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A: How do i use a for loop in a servlet class?

BrajTry to avoid Scriplets. You can use forEach JSTL tag for looping in jsp file itself. set the list as request attribute in the servlet and then access it in jsp as shown below: <%@taglib uri="" prefix="c" %> ... <c:forEach items="${list}" var="item"> ${item}<br>

I was trying that, but how do i implement it? Do i just put it in the file as html code? Example: out.print("forEach code");
you need servlet and jsp both the files. Servlet is for server side logic and jsp for html rending.
Where would implement, <%@ taglib uri="; prefix="c" %> I am using netbeans premade servlet.
It doesnt say to use anything but the index and servlet file in the assignment, that's the only way?.
you need to read about JSTL core tag library that provides some handy methods to use in jsp instead of Scriptlet (java code)
you need one html (form submission), servlet (to process the form data) and one jsp to show the result. HTML -> servlet -> JSP
So how do i connect the Servlet to the JSP then? I only need it to display the tables
Let me post some examples
And will i still be able to access the information gathered from the index?
please wait
from HTML file you submit the request
then it goes to servlet for processing at server side as per "action" attribute used in HTML form
then in servlet you set the request attribute with the list that you want to display
and from servlet redirect or forward the request to the jsp
where jsp file can read request attribute and you can loop it using JSTL foreach tag
and this list can display say tables
using the forEach
you can find lots of example on google for JSTL and redirecting for forwarding to jsp page from servelt
I will have to look up some things referring to jsp
Thank you, i can try to find a way to do it instead of trying to work in the wrong direction

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