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4:17 AM
What am I missing out on, Mr. MetaPolice Officer?
I only see that in the sidebar, there's a C-language slang term for penises -------->
hello, world!
Well then, we shall say "Goodbye, world"?
@EtiennedeMartel That is a great "meta-" phrase you have there. --------->

Never in my life have I seen such a good word.
4:27 AM
@EtiennedeMartel lol at the "metapenises", laughed for 3 minutes.
@EtiennedeMartel Hell, the reaction is good --------->
Yeah, I think I'm going to update the Golden Words on the Wiki.
@EtiennedeMartel sure.
Hi @ScottW. :D
Can you actually see your green name tag when I put a period next to it?
@ScottW I'm your tooth fairy, not @IntermediateHacker 's demon.
Try this: @ScottW's
I don't think apostrophe works with green name tags.
I spent £60 on programming E-books but never got around to reading them
DeadMG, y u so lazy?
4:38 AM
@DeadMG: Well, programmers are quite lazy in general
If we liked manual labor we won't be programming computers to do shit for us
I liked how we do manual labor to make food for PC's thoughts.
There are only a handful of programming books I've bothered to really read. I should probably collect more..
crunching assembly for baby Win7
well, I didn't buy some random books
I hate e-books for some reason
4:40 AM
it was epic stuff that everyone should know, like Code Complete and Mythical Man-Month
Try Kindle.
I generally assume people don't buy books randomly
I want my books in an dead tree format
can't grep dead trees
It's inevitable.
4:41 AM
or download them
I still don't have Code Complete nor any idea why I ought to read it.
@DeadMG: For things like reference items, I would use an electronic format
I just know everyone tells me I should read it.
and they take up 999999999kg and 999999999m^3 as well
You mean picometers.
4:42 AM
@DeadMG: But having a mini library of books looks more badass than a kindle
Problem with eBooks: can't guarantee someone actually put any effort into the formatting, especially if it's got code blocks
@nil: That's probably why I hated ebooks initially
Anything with equations or code gets borked beyond recognition
For the lazy editors: Please take pictures of the code, it will look much nicer in the eyes, and we programmers will willfully buy your books.
in Digital formats.
@tom_mai78101: Oh, for fuck's sake, if I see one more person post code as an image I will chop someone's hands off
What Insilico said.
4:44 AM
I thought images with correct code formats work well.
It's a digital book, it should be fairly easy to put it in a scrollable box
@tom_mai78101: But I can't search images or copy and paste code when they're images
I guess I didn't have those digital books, or not having those problems before. :/
Unless the Kindle has some kind of crazy OCR capabilities I'm not aware of.
4:45 AM
I don't copy/paste or search/find in PDF.
At least on iPads and other devices of that ilk where the screen refreshes faster than once per second
I actually turn pages, something that most of you never do in this decade.
@Insilico On Kindles, you can't copy/paste stuff regardless from what I've seen
@nil: That's official then. They are flipping useless to me.
Wasn't there a hack that allows Android OS in Kindle eBooks?
Or that's the eNook?
4:48 AM
Well, they're both Android to begin with...
@tommai78101: I'm not sure. But I shouldn't have to hack shit to make things do basic stuff
@Insilico Then we should give more feedback, in a constructive way.
Constructive means take pieces of existing construction, light them on fire, and march through their doors
Give 'em the frankenstein treatment.
Yeah, similar to that. We need to let them know how much we hate the Kindle.
4:49 AM
@tommai78101: I would if they actually bothered to listen to their customers
@ScottW Sweet Jesus, that's a candy treat.
But publishers and the entertainment industry have been very anti-consumer lately
@Insilico Maybe we should stop using Amazon.com and probably they wil start to take notice.
iBooks lets me copy/paste stuff (having just tried and done it)
All thanks to SOPA, ACTA, etc.
4:50 AM
@tommai78101: Even if we did, lots of people don't give a shit because they don't know better
So, just give Amazon the boot and make sure whatever you do use allows it
@nil: Not sure I'm willing to shell out money for an iDevice. :-P
@nil Amazon is too heavy to give it the boot.
Well, giving it the boot for ebooks shouldn't be all that difficult
Is iPad better for use as a eBook reader?
4:51 AM
Either buy a physical book or get an eBook elsewhere
The former is what I did.
I haven't owned a Kindle myself, so I couldn't tell you if it's better relative to anything.
@nil: I'm basically been buying almost exclusively physical books
Besides it makes me look super smart to have a personal mini library
I like using my iPad as an eBook reader, but I know a lot of people who have sticks up their asses because it's Apple, so eh
4:53 AM
Yo, heard you dislike ebooks. So we put a ebook in yo book, so you can book your book in ebook.
How is that different than just cutting out a kindle-shaped section in the pages of a book and sticking it in the recess? :-P
No clue. Would rather take photos of it instead.
Why not just give people who buy physical books a key to download an ebook copy?
Aside from the fact that repeat sales are doomed.
@nil: The thing is that these e-whatever things make it impossible to take advantage of the first sale doctrine
Or at least I haven't seen one that could do it properly
4:55 AM
Also, a slightly baffling thing: the code complete ebook on Apple's store is $10 more expensive than Amazon's print copy (which is $10 more expensive than the Kindle copy).
@ScottW Did it come with a root kit?
You have to pay more to get more out of them.
Today, I learned a stupid lesson.
Look before you turn?
@tom_mai78101 Not use fucking pointers?
While debugging my program, I now come to think that agile development should be more about learning.
4:58 AM
What does it mean to have the gray dotted lines in between messages?
It means that you replied to the post above it.
I hope nobody reads "metapenises" as "meatpenises" and get the wrong message about Lounge<C++>.
... I don't think that'd be much of a wrong idea
5:01 AM
A: Metapod, I choose you!
B: Metapenis, now's your turn!
A: Metapod, use HARDEN!
B: Metapenis, use HARDEN!
B: Metapenis, now use String Shot.

*A runs away*
METAPENIS is evolving! dee doo dee doo dee doo dee doo dee doo
Talking about "metapenises"?what's that...
--------> >_>
It's a penis that exists somewhere between string theory and yo momma.
And that is the last of my terrible jokes. For about an hour.
5:04 AM
More likely less than an hour
Unlikely, I'm gonna go sit on my couch/bed and read.
big bang theory all over again?!
5:26 AM
@tom_mai78101 lol, HARDEN and String Shot.
hello every one! good place..
your icon is so cute , love it
there's a reason they call me The Puppy™
5:37 AM
Quick question, I have a data structure that that is struct Customer { std::string _name, int age }; is there any way for a hash table, that I can use the _name as the key but without needing to duplicate the key when trying to find it with hash_set? Eg.. If I use hash_map, then I need to duplicate the _name as the key
Eg... stdext::hash_set<Customer> _mayhash. or std::hash_map<std::string, Customer>
What I'm trying to find, is a way I can put the key inside the data structure, but search for the key based off its type.
I don't know about those, but with std::unordered_map, or std::tr1::unordered_map, or boost::unordered_map, you can supply your own hash function and equality operator.
but you can't change the fact that the key is taken as the Key type by value
Even though I don't really get what your problem is.
anybody who uses OpenGL stuff?
5:49 AM
yes, i've done that, with the hash function to use the data type's key, though when using the find function I need to either use std::pair<> with the hash_map
Then with hash_set, I have to construct a dummy class that contains the key to do the search
you could use a boost::optional in Customer
Can't find a good explanation for what glActiveTexture() does.
Looks like a case of XY Problem.
I dont think its a case of XY problem, the main concern is that I'm inbeeding the key inside the data structure itself so its introsive.
Find, does not allow me to specify the key data type to search for, it assumes that its the container type. In the case of hash_set
I still don't see why you need to do that.
5:53 AM
I'm okay with hash_map, but I would rather perfer not to duplicate data, because it all-ready contained within the Container type itself
The main issue is that with hash_set i have to create a dummy or temp object that I set the key type to find the item inside the hash_set. Though with hash_map, I can use the key and find it, problem is that I rather perfer to store 1 instance of the key.
I think the only way would be to dynamically allocate a Customer, get the address to its name field, and then store both pointers (ideally a smart pointer in the case of Customer) in the map. But that would be ridiculously overkill.
Yes agreed Etinne da
But if you're only doing that to save some memory, then it's premature optimization, and don't bother.
Just duplicate the data.
In this case, there can be 10,000 customers.
Only 10,000?
And if it's more, why the hell aren't you using a database?
5:58 AM
C/C++ legaccy system
think i got it worked out
stdext::hash_map<const char*,Customer> customerDB; customerDB.insert(stdext::pair<const char*,Customer>(newCust._name,newCust));
eg.. would have to allocate it on the heap. Though like you suggested this is the only way not to reproduce the data.
I wasn't really talking about char *.
The other alternative is I use the calculated hash number as the key
But this is really messy, because if _name is a const char *, then when do you deallocate it?
would be referenced counted
Incredibly painful.
6:43 AM
4 messages moved to bin
I need a whiteboard
@EtiennedeMartel Yea i just tested it out, very painful lol
7:32 AM
Haha: I couldn't resist:
> Have you been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? link -- posted by sehe
@nil Zing!
8:14 AM
Question: Is IF...ELSE... conditional clause?
if (some_condition) { /*do something */} else { /*do something when condition is false*/}
hi @KonradRudolph, how are you?
Hi Tony
it’s such an awesome day today :)
long time that I haven’t had such a good monday
T'is a nice day indeed :)
There's light outside.
8:23 AM
yes that too
@RMartinhoFernandes The light only briefly hides the all-encompassing darkness.
How Lovecraftian.
@RMartinhoFernandes a more Lovecraftian way of saying that would be "the indescribably bright light briefly hides the indescribable darkness"
@TonyTheLion Thanks. I'm only wondering what "clause" meant, when people kept saying "clause", "clause", "clause".
Santa Clause
8:34 AM
Summer time just hit Sweden this weekend. Quite possibly the stupidest idea ever. Let's all pretend time is something else for half a year!
@RMartinhoFernandes OMG! YOU FOLLOWED NOTCH!?
Otherwise, how did you get that tweet?
From what sources?
From Twitter.
From what referral?
8:35 AM
@jalf the Easter bunny
WTF are you talking about?
What has happened to this room? First the metapenises, now this?
@RMartinhoFernandes How did you know about that Notch tweet?
That's what I'm been trying to ask.
wow, I just noticed that the room topic seems to have stay the same since Friday; that's got to be some sort of record!
8:37 AM
I saw it on twitter.
@thecoshman No, it hasn't. Refresh your browser.
@RMartinhoFernandes Does that imply that you followed Notch, or not?
And take a picture of your face, so I can see the look on it.
@RMartinhoFernandes oh :(
Me take a picture of my face?
@tom_mai78101 Yes, I follow Notch. What's the problem?
@RMartinhoFernandes YEAH! That's what I'm talking about!
@thecoshman Have you refreshed your browser? What is the topic of today?
8:41 AM
@tom_mai78101 So this was all for nothing? Have I just been trolled?
@tom_mai78101 yes I have...
@RMartinhoFernandes Uh...no...
I'm not too sure what is going on @RMartinho
@RMartinhoFernandes I am only comfirming that you are following notch.
@thecoshman Is the topic the same?
@tommai78101 you know, you can reply to particular posts; it helps put the response in context
And is the topic the same as what? It's not the same as what I had for breakfast
8:45 AM
@thecoshman How?
@tom_mai78101 Hover over a user's post, towards the right hand side is an arrow, click it and you will get a colon and some numbers as the start of a message
@thecoshman Ah, I see.
@thecoshman Magic!
@RMartinhoFernandes CANNOT UNSEE! Gah!
I'm here to share what we developers listen to in music:
Nope, I most certainly don't listen to SimCity 4 music.
8:53 AM
Well, it's a first, out of 38998 people.
I listen to babies screaming and dying.
Here's a song I propose, as a cultural way of developing programs.
@tom_mai78101 don't speak for all developers. I certainly don't listen to lame-ass game music. Speak for yourself.
Yeah, everyone listens to cool-ass game music like this:
9:09 AM
Anyway, since everyone is posting videos...
^ A video I shot recently of the choreographic fountain in Dubai.
I notice the 'Metapenises' comment is still in the side bar. ------>
Oh, @EtiennedeMartel, what have you unleashed?
has it been added to the Golden Words page yet?
Yellow Stars all the way!
A: Socket.Send and Receive.. How do i proceed further?

seheHere is a quick and dirty idea that I wrote without an IDE (---I haven't tested it--- Edit just tested it with netcat, and it works fine): Note it uses a regular expression. If the lookup table for words grows sufficiently large, you'd be better of storing the words in a HashSet<string> a...

^^ can hardly believe the comment exchange there. Is really 'send me teh codez' after all...
Trust me, comment exchange is common nowadays
I have no comments, and will not bring up my opinions.
9:18 AM
@tom_mai78101 ??
> +1, becuz I was too lazy to read it. – IntermediateHacker 1 min ago
@sehe Let's make a CodeExchange proposal! Now they can finally get "teh codez" - but only if they can code something for you in return. :)
Why do you feel the need to publicly announce you're part of the problem?
@sehe It's a song that speaks of my soul.
@Xeo sounds good
9:20 AM
@Xeo Nah thank you so much
@tom_mai78101 notice that is not what I responded to.
@sehe Who said that?
@sehe It's annoying isn't it? You spend your time trying to help, and you only realize the poster doesn't care about fishing too late; he only wants something to go with his chips.
@tom_mai78101 You did. Don't bother, I can put you on my ignore list. Problem solved
TIL that computer memory is designed with error-detection mechanisms in place to counter-act randomly flipped bits due to alpha radiation
^^ that was offensive.
@KonradRudolph isn't that mainly for ecc registered RAM, though?
9:25 AM
No idea … CATB seems to imply that it’s custom but the Jargon file entry is outdated and factually wrong so it may be mistaken in this regard as well
> +1, becuz I was too lazy to read it. – IntermediateHacker 8 mins ago
@IntermediateHacker I'd really appreciate if you could not do that ^
@KonradRudolph That was on the original IBM PC, which had 9 bits per physical byte. AFAIK it's not done on modern PCs.
@IntermediateHacker That's not how SO works. Yes, I do sometimes vote on authorities I trust, but I'll never make it appear as though I don't care about contents, SO newbies will get the wrong impression. It is not about rep, but about content quality
@CheersandhthAlf Most certainly on ECC RAM
8 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Why do you feel the need to publicly announce you're part of the problem?
@sehe Exactly.
9:28 AM
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh, I hadn't even seen that before
@RMartinhoFernandes That's pretty cool
Q: Can you enable keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-K, Ctrl-B, Ctrl-I, Ctrl-L in comments?

AbelI often write little tokens or pieces of code in comments, and I never seem to remember the different syntax for links. Being able to use Ctrl-K and Ctrl-L would be a great asset here. And while you're at it, you may want to enable Ctrl-B and Ctrl-I as well ;).

Do want.
@sehe which question was that?
@RMartinhoFernandes I flagged it
@sehe Here, have a downvote to compensate. :p
@Xeo What question was that targeted?
9:35 AM
@KonradRudolph Thank you. I guess. I appreciate feedback with downvotes ;)
Well, feedback would be “–1 bcuz this isn’t how SO works” or summin’
didn’t actually downvote though, so I’ll also refrain from commenting
@KonradRudolph lol
@Xeo what would those shortcuts do?
Question: Do you need extra reps in order to delete a chat message?
@tom_mai78101 I don't think so
9:39 AM
@tom_mai78101 Answer: no, you just need to be fast enough
hover over a post, towards the left hand side there is a menu you can open
@thecoshman The same as in questions/answers
To bin messages, you need to be room owner
Bold, italic, code
@thecoshman Thanks.
@sehe I tried to get faster.
9:39 AM
@Xeo oooh
All in all, thanks for the response. I now have my answer.
@tom_mai78101 no worries
Are these Android people demented?! What’s with all the flagging of random comments now?
and there I thought about getting an Android phone
well, not gonna happen now. iPhone, here I come
@KonradRudolph one really has nothing to do with the other^^
@bamboon Of course it does. If having an Android phone makes people crazy, I don't want one. I can do crazy just fine without having to pay for an expensive phone.
9:45 AM
@KonradRudolph What happened? You mean, the chatroom or something?
@KonradRudolph do they still have a half-dozen different SE chat rooms locked in perpetual warfare?
@RMartinhoFernandes it's not having the phone that makes them crazy. It's wanting to develop apps that is a symptom of the craziness. They would dev for iphone iff they weren't too cheapskate for that
@KonradRudolph yes, yes they are
@tom_mai78101 Yes, the chat room. I am getting constant notifications of flagged posts in their chat
9:46 AM
sounds like they're still demented then
I can count at least four in the front page right now. But I remember seeing a total of six once.
no no no, you silly people. Android devs have just spent too much time with Java
ok, this is quite awesome
@thecoshman that's what we're saying. "Demented"
I also like how the Casual Chat room has their own room for binning, because someone didn't like the fact that you can't chat in the bin.
9:49 AM
@jalf but it is not Android (directly) that does it, it's Java
@KonradRudolph At least you're not being flagged here.
@RMartinhoFernandes huh?
@thecoshman but the question was "Are these Android people demented"
whatever the cause, it would appear the answer is "yes"
@tom_mai78101 Oh the irony :D
(sorry :()
@thecoshman More like debugging until you're puking. I hate it when Eclipse spits out many NullPointerExceptions.
9:50 AM
@jalf (.(.) <--- look what I did ¬_¬ still less demented then an Anroid dev
@KonradRudolph Please, don't do that again.
@RMartinhoFernandes Only this once! Promised!
@tom_mai78101 don't think I've ever seen it do that
I just couldn’t resist
did @Konrad flag? :P
9:51 AM
@thecoshman What else could I do?
@thecoshman I don't know. When you're debugging, doing step-by-step into the code, nothing happens. Let it run continuously, you get a stack trace error.
@KonradRudolph O yes you could. You just didn't do it :)
@thecoshman Especially when you're nested in multithreading concurrency problems.
@tom_mai78101 some how, you must be allocating more and more memory and not needing it
or more precisely, not letting it go
@thecoshman That last part, I agree.
@thecoshman But I could never find it. It's a logic error or something.
9:54 AM
yeah, leaks are a pain to find. The best thing to do, is try to break your testing down into smallest parts you can.
I'm narrowing it down to an internal memory leak.
Buy a better bucket.
Problem is, I didn't download the source code via git... :/
@RMartinhoFernandes dude, that's no solution, Gaffa tape!
And the next hardest thing, it's in Java. How can you fix an internal memory leak with that strong typed language?
9:57 AM
what do you mean with an internal memory leak?
Okay, narrowing it down to a synchronized method.
it's simple dude. If you app is leaking, find the simplest classes. test them to make intensely, make sure they don't leak. Then test more complex classes and build it up
@tom_mai78101 like everwhere else. Fix resource allocation/disposal
@sehe Let me check.
if a wall falls down, don't just blame the brick layer, it could be the foundations, the mortar or even the bricks them selves.
9:59 AM
Question: When you run your program at 10 Hz, and 1 Ghz, do you suppose that the frequency can affect how the program runs?
though that analogy sort of fails as a brick layer should check the bricks and mortar him self :S
@tom_mai78101 like so many things, it depends
yes, just as much as at how many meter it runs
and what do you mean, are you doing embedded stuff?
What Hz do you mean? The CPU, your inner loop, ...?

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