
Because you rock when you don't block
Jan 9, 2015 16:28
Constants would be better in a module
Jan 9, 2015 16:28
Sorry misread your post, thought you meant a config
Jan 9, 2015 16:20
Such as a ConfigLoader module, but even then it would be better to make the config externally a json file
Jan 9, 2015 16:19
I'd say a Json file unless it needs it's own application logic


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Jul 30, 2012 16:30
it worked and now i am on to another error, which is always a good sign :)
Jul 30, 2012 16:29
definitely, thanks a lot
Jul 30, 2012 16:26
what would be the correct jquery?
Jul 30, 2012 16:26
so if i wanted to exclude inputs that are part of div class="hide"
Jul 30, 2012 16:23
var elems = $('#infoform').find('input[type=text], textarea').not('[rel="noVal"]').not(':parent(.hide)');
Jul 30, 2012 16:23
can anyone spot anything that's wrong with this line of jquery?
Jul 30, 2012 16:23


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Jul 18, 2012 09:27
google didn't turn anything up as to whether it can be done or not...
Jul 18, 2012 09:27
i'm trying to embed a non-partial view within another view and wondered if it was possible?
Jul 18, 2012 09:26
hello, anyone on here familar with mvc3?
Jul 3, 2012 17:13
will see if that works
Jul 3, 2012 17:12
Jul 3, 2012 17:12
i proposed "SELECT * FROM CarColours JOIN Colours USING(ColourID) WHERE car.CarID = '1'"
Jul 3, 2012 17:12
actually it was a friend who's come to me
Jul 3, 2012 17:08
'SELECT * FROM CarColours, Colours WHERE CarColours.ColourID = Colours.ColourID AND CarColours.CarID = 1'
Jul 3, 2012 17:08
does anyone know what's wrong with this sql statement?
Jun 29, 2012 15:56
@walkingTarget THANKS!!!
Jun 29, 2012 15:36
i have searched for hours on google trying to find something
Jun 29, 2012 15:36
@walkingTarget Can you point me in the direction of a tutorial or something that helped you do this?
Jun 29, 2012 14:54
not sure why it was so hard to find an answer to that
Jun 29, 2012 14:54
okay thankyou kendall
Jun 29, 2012 14:53
simple yes or no
Jun 29, 2012 14:53
without attaching it to an SQL server
Jun 29, 2012 14:52
again, not what i'm asking. I'm asking whether it's possible to deploy an mdf or sdf database file along with my web app and have the web app using the file directly
Jun 29, 2012 14:51
@hans, that's not what im asking for
Jun 29, 2012 14:51
find anywhere*
Jun 29, 2012 14:51
and i cannot anywhere whether this is possible or not
Jun 29, 2012 14:51
and what i need to do is deploy a website with a database file attached without having to buy a new sql database
Jun 29, 2012 14:50
is what i need
Jun 29, 2012 14:50
okay sorry, MS SQL
Jun 29, 2012 14:50
mysql vs sql
Jun 29, 2012 14:50
yeah that's mysql
Jun 29, 2012 14:50
thats mysql
Jun 29, 2012 14:50
on my hosting
Jun 29, 2012 14:50
yes sql server databases are £60 each
Jun 29, 2012 14:49
and i dont want to have to buy another one to deploy a web app on my server
Jun 29, 2012 14:49
i have hosting which has extortionate prices for SQL databases
Jun 29, 2012 14:49
without the need for an SQL server database
Jun 29, 2012 14:49
just need to know if it's possible to host an sql database file and use it in a website on a remote server
Jun 29, 2012 14:48
can someone help me with a really simple problem
Jun 29, 2012 13:33
hello, does anyone know if it's possible to deploy a local .mdf database with a website to a remote IIS server and have it running like a normal sql database?
Jun 27, 2012 17:01
Jun 27, 2012 17:01
agreed, it's like windows did most of the design work for us
Jun 22, 2012 19:32
thanks @Kyle
Jun 22, 2012 19:27
Jun 22, 2012 19:27
why so??