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Hey All, I'm using Microsoft Edge
Version 99.0.1150.39 (Official build) (64-bit). However, The github.com 's password reset webpage's Captcha is causing problems. I always select the proper picture, but it keeps giving me the following error: Unable to verify your captcha response. Please visit https://docs.github.com/articles/troubleshooting-connectivity-problems/#troubleshooting-the-captcha for troubleshooting information. Could someone please provide me with some help? Thanks.
2 hours later…
does anyone know of a good website for reactive extensions?
ask again in js room maybe


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
I need for C# specficially
1 hour later…
Folks, who know the answer of my question?
3 hours later…
Hi Guys
Good morning
How can I call configuration provided by CreateDefaultBuilder as a parameter for UseSqlServer?
                .ConfigureServices(isc =>

                    isc.AddDbContext<Models.TheContext>(options =>
1 hour later…
problem solved.
lol js peoples virtually make everything "pipe"
Hi , how to use OrderBy after GroupBy
thanks for your answer, but i want to order them by a property within the resulted group
like x.Key.BirthDate
then GroupBy(...).OrderBy(x=>x.Key.BirthDate)
it refuses
or you meant x.Values.BirthDate
let me try it
you'd have to split your logic between the grouped enumerable and their individual values
then order first, OrderBy(x=>x.BirthDate).GroupBy(...)
you have nested enumerables at the moment
I am not sure about the behaviour of orderby before groupby, I assume you cant rely on it
on top of which, it might be easier to order smaller collections
once the group by is done, you'd want to use the groups
each group has it's own enumerable of values, those you can order (or sort)
1. order whole and then group
2. grouping and then order each group one by one
it worked with small values but when i tried it with large data from the database it doesn't work
how do i group amd order each group one bu one
put ToArray if you dont want nested enumerable
ok thanks
I'll try it
still a problem
you cant just order the inner, first you have to resolve the outer
what is it you want to do with this enumerable?
ai want to merge two selects together
.GroupBy(m => m.DepartementName)
.Select(g => g.OrderByDescending(l => l.LoginDate))
this order the data correctly
.OrderByDescending(l => l.LoginDate)
.GroupBy(m => m.DepartementName)
.Select(m => new LogDataViewModel
DepartmentName = m.Key,
loginDate = m.FirstOrDefault().LoginDate,
Name = m.FirstOrDefault().Name
i want to apply the last to it
so, in your select, you'd want the "FirstOrDefault()" to return a value based on the sorting
.Select(group => {
    var first = group.OrderBy(...).First();
    return new LogDataViewModel(...);
.Select(g =>
var first = g.OrderByDescending(l => l.LoginDate).FirstOrDefault();
return new LogDataViewModel
DepartmentName = g.Key,
loginDate = m.LoginDate,
Name = m.Name
still errors
[Captain Obvious] What's going on 'ere then?
define "errors"
Error CS0834 A lambda expression with a statement body cannot be converted to an expression tree
ah, you are fighting with the converter from queryable to sql probably
maybe you can do something like .Select(it => new { it.Key, Value = it.OrderBy().First() })
if not, you might have to load it into memory using .ToList()
1 hour later…
hello all, I need to cache a frequent selected select option, so it becomes the default selected option, the list contains hundreds of options (with search of course), but users mostly stick to only one option on every request, so it makes sense to be the default selected one. I want to cache this option in the browser and make it selected if it's presented,
but the problem I'm currently thinking of (I didn't yet start), is how to make this work with Razor pages, since it will need JS, and client-side manipulation, should I, for example send the cache with the get request to set the selected option in the server.
[Captain Obvious] LocalStorage is your friend
[Captain Obvious] And should be workable without needing raw js
any link? I didn't use it before
does it work with Razor?
2 hours later…
[Captain Obvious] Well I assumed that you were iffy about using JS that you were using blazor
[Captain Obvious] Because you can use js with razor no problem
[Captain Obvious] Blazor I think has APIs for LocalStorage
[Captain Obvious] And if you're not using it, then it's a piece of piss to use anyway
[Captain Obvious] I think it's something liek Window.LocalStorage which is a dictionary of whatever
Also having an actual API for this is news to me, gotta go search the internet for that^^
Here's the localstorage for stack chat
it might not be named sensibly, but I think it has some storage mechanism that leans on LS
right I'm gonna retreat back to idsocrd now
@Squirrelkiller I thought localstorage only works for strings
@Wietlol I see actual numbers in Cap's local storage on his screenshot, so I guess it's just another js object?
hmm... maybe only primitives
I remember me trying to do something in localstore and the major problem I was facing was "you cant store Date in localstore, use a serialized string instead"
I just store a guid as string currently
the GetGuid function triggers me though
Should probably just put a serialiser in there and throw away GetGuid
GetGuid is fine, but it should get the guid, not try to find it and return null if nothing is found, imho
but maybe I just associate a different meaning with "get"
I generally use "Find" for optional stuff and "Get" for required stuff
so, FindGuid() would return null, and GetGuid() would throw an exception (either not-found or invalid-format)
3 hours later…
Hey All, I'm using Microsoft Edge
Version 99.0.1150.39 (Official build) (64-bit). However, The github.com 's password reset webpage's Captcha is causing problems. I always select the proper picture, but it keeps giving me the following error: Unable to verify your captcha response. Please visit docs.github.com/articles/… for troubleshooting information. Could someone please provide me with some help? Thanks.
crazyTech is a bot confirmed

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