
Don't say hi. Don't ask questions. Don't have fun. Don't do an...
Oct 13, 2022 11:11
Hi everyone, I'm facing a problem with a common Fragment used on different feature modules (let's say, an error screen). If I use Navigation Components with SafeArgs, and I reference that Fragment from each module's navigation, the plugin will create duplicated classes. How would you solve this issue?
Feb 28, 2019 11:30
Hello all, does anybody now why a simple registerReceiver isn’t working inside an AndroidViewModel using it’s inner Application (it’s a DaggerApplication inheritance)? application.registerReceiver(...). If I do the same within my Application class, it works well.
Feb 27, 2019 21:18
the kind of people who is asked about frog stuff haha
Feb 27, 2019 21:17
yep, I saw that in your profile
Feb 27, 2019 21:16
I agree it's a waste of time, I just watch that game
Feb 27, 2019 21:15
it should be open here, . unless they've location restrictions
Feb 27, 2019 21:13
but no, I'm sorry to say I'm not passionate about frogs :/
Feb 27, 2019 21:13
hahaha sorry Mr.Basque, it's no about you, it's Real Madrid vs. Barcelona here
Feb 27, 2019 21:02
@RaghavSood lol
Feb 27, 2019 20:59
he place where I live
Feb 27, 2019 20:59
Hi there Raymond, wow, you've got a Basque last name
Feb 27, 2019 20:57
Sorry about that, missed that little rule hehe, Hello all! :)
Feb 27, 2019 20:56
I have read and understood the rules
Feb 27, 2019 20:26
Hello all :)


Rules → —  Discussion for iOS and OS X ...
Sep 19, 2015 20:28
Ok, thanks @nil and @Owatch
Sep 19, 2015 20:06
Hello all, with currently iOS 9.1 public beta and XCode, is it possible to publish an app with base SDK 9.1? is it reasonable? or it's just better to publish non-beta releases like iOS 9.0
Sep 16, 2015 09:40
@NitinGohel thanks, I'll check it right now
Sep 16, 2015 09:37
like if it would be a resolution thing
Sep 16, 2015 09:36
I'm not saying that any image is stretched, the whole screen is displayed with two black spaces on the top and at the bottom
Sep 16, 2015 09:34
Hello all, I'm starting to test one of my apps in iOS 9/Xcode 7. Does anybody know why am I seeing my app vertically stretched?


Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
Mar 25, 2012 12:10
my idea is to integrate it within Eclipse in order to deploy automatically when something changes, but I am not able to do it (I'm using SpringSource Tool Suite as IDE)
Mar 25, 2012 12:09
Good morning, someone can help me with Tomcat? I've configured it perfectly, and I deploy and everything manually with ANT scripts
Mar 25, 2012 12:08
mi idea es integrarlo en Eclipse para hacer el deploy automáticamente al cambiar algo, pero no consigo integrarlo (estoy usando SpringSource Tool Suite como IDE)
Mar 25, 2012 12:07
He configurado perfectamente el servidor, y hago el deploy y todo a mano con scripts ANT
Mar 25, 2012 12:06
Buenos días, alguien me puede echar una mano con Tomcat?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Sep 21, 2011 13:04
@Chris Cooper: Is it possible? I've never heard about it. I always use its name property (which should be different)


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Sep 5, 2011 09:40
Morning all!