is a 'user' defined? how do they 'make' an action?
other than that, crystal clear question good job
For example service A exposes the method GetAll(...) which should return a list of entities based on the permissions of the user that requires them.
@Shoe Taking a user as a parameter for the service constructor is too obvious?
9:30 AM
make User& the first parameter?
@nwp Here there's a limitation: services are constructed once and used by many users.
might be too blunt but if you don't have any broader user "context" system in your app then that's what you've got
@BoundaryImposition I'm trying to basically mimic an API controller
(in my C++ gui backend all components are constructed with a cgi_session& which knows who is logged in; but that's easy cos that's just one user per invocation, cos CGI)
An API controller would have an HTTP context and therefore the logged user
But not in this case. It's pure business logic exposed as services (classes with methods as actions)
9:31 AM
it's not pure business logic if it cares about user context
@Shoe Then either have a set_user function or, if the user changes all the time, take a user parameter for every GetAll()-like functions.
@BoundaryImposition How so?
either perform permissions filtering at a higher layer, or this is your filtering layer and you need to pass a user context
So, each user object could have a "role" flag which it passes to data access methods. This is how its done in Qt's data models.
The user is part of the business logic
9:32 AM
ok then you have your answer :)
The fact that a user can only see users from its own team unless it's an administrator seems like business logic to me.
the phrase "business logic" needs to be thrown off the planet. it's stupid and useless
That I might agree with
With it I mean everything that is not tied to the framework or UI used
if you're worried about the "noise" of passing users in all the time, you could add some sort of proxy to the component
@BoundaryImposition Hmm
If everything wasn't so weird with Asp.Net I would use the constructor
9:34 AM
Component comp;  // lives forever
comp.getUsers(); // exception or compilation error, w/e

User user("bob");
auto& context = comp.createContext(user);
context.getUsers(); // yay
although now you have to repeat your API
the info's gotta get in there somehow tho innit
But page instances are created and might be cached. So for 5 requests there could always be a single instance
@BoundaryImposition I see
rewrite it in rust
I think I'll pass it as first parameter and be done with it
It's just transition to proper Web API controllers anyway
> Faux SMS d'En Marche! relayé par Philippot: "Ça aurait pu être un vrai"
And that's what he said few years ago. What he didn't know was that that codebase would live for many more years
Anyway, thanks cicada :)
9:38 AM
@Shoe wait, boundary is cicada?!
@RudiantoPrasetya rewrite it in a real language
@RudiantoPrasetya Is it now?
I guess the avatar should've tipped me off
Hold on
I'm confused
Oh shit
Is boundary LRIO?
9:39 AM
@BoundaryImposition Oh dear god. It's been so long. How have you been?
@Shoe Yes.
@Shoe I'm also extremely confused
@RudiantoPrasetya I'm at work so I don't know if you are cicada or not, but my sixth sense says so.
@Shoe free!
@RudiantoPrasetya how dare you
9:43 AM
honest mistake
@Shoe xD Boundary == LRiO. I think Rudianto == Cicada but I'm not sure yet. Could be a psycho cicada disciple
@RudiantoPrasetya identity crisis?
@BoundaryImposition As in you are free from coding, the lounge or spiritually?
"psycho cicada disciple" :D :D :D
@Shoe the lounge lol
sup bro
@BoundaryImposition Oh, why did you chain yourself here again then?
Woops. English is hard.
Anyway I missed you LRiO.
A tiny bit.
Not much.
9:46 AM
I forgot you existed tbh
@Shoe I popped in for lols when I saw some dumb flag, and got stuck for a while. call it a holiday
that hurts
Gotta go cry. BBL
@Shoe how's the baby coming along btw
I bumped into Clifford's Device and it basically amounts to a programmer who discovered a usecase for macros but hardcoded it with a goto and conditional branch instead.
And then named it after himself because 'nobody else is using it'. Well yeah, because there's better options.
9:57 AM
So. It's still smart and merits a name. Like Duffy's device. (Although that has been known to allow some nifty applications)
@Aaron3468 the last example is amusing
the way switch is implemented is horrid in the first place, and that's why we have all those artifacts
@Aaron3468 he could have just used a flag for it in the first example
it should simply desugar to (== val) and have no possibility of fallthrough ever
multiple vals for one block should be handled separately
but that's what happens when you design a language basing on the assembly it's going to compile to
@BartekBanachewicz and continuation to another case should be explicit
@Aaron3468 lol what are functions
9:59 AM
I like how he says that duplicating your code everywhere could make it hard to read, but it's just as easy to add a function call or macro and improve readability without a goto. I won't deny it's clever and mostly harmless.
@ratchetfreak I don't think it should ever happen as a "continuation"
switch (i) {
    case 1,2 { // matches either
this has a problem with comma operator though :S

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