So we are linking location.href to another html page correct? So the page that conatins <input ng-model = "query" id = "query"/> is on another page. product.html
Yeah, sorry to beat a dead horse, i can see that 5/5 leaves a remainder of 0 because it is even. but 1%5 should that be something else, or is it because its not big enough to go into it so it simply is 1, would 5%6 be 1 and 5%7 be 2? or am i not grasping it at all, is it subtraction and remainder or division and remainder
okay so can you explain once more what % does in there? I can see that it prints out the item at location front + i, and i will go through the entire loop. but what does % maxSize mean exactly
Okay, so i should use rear instead, but if it loops around, would it be possible for front to be say index 3 and rear to be index 4 or index 0, so at any point, front < rear could be false?
yeah, I am pretty sure the way i am doing it is counterproductive and there is an easier way in whole but, this is what i have so i am trying to make it work you know?