
General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
Jul 30 20:25
@ntohl mmn I don't think Scan would work. My fault I was not clear.
Let's say I get a person a, b,c items in the same 3 sec window.. and person 4 comes in much later it won't emit a-c until person 4 arrives as signal. Maybe this is where Buffer can be used
Jul 30 20:17
@ntohl Interesting.. Scan could actually work. Let me look into it as well
Jul 30 07:47
so is .Buffer but I want to use the source object timestamp field to calculate the historical interval
Jul 30 07:43
@ntohl thanks. I doubt it is possible to use a timestamp field. I might just have to ditch rx and write my stuff
Jul 30 07:00
The problem is Buffer is using clock time. I can't figure out how to use a window of time based on the object's timestamp field
Jul 30 06:57
A: Use RxExtensions to aggregate stream of data

Lews TherinI think I came up with something close. I changed _personSource.ToObserverable() to Subject<PersonData>. Then: _subs= _source.GroupBy(x => x.Name).Subscribe( personsByName => { var windowedObservable = personsByName.GroupByUntil(x => x.DollarAmount, x =>...

Jul 30 06:57
I asked this question but no one has had a crack at it yet:
Jul 30 06:56
Is anyone here good at rx?
Jul 30 06:56
Hey friends
Mar 15, 2022 03:44
I need for C# specficially
Mar 15, 2022 02:56
does anyone know of a good website for reactive extensions?

C++ Questions and Answers

Solve problems and approach solutions. Just ask and lurkers wi...
Jan 25 22:57
I don't know why a copy constructor wasn't just coopted for move semantics. I guess it;s for backwards compatibility but there is not stopping you from implementing a move as a copy
Jan 25 22:56
@JerryCoffin I see. So a valid state doesnt necessarily mean pointing to the same initial object. Just valid semantically speaking
Jan 23 22:21
I thought it was the same object just the address is maintained
Jan 23 22:20
so moves actually have a side effect of destroying the object?
Jan 23 22:20
ohh ok makes sense I guess
Jan 23 22:00
In the comment I said move constructor, I meant move assignment
Jan 23 21:37
I will create a short example
Jan 23 21:36
But it doesn't automatically use the move constructors. I still have to use std::move
Jan 23 21:36
@JerryCoffin yeah I deleted the copy ctor and copy assignment and created move counterpart
Jan 22 04:28
i think i figured it out
Jan 22 03:35
When I initialize the variant it is fine. Issue occurs when I try to copy
Jan 22 03:34
Is it possible to have a boost::variant with one of the types having a member of unique_ptr?
Jan 22 03:34
Hi, ive been struggling with a compile issue for half a day
Feb 19, 2022 07:20
@JerryCoffin this makes better sense to me. thanks
Feb 19, 2022 07:16
made no sense
Feb 19, 2022 07:16
I just didnt understand what the author meant by formerly held object being destructed from the sourced object
Feb 19, 2022 07:15
yeah I agree
Feb 19, 2022 07:13
@JerryCoffin yeah if an object is created with new I suppose the new variable handling the actual sourced object should handle the destruction when it's out of scope
Feb 19, 2022 07:11
@JerryCoffin so when we mean source object we actually mean variable
Feb 19, 2022 07:09
or just one?
Feb 19, 2022 07:09
In case of two variables move(a)->b, are there two destructions?


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
Dec 25, 2023 01:53
really appreciate it:)
Dec 25, 2023 01:52
Dec 25, 2023 01:52
ugh i was trying to do that with factor.. but you broke it down nicely
Dec 25, 2023 01:52
oh yes that makes sense duh
Dec 25, 2023 01:49
why subtract 8 from 7 and not 10
Dec 25, 2023 01:49
yeah but how did you come up with the formula though lol
Dec 25, 2023 01:48
dammit you came up with that so easy
Dec 25, 2023 01:47
mmn why does that work
Dec 25, 2023 01:34
but it doesnt work :/
Dec 25, 2023 01:34
so Im thinking:
`factor = 10-7;
x = 4 * (factor/7)
y = 5 * (1-(factor/10))
interpolated_index = (x + y) /2`
Dec 25, 2023 01:31
I would expect the algo to return something like 4.3 or something
Dec 25, 2023 01:30
8 is between index 4 and 5
Dec 25, 2023 01:29
So lets say: [1,3,4,7,10] and I want to find 8
Dec 25, 2023 01:29
I use binary search to find the closest value
Dec 25, 2023 01:29
Basically I have an array with N numbers. And I want to find the index in which X lies
Dec 25, 2023 01:28
I;ve got a math/coding question I need help with.. I think I have the idea but I suck with the math
Dec 25, 2023 01:28
Happy xmas guys