I have an interesting problem. I'm trying to figure out how does django migrations work with docker compose given that I run 3 containers? Anyone knows how to deal with this?
@PM2Ring it returns string. I would like to sort any elements that have "isDefault" set to true, then any elements which have it as "false" and then elements who don't have it.
mc is parsed lxml.etree.Element object. For example '<media:content url="somewhere" medium="image" type="image/jpeg" width="940" height="627" isDefault="true"/>'
@PM2Ring Im not sure I understand your question. I just recently started learning python. mc doesnt have property "isDefault". It can be accessed only through get() because it is an attribute on Element object.
Hi, Im having trouble sorting list of `lxml.etree.Element`'s. Some of them have attribute `isDefault` and some of them don't. When I try to sort the list I get `TypeError: unorderable types: str() < NoneType()`.
How to deal with it? Here's the code Im using: `media_content.sort(key=lambda mc: mc.get("isDefault"))`
Actually, now that I think about it - do I even need rabbitmq? I could just do this by using processes/threads and notify them about jobs using that queue?
Hmm.. Ok. So for lack of better words I need to implement some kind of messaging mechanism on top of messaging protocol? My objective is to fetch some data from the internet, then publisher sends the data for consumers to process. Now Im thinking that I will run the producer on different thread and share a queue with it, so that my main loop can add items to it and producer thread can pop them and publish for n consumers to consume. Or is perhaps is there a better way to achieve this?
Hi guys! I cant wrap my head around rabbitmq. Im trying to use publish/subscribe pattern but for some not so obvious reasons "async" producer is using select that blocks my run loop. How do I get about this? Run the producer in another thread and then somehow tell to the publisher thread to do some actual publishing? Also this is my first time using pything or rabbitmq for that matter. #PHP4Life :D
Hey! Im messing arround with iOS app extensions. I am trying to use Alamofire from the extension, but as soon as I add "import Alamofire" I get an "module not found" error. Im using CocoaPods and Xcode 6.4.
Hey! Im messing arround with iOS app extensions. I am trying to use Alamofire from the extension, but as soon as I add "import Alamofire" I get an "module not found" error. Im using CocoaPods and Xcode 6.4.
@thecoshman Sorry for my stupidity, but if I create struct with new and it contains stringstream and after some modification to it I delete the struct the stringstream doesnt get deleted? Im thinking like that because Im not sure if the destructor in stringstream is being called when the struct gets deleted, i.e., stringstreams data just "hangs" in the memory?
@thecoshman Im writing code for a server based on winsock. Newly accepted client sockets get pushed to vector (the struct I was talking about). When client disconnects I close socket & delete it from vector, but the struct also contains stringstream with some text in it, so what happens when I delete the struct containing the closed socket and stringstream variables?
Hi guys. If I have a struct with stringstream variables and struct is pushed into vector and after some time I delete the struct from vector am I creating memory leaks because of struct containing stringstream?
@Sathya You mean by commit --amend i add any files that will make up the base of my project? For example I think that the app will need a log/, db/, css/ folders. Later I add index page and so on until I decide that I have reached bare minimum of my project?
Hi guys! Im a little bit confused about GIT first commit. For example I start a new PHP project - I create a dir, index file, some configs, etc. Does this "initial commit" needs to have everything you need to actually use the app or it can be just some random files Im creating on the way WHILE Im creating the app?
Hi guys! Im a little bit confused about GIT first commit. For example I start a new PHP project - I create a dir, index file, some configs, etc. Does this "initial commit" needs to have everything you need to actually use the app or it can be just some random files Im creating on the way WHILE Im creating the app?
Hi! I have low memory VPS (512 mb) so Im trying to implement Apache worker MPM + FastCGI + PHP. Main focus is on security and speed as it will be shared hosting. Question is - how to arrange folders and settings? For example, /srv/www/cgi-bin, /srv/www/htdocs. Does cgi-bin directory is hidden from user (ftp)? How other people come arround this problem?