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1:01 AM
> Functional languages are relatively obscure.
@CatPlusPlus Show me some context, because I can't find any... regardless, there is literally nothing that would make that an acceptable statement, even in the context of a sarcastic commentary.
See that's where you're wrong
Also context has been binned
Maybe it's the missing + between second and " = ". This would cause a parse error which would prevent the script from running. — Elian Ebbing 57 mins ago
The bin's getting filled up today
wtf DaveRandom just suddenly showed up out of nowhere
so confused
1:04 AM
Maybe I'll implement message editing tomorrow instead of finishing auth
Magic of cross-room flags~~~~
It will probably be more rewarding
Ah, found it. @DaveRandom that is unacceptable. I am flagging your message from the bin.
I'm figuring out FluffOS
@AaronKyleKilleen There have been times that's it's gotten more in one lump (200+ at a time) than it's gotten so far today (though that certainly doesn't mean you need to post more than belongs there).
1:06 AM
Did you guys hear about that Zoe Quinn situation?
The Quinnspiracy
> A woman who answered the phone at the clinic this afternoon told MailOnline: 'I don't know what you're talking about, have a great day!'
@AaronKyleKilleen Yes. It was discussed to death when it was still fresh.
@JerryCoffin I wasn't here for that, oh well no need to talk about it again, what was the tl;dr of it?
@AaronKyleKilleen I didn't pay enough attention to summarize it.
1:09 AM
what the SHIT
@LightnessRacesinOrbit more white knighting
I really want to write an XMPP server in scala
But I know it's a terrible idea
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hmm...a game developer who isn't making a lot of sense. In other news, today we have an exclusive feature in which we reveal that the sun is likely to rise tomorrow morning.
It's male guilt.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I didn't immediately realize how sexist that was, took a little bit to sink in
1:16 AM
Or well, that's what I've taken to calling it. Since white guilt is a thing.
I don't like the term white knighting because some people use the term proudly.
Why does Resharper warn if you enumerate an IEnumerable multiple times
is there some kind of performance hit?
Why do they suggest turning it into an array or turning it into a List?
@ThePhD Because it might not be backed by something that can be replayed
And then a second iteration doesn't yield anything
Treat all IEnumerables as generators
Well, damn.
1:20 AM
If I have the context that I know it's backed by things that can be replayed....
Do I still follow Resharper's idea?
@ThePhD Fundamentally, the problem is that IEnumerable lacks any equivalent of iterator categories, and in their absence Resharper assumes they're all equivalent to what we'd call InputIterators in C++.
hey @CatPlusPlus you're good at rst and sphinx right?
Is sexism really this big a problem still in the USA? It would be amusing if it weren't so sad.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit male guilt
1:24 AM
@Rapptz Huh?
Oh, am I back on air? Shucks, thanks guys for the defences. Sometimes I forget I'm not on more scandalous sites lacking good-taste filters...

And Hi Random Dave! Am I racist? /shrug/ dunno - you'd have to ask my arabic bride and our 3 amazing 50/50 arabic/anglo kiddies, or her crazy relatives (ok, and my crazy relatives too, of course I have to be PC by addressing the balance)
@Rapptz Maybe, what you havin problems with?
I'm reading about it so I could do my docs and I see some people preface their files with a directive like .. my_directive:. I'm not sure what it means.
Directives are Python code that can insert nodes into the document however it likes, so maybe they have some macro-like stuff
@ThePhD If you know what you have support at least ForwardIterator semantics(or something on that order) it becomes mostly the same question you always run into when you get a warning about code that doesn't have a real problem: is it worth putting up with the warning itself and the chance for missing something more meaningful because you're ignoring it? A lot of that depends on the size of project. For bigger projects, you need tighter constraints as a rule.
1:27 AM
Unless it's .. _stuff: then it's not a directive but an anchor
Directives end with ::
Okay, makes sense. Thanks.
Python docs example:

If you find a bug in this documentation or would like to propose an improvement,
please submit a bug report on the :ref:`tracker <using-the-tracker>`. If you
have a suggestion how to fix it, include that as well.

.. _using-the-tracker:
Using the Python issue tracker
ah so it is for :ref: usage too
1:28 AM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit that particular guy probably didn't understand that saying women shouldn't be criticized even if they deserve to be criticized is sexist. I'm 100% sure in his mind he's actually fighting sexism by defending women and I bet he has a feminist world view and was probably just dumb with how he chose his words.
My food would have been here by now if I ordered it when I was talking about it. But I decided I wasn't hungry, so I didn't order it. Now, I'm hungry. :(
@AaronKyleKilleen I agree.
Well it's just for ref, otherwise the anchor name is autogenerated and might change or be hard to get right
It just baffles me that his country has a culture such that he has been led to act this way in the first place.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit A grave mistake
I've seen US corporate sexism first hand and it's just unbelievably frontal. Businesspeople in the UK would never dream of treating women or anyone the way I've seen women in tech treated by their American bosses.
1:29 AM
I guess I should always use anchors
@AaronKyleKilleen treating people like 'special cases' is also horrendously patronizing... it's lack of clarity that they, like, might be actual people?
so ... for a man to be a true feminist, he'd have to realize that women are neither lesser OR greater. Same applies for any subset of the population. That statement to me smacks of this problem.
i seriously doubt any guy who claims to be a feminist.
I think they've just found a sneaky way they think will get them into women's favour
1:33 AM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I think a lot of that is pretty trumped up, then again I haven't worked specifically for a tech company
@AaronKyleKilleen You calling me a liar?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit no I'm just saying it's anecdotal
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The current generation feels guilty for all the mistreatment women have had in the past (suffrage, etc). So they attempt to make women feel equal by giving them special treatment. It's not just for women either, it's for other minorities too. They feel guilty so they make them feel better with the concept of privilege etc. That's why you see tumblr SJWs online probably.
@Rapptz Word.
However .... some people genuinely need special help to get back to square one, and I think it's fatuous and selfish to pretend they don't
1:35 AM
@Rapptz yeah if we're talking about affirmative action for women that's definitely real, but I guess most don't consider that sexist
eg here in Aus, aboriginal society is so horribly mangled they are seriously struggling as a culture and community to keep it together and have happy successful lives. Enough to make you cry.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what kind of sexism were you specifically talking about
@AaronKyleKilleen: Start using the reply-to button for fuck's sake
@LightnessRacesinOrbit like this?
@Rapptz I know what male guilt is; I'm asking why it's relevant to what I said!
1:37 AM
@AaronKyleKilleen "I've seen US corporate sexism first hand" - sounds like she's talking personal?
@AaronKyleKilleen thank you
@AaronKyleKilleen Bullying essentially. Hard to put into words without a long description of the scene, I guess.
@Rapptz The whole concept is fatally flawed, and (worse) in exactly the same way as the problems they're trying to solve arose in the first place. They're making decisions about a person based on that person's membership in a particular group rather than considering that person as who they are.
They were treating her dismissively, like a child, then making jokes to each other about it whilst we were all walking in a group.
Yeah I don't like the whole idea.
I've been led to believe that this isn't a fringe occurrence, though I cannot confirm that first hand.
(In my professional opinion, this woman was far more intelligent and, incidentally, correct, than either of those two blokes.)
Male boss: "ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble"
Female worker: "So, just to clarify, you mean <A>?"

Hypothetical male boss at this point if it were me: "Yes, that's right."
Hypothetical female now: "Okay great, I understand then."

Actual male boss at this point: "<facepalm> <sigh> Let's try this again. ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble"
That kind of crap. It took me a while to figure out that it was gender-related, but other cues persuaded me. I worked with this team for approximately five months.
1:41 AM
Never seen that situation personally.
Sounds terribad though.
Really? I see it on IRC quite often :D
neither have I
It's certainly not restricted to instances of sexism but, as I say, in this case I'm sure that it was caused by it.
was she fat?
No she's quite lovely actually
1:42 AM
@AaronKyleKilleen WTF?
They constantly talk over her and don't let her finish sentences
blah blah
I know fat people are discriminated against
ok it's really too late to order food now. fuckity fuck.
@JerryCoffin Alright. I'll keep that in mind and probably just go with what hte warning tells me to do.
I mean, it's a list of Chassis in a Rack.
1:44 AM
If someone's got so many racks that .ToList() slows down, I'll be amazed that my code lasted so long that super-giants have populated the earth and we have 500U racks that people maintain.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit cereal for dinner
@LightnessRacesinOrbit did she sound really uncertain when she said "you mean <A>" or give off that vibe?
@aclarke Suppose. I may have some milk
@AaronKyleKilleen Nope, not at all. It was perfectly reasonable to ask, and asked confidently.
As a result, instead of a yes/no response and the end of the conversation, we were sat there for another ten minutes whilst he repeated his unclear words. Sigh.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit he sounds like a real dick.
@aclarke Of course it does--that's what the script said she should do, and she's a good actress (but yes, although it was certainly written to resemble some parts of real life, The West Wing was a work of fiction).
1:47 AM
happy to say there's sod-all endemic anti-ism in IT in aus, just individual instances. Trying to think of a situation now, but it escapes my frontal-lobes..... what was it ....
When she asked for clarification, he took it as an affront that he could have been unclear. It must have been the woman "not getting it", right? So his brain told him to repeat his words in the hope that it'd "sink in" this time. Y'know, instead of his brain telling him "you'd better clarify this because you're not making much sense, dickfuck."
@AaronKyleKilleen Yeah; to be fair, he did get fired recently. :) But for other things. His mate is still gainfully employed.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit was he a manager or a techie? I know a lot of men who are smart with computers and stuff in the US are social retards/really bad at explaining things/poor communicators
@AaronKyleKilleen Both
Well, let's say techie if we have to choose
@JerryCoffin ... never watched west wing ... hence missing the point.
@aclarke It's amazing. Watch all of it. Now.
1:50 AM
heh - yes Ma'am! Just going through Nathan Barley right now... 2 more eps to go.
@JerryCoffin Pretty sure he was referring to me, by way of quoting my message and that text not appearing in the West Wing ever. :)
@aclarke The YT link above is to an excerpt from The West Wing.
gotcha. probably should have clicked it!
* for no specific definition of should
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Could well be.
1:54 AM
yeah - i thought you was speaking indierectly of a personal experience
I really don't get a damn about sexism in video games, but if my salary is 20% less than a guy because I am a woman then I will be rather pissed off - I am a great software developer, I deserve be rewarded accordingly. You can choose not to employ me, but let me tell you, salary has only help me to accumulate less than 35% of my total asset, so you must be joking me when you want me to underpay me further
@LightnessRacesinOrbit men and women do better on different IQ subtests such that men are more likely to get into the tech industry so women who get in are not only smart enough to do the tech work but probably bring with them higher verbal IQ, and women in general have better empathy and are more perceptive in social situations. So you might find the men in the industry to be rather stilted in their intelligence.
@chmod711telkitty labor economists have demonstrated that very little of the pay gap is due to gender discrimination
@AaronKyleKilleen can't believe that - what labour market you talkign about
smartest person I've met in IT for a long time is sitting near me with her smug attitude and off-the-charts IQ... Actually not smug, a little bit socially awkward and insecure, but that's hardly relevant
@aclarke the US, they control for hours worked, experience, types of jobs they're doing, types of education they have, maternity leave, etc. and the vast majority, all but a very small part of the pay gap disappears
2:00 AM
probably the problem occurs at the hiring point then
@aclarke In general women aren't nearly as interested in programming/electrical engineering and men in general have more variance in IQ, that and the sexual dimorphism I mentioned are probably why they haven't won a Field's medal yet.
yeah, noticed a massive difference in focus between my M vs. F kiddies. Missy is more a visual person and loves to sit for hours drawing, painting, and she does some awesome clay sculptures for a 6 year old. The two boys are just nutters for their plastic nerf guns and Ben 10 cartoons
of course, they're all highly intelligent like their daddy
would I risk the ban-robots if i further qualified that for facetious purposes?
so ANYWAY, on a lighter note, at this time of the planet, most of you guys are declaring yourselves to be too drunk and etc. Why so serious? Ran out of beer? Payday is tomorrow?
Makes me want to say "a word is worth a thousand pictures" again.
A word is worth a thousand pixels.
in a very large font maybe
@aclarke There's actually a lot if you consider anti-aliasing.
2:21 AM
@MarkGarcia we should do the maths on a typical screen resolution
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Ah-HAA - hence why not drunk - run out of suds?
> When there’s only one instance of something in a program, and it’s an integer, how many layers of abstraction and managers and services do you want me to wrap it up in to allow you to feel virtuous? source
I knew a guy who defined constants for zero and one.
didn't bother to at least TRY to be creative with "origin" or "offset" or anything useful
Q: Exception Handling help for beginner

Ken DyI am a new programmer. I don't quite understand the exception handling method for c#. Like when is it needed to be used and what is its functions. Can somebody teach me? I don't quite get it. try { } catch (SomeSpecificException ex) { }

Oh boy oh boy oh boy!
2:25 AM
Constants for 0 and 1 are quite useful. Now if he defined constants for 2...
@HWalters if they had /meaningful/ indicators of what they're basing. IMHO they should at least suggest typage in some way
nice article.
... he literally called them zero and one. just to be clear.
was he just OCD and thought he should do it for everything just to be consistent?
i just remembered a guy, way back at uni, who thought it would be a good idea to declare o=0 and i=1
2:30 AM
that was my assessment
s=5 I assume? Or not that advanced?
that's a great idea!
@aclarke no I've been off the booze this week
here comes the weekend...
Long one for US non-retail people
2:46 AM
the back part of my chair started to really bend back I tried to unscrew it but one of the last screws wouldn't come out so I tore the whole thing off, now I have splinters all over my carpet and need to vacuum but have been putting it off for days now
I think some of the splinters are getting tracked into other parts of the apartment too
I didn't know it would break into tons of little rice sized splinters
Nearly 110 million Americans are on means tested welfare, 35.4% of the country what is going to happen when that number gets to >50%? What will that number look like when the Repubelicans can't win another presidential election and lose control of the house and senate, permanently due to demographics?
Hey guys, since the chat room is idle, if any of you are geeks who are really interested in science, check out this new Area51 proposal Scientific Imagination, and how it is supposed to be like.
3:08 AM
I should go to sleep and not play with MUDs
3:41 AM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what's the problem with the armpits? are shadows and perspective that difficult to understand?
and where did you get that pic from anyway?
you should post an honest pic - like i would phootoscelebrities.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/…
This doge stuff is still going strong? They don't usually have this kind of lifespan.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I dumped all my savings into Dogecoin, fingers crossed.
Or maybe I'm just late for the news.
4:13 AM
are really late. :D
I ceased paying much attention to graphics for some time.
"DX11 emulation features"
What does that even mean. :c
I'm curious too.
4:17 AM
it plays FM-generated music?
I'm not even going to try to decipher the logic behind this
4:34 AM
@CatPlusPlus .... Huh?
nmap is... a console utility...... ?
That's... a lot of libraries...
vagrant@packer-debian-7:/vagrant/dgd/test$ ./driver mud.dgd
[Aug 29 04:41:38] [/obj/driver] Booting up
[Aug 29 04:41:38] [/obj/driver] DGD 1.5.1
[Aug 29 04:41:38] [/obj/driver] Ready
[Aug 29 04:41:40] [/obj/telnet#3] create()
[Aug 29 04:41:40] [/obj/telnet#3] open()
[Aug 29 04:41:43] [/obj/telnet#3] [recv] test
1 hour later…
5:56 AM
@CatPlusPlus hey so that's you who turned off the room
6:59 AM
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why?
dammit I tied one shoe tighter than the other
I hate such unevenness.
Is there any vector-like structure in STL that lets me make a vector of unmovable/uncopyable objects, but doesn't allow resizing? IOW, I know ahead of time how many I need. And what I need to store is unmovable/uncopyable.
@Mysticial std::array
@MarkGarcia Run-time determined.
Well, const std::vector.
7:05 AM
Essentially, I need something like std::vector, that has emplace_back, but without reallocation (since that requires at minimum moving)
Or I think.
The alternative is to hack around with placement new, or go with the (slightly less efficient) approach of using an extra layer of indirection using unique_ptr.
I have a feeling such a structure doesn't exist.
Container elements need at least to be movable. The unique_ptr path could be the easiest way.
std::unique_ptr<T[]> is closest to your requirements (no insertion!). Note that it doesn’t store the runtime size, so you have to keep track of that.
@Mysticial if the size of the structure is only known at runtime, then it's super difficult to impossible to put all of it on the stack. Which means it goes on the heap, which means pointer.
7:11 AM
@MarkGarcia Not true, std::deque is usable with a non-movable type.
I agree that std::unique_ptr<T[]> is the best choice based on what's been said thus far. But depending on what you need, that might change.
@OmnipotentEntity Yes, it will need to go on the stack. But the individual objects (not-movable/not-copyable) can be placement new'ed on that array.
Thus saving a set of allocations.
oh, that's what you meant.
Just wondering if there was such a structure. If not, I'll just go with unique_ptr.
Well, that’s as unvectorlike as it gets, excepting contiguity :s
7:12 AM
@LucDanton Huh. I guess so. Also set containers I think.
There’s still the option of vector+hacking around with a silly allocator, like last time. Don’t do it at home etc.
well, can you use std::vector + reserve()?
so that reallocations don't occur during runtime? Or will compile time screw that up?
@OmnipotentEntity push_back/emplace_back need at minimum moveability.
@OmnipotentEntity Code will still be generated for reallocations. The compiler doesn't know that you'll never be resizing the vector, so compile error.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit North Career is Best Career
7:15 AM
Which is where allocator hacks come in :D
Next question is, since you're going through all of this trouble, are you certain that you need to. Is this code hot enough according to a profiler?
Oh wait.
Both unmovable and uncopyable?
How do you ever plan on inserting anything :v
placement new
1. Dynamically determined size.
2. Unmovable.
3. Uncopyable.
@Rapptz yes
Probably too much to ask for.
7:17 AM
Or are you shuffling around datatypes that you can't copy, like mutexes?
use a modified static_vector?
I'll see if I can find another solution.
@OmnipotentEntity yes
std::unique_ptr<T[]> seems rather fitting, with a wrapper
And also unmovable. Because a thread will try to access it asynchronously.
7:18 AM
Do people actually read docs on mobile sites?
Unrelated question, but I'm curious.
    static_vector(std::initializer_list<T> l) {
        for(auto&& i : l) {
4chan wants GTA V for PC rantic.com
@MarkGarcia How would you do it bub?
@Rapptz I mean std::initializer_list.
No move. :(
Yeah I know std::initializer_list sucks
7:20 AM
@Rapptz Delegate to the range-taking one :v
I wanted to make it standard conforming though but got lazy and stopped from all the boiletplate.
@LucDanton I haven't written that one... yet :s I think.
Oh I did.
4 mins ago, by Rapptz
Do people actually read docs on mobile sites?
Oh my God what the fuck.
MySQL is so horrible.
@Rapptz Haven't known who does.
It doesn't start when the server starts, and when running mysqld_safe manually it only works sometimes.
@PolymorphicPotato Agree.
Wait 'til you write non-trivial queries.
7:30 AM
I don't have to use it, thankfully.
@LucDanton is there anything wrong with Manu's answer?
Q: Recursive type, c++

delingrenSay, I want to have a list. An entry in the list would store a value as well as an iterator to another entry in the list. How do I define this type? It'd be something like this, but syntactically correct. Thanks. typedef list<pair<int, MyList::const_iterator>> MyList;

My head hurts analyzing it.
@TemplateRex What is the idiom that you showcase in your question?
@Ell this might be handy for you. @Puppy too actually.
@LucDanton monad-like tuples ;-) but if you have something better, please add an answer!
7:42 AM
What does ‘monad-like’ mean?
muah ha ha! I has the power to vote!
close all the good! open all the shit!
Having elements of a monad. If you think the answer is wrong pls add something better
That’s assumes there is something better, or that the answer is ‘something’ altogether.
Random thought: For a long time I picture monads as pinball tables, or pachinko machines.
@TemplateRex Which elements would that be? (Be warned that the answer does not mention anything specific to monads.)
7:49 AM
Ok mr Socrates, the Q is open again
Don’t do it for me, do it for you (whatever it is you choose to do). I was wondering what you got from the answer, to the point of accepting it.
I resigned to the fact that it was a new idiom with vague resemblance to monads
Which is fine, but then it is only fair that I would ask you which bits is it that remind you of monads, no?
It would be nice if you could pose your questions as comments to help improve Manu's answer
We did.
The result is ‘Well, I think this could be called "monad-like tuples", since its not exactly a monad’.
So the answer as it stands is ‘this is what monads may look like, and what you have doesn’t; so they are monad-like things’.
7:55 AM
But somehow you are not satisfied?
Well, i agree now, and let's hope @ldionne will chime in
@TemplateRex I won’t touch that answer with a ten-foot pole. If you accept it, I’ll ask you about it.
@OmnipotentEntity Ahahahahaha! I suck.
It's one of those things where there pretty much isn't a good answer because no one knows what he's trying to do, and how he's trying to do it is crazy.
How it got 7(!) upvotes is beyond me
7:59 AM
Damn this ISP.
@MarkGarcia yeah. even twice
Btw, sumant wrote a blog on his answer and STL and jonathan caves discovered some problems with the order of function arg eval: reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/2eoy62/…
because pair<int, pair<int, int*>*> and pair<int, int*> are different types
sldfjsldjfa;sdfjasfd brain really doesn't work right now.
Also damned ISP!!!
Hm... (T*)nullptr + 0 should be fine, right?
8:03 AM
auto ptr = (T*)nullptr + 0;...
It's just something that may come up if I define a function in terms of another one
@Xeo std::declval bub.
4 mins ago, by Xeo
It's just something that may come up if I define a function in terms of another one
Not an unevaluated context
And trust me, I know about std::declval :P
@MarcGravell apparently this is exactly what I did. The "how" shows me the approach, and immediately it "clicks" (aha! of course, it needs to have reference equivalence (or object identity) to remove a handler). Sue me. (Anyone is free to countervote my dupe-vote, by the way, I'm not sure why we're wasting time instead)sehe 51 secs ago
8:18 AM
> clang: error: unable to execute command: posix_spawn failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
Coliru :'(
@TemplateRex Blogger is confused. The list and continuation monads are separate things. It’s not mix-and-match.
oh great, yoda conditionals
all over this file
I wonder if yoda conditional people also think the other way around
What the hell, how does this question have 11 upvotes?
I'm going to go to sleep
good night everyone
Good night.
8:34 AM
Sleeping failed
Waking failed is worse.
try(wake); catch(Exception Dead){;}
not so bad, just have to try wake up until succeed
dat indentation
I see bad programming jokes (that's redundant all programming jokes are bad) are still there
8:41 AM
@AlexM. Yoda conds give me a sec or so longer to think about the complex expression before I have to actually type it in:)
@CatPlusPlus queue falling asleep in the middle of the day, then wondering why you are not starting to feel tired at 2am
@StackedCrooked What's up with Coliru? :(
I tried queuing but the falling asleep didn't go through
I slept successfully and woke up successfully. Hasn't made any difference - I still feel as miserable as yesterday.
@Xeo Nothing. Because it's down. hahah agetit
8:49 AM
Well, forking fails, and it doesn't just time out or something
Also I threw my outdoor pants into laundry
Before I went to shop
So welp
Guess I'm ordering again
how about having multiple pairs of outdoor pants?
Because I have literally no food left
8:50 AM
@hichris123 Well, as you have seen, they're even trying to outgrump me. (If this is my only achievement here, I shall die contently.)
@Xeo You're crazy
@sbi What do you mean trying
@CatPlusPlus ... you're only pair? (also, I trust you mean trousers, not undies?)
yesterday, by thecoshman
@CatPlusPlus not really
No I'm not a pair
C# 6.0 declaration expressions: The definitive guide how to complicate parsing of your language :)
@CatPlusPlus That's ok. I'm not programming
8:52 AM
I have other pants but I'd have to go through the process of finding the comfortable ones to wear forever
And I already did that
That's redundant
@sbi (let's just not reveal that I don't think you are that grumpy)
@CatPlusPlus why do you have trousers that are not comfortable?
@thecoshman That just goes to show that I haven't been around here enough lately.
They're inferiorly comfortable
@thecoshman Because those are used for going outside, and that makes the cat uncomfortable?
@sbi or I don't find you grumpy vOv
8:54 AM
@thecoshman That just goes to show that I haven't been around here enough lately.
Also having more than one designated pair of pants means having to choose between them to wear eww waste of time
@CatPlusPlus you can have multiples of the same style
stop making excuses
@Ell Cheers!
I have shorts for high temperatures
But I threw them in the laundry
@sbi oh, I think I worked out why you are so busy al the time. "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi", "retweeted by @sbi"....
8:55 AM
Do your laundry
I did, it's drying up
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I suppose I employed a mirror to do that?
@thecoshman I do that when I am not busy.
@CatPlusPlus Hm, that reminds me that I haven't ordered for lunch before, and some places around here have special offers for that time.
I always find it amusing when people speak of having to do laundry "today". My machine rumbles along almost daily. It does so before I wake up in the morning and while I'm at work (and I deal with the results when I get up or come home). It does so while I shop on Saturdays or cook on Sundays. It does so while I watch a movie with the kids. In short, I almost constantly are "doing the laundry". If I have all my kids at home, I suppose I do the laundry six days a week. It's no big deal.
Is ordering online from pizza place that's 500m away too lazy or not

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