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3:00 PM
stackoverflow.com/questions/18128682/… (10k+) This is an interesting maneuver
@Griwes The long version expands on the relations between the Standard and compiler warnings.
@JerryCoffin OIC.
The thing is, in a perfect world, neither of them should compile.
3:01 PM
@Griwes what do you call the _stuff form of an operator o_O?
main.cpp:9:12: warning: implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'unsigned long long' to 'std::uint8_t' (aka 'unsigned char') [-Wconversion]
    return val;
    ~~~~~~ ^~~
@EiyrioüvonKauyf user defined literals
@Fanael In wrong place.
@Griwes Well yeah but that ship has sailed and allowing more litops overloads won't help.
I want the message at the call site, not in the operator.
3:02 PM
oh :3
@LucDanton Erm, it will.
i sense another thing to abuse hehe
No because the precision of diagnostics (whether required or not) is not what the Standard is for.
s/unsigned long long/std::uint8_t/ + 2) in that proposal draft of mine = diagnostic at the call site.
So you don't guarantee anything by allowing those overloads.
3:03 PM
I guarantee that 256_foo is ill-formed.
It would be more appropriate to file an enhancement request to have special diagnostics for litops.
@Griwes There are some constexpr-related considerations. Hang on.
I need to add variadic patterns to Gear.
@Griwes Do you think that allowing for more overloads as long as they are constexpr is acceptable?
@LucDanton What would that change?
3:07 PM
You could still do things like constexpr unsigned i = 256; constexpr auto v = operator""_foo(i); but that's really going out of your way.
@Griwes The assumption would be that those overloads would be really intended for compile-time arguments.
Meh, not terribly convincing in the end.
Yes, that I understood; why would that be better?
Because better diagnostics only come from literal arguments.
I'm not sure how outlandish is operator""_foo(bar()).
Well, at runtime it would work just as a normal function. ^ that should be very outlandish, though.
Invoking literal operators outside user-defined literals rings an "abuse" alarm ring.
Come to think of it, that (sub)proposal to provide helpers to define UDLs was dropped, wasn't it?
You could pass them as functions or some shit.
3:13 PM
I wanted to make that part of my argument: leave the litops 'raw', but still provide ways to provide sane litops. Rather than tack on overloading (and conversions).
What helpers?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm looking around to retrieve it because that's as good as my memory goes.
@LucDanton Well, in my opinion taking advantage of the type system is the sane way to do this.
You're not. The assumption is that you're taking advantage of literals.
It's already in place, just allow selecting one of the unsigned integral types and let the type system work.
3:15 PM
big_integral -> small_integral is as unsafe as it gets.
s/work/work or at least make compiler's job far simpler/
Question, do you have to do 8589934592ULL_mylit?
or does it figure it out from _mylit
3:16 PM
8589934592 is either already an unsigned long long, or some "smaller" type that promotes implicitly and safely to it.
@LucDanton Erm, but with possibility to replace unsigned long long with any of the other unsigned integrals, it's no longer bit_integral, it's all small_integral now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Okay.. so the latter.
@Rapptz No; it figures it out from 8589934592.
I think the remarks about uint64_t not being unsigned long long are... misguided. There is already a portable type for this: unsigned long long.
So neither.
3:19 PM
@Griwes Wrong wording on my part.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Which doesn't change the fact I can sometimes want to use uint64_t specifically.
@Griwes Fixing the parameter type of the litop does nothing to the type of argument that the litop is actually called with.
@Griwes And uint64_t is already the existing portable type for that...
My interest in Qt is growing: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/…
Wrong int literal -> whatever_integral_type is safe, big_integral -> small_integral isn't.
3:20 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes I cannot use uint64_t as parameter type for litop.
@Griwes And how does portability matter for that?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't get what is your point now.
My point is that the whole paragraph about uint64_t is not meaningful. It talks about operator""_x(uint64_t) not being portable. That's not a problem that needs solving.
> There is also another problem, which appears to be far less important, but still exists.
Should I apply <strong> on "far" for you?
> drop mechanics for type deduction of integers from standard. They should be part of type traits anyway
3:23 PM
@Griwes It's so less important that it unecessarily detracts from the rest.
It's so less important that it's the original problem that put me on the track.
@Griwes Mmm. Why the snark :) You're requesting feedback, right. Just bold it already :/
So the series of proposals that introduced library utilities to write UDL with (among them string parsing utilities) is "User-de ned Literals for Standard Library Types". But it has refined and I suppose such utilities should be (re)introduced to their own proposal.
@Griwes It's full of wrong assumptions.
3:24 PM
If it still had it I would have suggested to change your proposal to play nice with such utilities but I'd say all bets are off now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What is a wrong assumption there? "I want to be able to use uint64_t as litop parameter type"?
"where std::uint64_t is the biggest unsigned integer type"? You are abusing std::uint64_t as std::uintmax_t.
1 strike
It is still talking about very specific environment.
@Griwes Doesn't matter.
3:25 PM
On the contrary.
You either want exactly 64 bits or the largest integer. If you want both to coincide, you write a static_assert and keep on using the semantically correct type (only one of the two).
I didn't know coliru did qt o.O
C++ is quite clear that it should be unsigned long long. Using anything else is asking for trouble. For no reason.
Doesn't matter which environment you are in.
@Griwes The standard won't deal with specific environments, if they can avoid it
@R.MartinhoFernandes Asking for trouble? lol
3:26 PM
@Ell Look closely (hit Edit if need be)
warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-window-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-window-s-d.lib(WindowImplWin32.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Git\C++\Projects\BlockScreensaver\Debug\sfml-window-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
How can I make it not emit this?
@sehe ohh I see the command now
@R.MartinhoFernandes What possible trouble do you see there?
You ran into it, didn't you?
3:28 PM
You're basically saying that using the wrong type is not portable. Who the hell cares?
You've failed to prove it's a "wrong type". In that situation, uint64_t was semantically the correct type.
(Yeah, I know, you don't know the exact case, hence you cannot prove that it was wrong.)
Out with it or go play with your toys.
@Ell Pretty smart, huh
someone it soo busy being right to hear the signal
T____T python's multiprocessing module decides that any file stream you pass it is under it's control so it should close it if it's bored
I should make my magic proposal.
3:31 PM
@Rapptz just make magic
make magic -j128
oh I don't know if it'll work now that I actually think about it wait it should.
damn C vargs :(
@Rapptz why you C vargs
@Fanael I was afraid that my syntax would be ruined by silly "emit the comma" C vargs. i.e. f(int...) can be parsed as f(int, ...) thanks to C.
3:34 PM
Hey all
Hey single one
So much for my proposal. Guess I'll play vidya.
@Rapptz template<typename N> void foo(int...[N]); :D
There was/is some discussion about such thing on std-proposals :D
3:40 PM
template <typename... T> void foo(T&&......) {}
So evil.
first time a recruiter said "I found your Github" not "I found your Linkedin"
I have no fucking idea how he thought I know/want to learn Qt and SQL, though
@BartekBanachewicz Hrm, don't you tell me he mailed you in Polish and offered Qt-related job? :D
~/annex$ grep "\.\.\., \.\.\." -RIi include/ | wc -l
I have a crazy static, const, and const_cast situation with shared variables i'm trying to replicate, but I cannot remember what/hwere I saw. I am trying to prove that the compiler uses shared variables for char*'s. If you declare a static val1 char* as "hello", then a const char* val2 as "hello", then const cast one and change the value, it should change what val1 and val2 say. But, it doesnt work the way I hope.
3:41 PM
@LucDanton whoa, where?
Anyone got a clue how I could break things like this?
@MintyAnt Modifying string literals is UB.
Not sure. Does it compile if you const_cast it maybe?
@Fanael It's mostly the one header full of boilerplate where there's a specialization for every function type possible.
> include/annex/expressions/expressions.hpp:constexpr T&& unpack_expression(T&& t, Ignored const&..., ...)
Also that.
Yeah it compiles, but it wont change the first two vars
3:42 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Daniel Greń? :D
c++\4.8.2\tr1\type_traits:230: struct is_function<_Res(_ArgTypes......)>
@MintyAnt It's UB just for enabling tricks with sharing string values.
Yay six dots.
@Griwes The text describes it as the "biggest unsigned integer type". Those are not the semantics of uint64_t.
@Fanael Ya in that spirit :D
3:43 PM
@Griwes aha. Dumb fucker.
@R.MartinhoFernandes UB?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes; and that is exactly what I want to change. uint64_t was semantically valid type in my usecase.
also his proposed rates were a joke
undefined behaviour
Ahh. I know it's supposed to be UB, but I swear it can be done (you would never want to
3:44 PM
Maaaaaan. Why can't qt install path have spaces :3
The Asylum has been active today, but only boring somewhat sane stuff.
@MintyAnt You never want to invoke UB.
@Ell Because suckage.
sometimes llama
@MintyAnt 'Is UB' and 'can happen' are not mutually exclusive.
3:45 PM
Of course I never want to invoke a UB, but this is for demenstration purposes
Im banking on the compiler sharing these variables
@milleniumbug unless you're writing in C
and? UB is UB
Because every C programmer knows better.
Would citing the standard be sufficient?
3:45 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes Here's one you'll want to scrutinize (seeing your earlier conversation(s?) with Scott about this. I think Niebler responds to some of Scott's advice in his recent presentation":
> Universal References and the Copy Constructor Eric Niebler
@MintyAnt Highly likely it won't change them at all: on most implementations it will just crash.
Instead of the compiler copying the string "hello" into 3 varaibles, it would share them sometime
@Fanael You meant unless you're writing in C superset.
@MintyAnt you know if you want to verify if a certain compiler does something to some code you could just look at the assembly listings
3:46 PM
@milleniumbug You miss the point.
I'll try the dissasembly and see what its doing, maybe that will give ahint then
@Griwes Perhaps you should redefine semantic in your mental taxonomy
@MintyAnt Just print the addresses in the pointers. That should be enough to prove the data is shared among them.
@Fanael You mean C programmers have no taste?
@Pawnguy7 your messages to me are really hard to answer without context
3:47 PM
@milleniumbug I believe they have no class
@Rapptz That's not a dupe then, it's a question that can be answered reading another Q/A. But it's not the same question, in many ways. I have been scolded quite some times for suggesting these as dupes. I have taken to just linking it as "relevant: <link>"
@sehe Well screw them.
Dat starred message.
@Rapptz It's not a dupe, right :/
@sehe It is.
It's the use of two scope operators that I don't understand — James Gillard 1 min ago
3:49 PM
What the fuck OP
Hah. I just started the qt installer, and "Warning: This should not happen!" is being printed to the terminal :L
:: _ :: binoculars
@sehe I blogged about that before (and that was in fact what tipped Scott off to those issues)
What's the motivation for requiring template and typename in typename Foo<T>::template Bar<U>::Dupa?
3:50 PM
@sehe That's not even in the title or body T_T
@Ell apparently it should happen then
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, right. I was asking about the worlds. Currently I have.. gist.github.com/Pawnguy7/48914d6ff0953ad4a370
I was wondering if it owning the worlds rather than referencing them was proper.
Also I just can't get wide to build :O
@R.MartinhoFernandes ikr, I'm just checking whether you've seen Eric's post. In case you're interested
@Pawnguy7 why do you keep linking me to gists? Don't you have proper repo set up?
3:51 PM
... what does that mean
@Fanael The same parse tree for every template instantiation.
@sehe a face
@BartekBanachewicz Gists are repos!
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know. And you know it's not what I was asking about.
3:52 PM
@sehe It's a crying face. The vertical lines of the Ts are tears streaming down.
@Fanael You mean both at the same time, or any one of them?
@R.MartinhoFernandes that
@BartekBanachewicz Not with the attempt at remaking the engine, no. It was my understanding that such things be pushed once they, um, work.
@LucDanton the latter
@Pawnguy7 um? if it compiles, push it.
3:53 PM
Ah thanks. I needed an entry level explanation like that.
I really do suck at visual input.
May 8 '12 at 12:31, by R. Martinho Fernandes
(I rarely use exclamation marks when I'm serious)
Q: Where and why do I have to put the "template" and "typename" keywords?

MSaltersIn templates, where and why do I have to put typename and template on dependent names? What exactly are dependent names anyway? I have the following code: template <typename T, typename Tail> // Tail will be a UnionNode too. struct UnionNode : public Tail { // ... template<typename U> st...

@BartekBanachewicz Compiles, yes. Runs, no. Seems improper to me.
@Pawnguy7 push to a branch
@sehe 🀱ٮ⚀
3:55 PM
@BartekBanachewicz That probably would have been a good idea.
Is it okay to refer LPP or IPP as multidimensional problem and SP as Single dimensional problem ?
No idea what that is.
Anyway, a gist is a set up from pastebin, yes? :D
a step up indeed
3:57 PM
Linked list data st.? I didn't know linked lists had their own patron saint these days. — sehe 4 secs ago
That's a Paul Klee emoticon, clearly.
Duh. I can see the obvious ones
@sehe you rock! \m/
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oooh. Sweetness, that's new for me
@LucDanton lol
@Pawnguy7 yeah, but they are meant for snippets, not for full repos
@BartekBanachewicz Which makes sense, because I consider this a snippet.

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