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A: How can I get the Information in search bar on click or Enter. Then paste it to another input on another page?

Praveen KumarSay if you wanna take it to a page, search?query=TheSearchText, you can use location.href: $( "#id" ).click(function () { location.href='search?query=' + $('[ng-model="query"]').val(); }); In better words, please give an id to the search text: <input ng-model="query" id="query" /> $( "#...

If i wanted to add an id, where exactly will i do it? In the form or the dive
@Renuz Updated it too. Check.
@Renuz You need to put id both in the button and the input
<input ng-model = "query" id = "query" is on another page, product.html. Is that going to change how i link it?
@Renuz Er. I don't understand...
So we are linking location.href to another html page correct? So the page that conatins <input ng-model = "query" id = "query"/> is on another page. product.html
Yes yes. Right.
How is it to link to the other page? right now Im getting an error. Im placing the script below the first forum
What's the error are you getting?
You have to run this on server right?
Yes but currently im running it on local to test it
So is the code different for local or servers?
Yeah, as I said, it works only for the webserver becoz it is a GET request...
That can be achieved only using a HTTP request...
Alright I will have to upload it to a godaddy hosting server to see how it works, thanks!
Sure... Please do accept my answer ... Thanks.

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