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hey all
how goes it
fine, thanks
found an interesting numpy question, was a good day
yea? whats the question
@davidism is it OK to CV-pls 5-minutes-old homework dumps?
the only addition to the homework question is the title...
@sadmicrowave this
got a question: given the string "Analyst *5" whats the most pythonic way of extracting "*5" from the original string and assigning the two resulting values to variables like:

role = "Analyst"
multiplier = 5
@AndrasDeak are you familiar with tensorflow? Facing some issue, which is going over my head :|
nope, sorry:(
@sadmicrowave split on ' *'
in case the format is fixed like that
@AndrasDeak there's no exception for them in the cv guidelines, so just wait the 10 minutes.
yea I'm splitting now. then:

kw = keyword.split(" *")
if len(kw) == 2:
multiplier = int(kw[1])
hey all
@davidism thanks
@AndrasDeak I refuse to believe that is the most pythonic way to achieve this lol
if ' *' in keyword:
    name,multiplier = keyword.split(' *')
that looks better at least
I have an interesting problem. I'm trying to figure out how does django migrations work with docker compose given that I run 3 containers? Anyone knows how to deal with this?
@AndrasDeak I am not sure how I skipped this question at the time it was posted. May be busy with some other question :P
Early morning 6:30 am rbrb :D
1 hour later…
@AndrasDeak Thanks for your feedback! I can try writing the canonical answer, but probably won't get around to it until tomorrow. You make a good point about the dupe target being about intraday while everyone else is asking about weekends. I'll try to make my answer general so that it appeases everyone.
@lanery thanks, there's no rush. Most of those dupes have been lying around for a while, and the questions are collected in your meta post:)
If the top Q&A pair had a less weird answer, I'd just say hammer them all. But it seems suboptimally helpful to regular readers...
feel free to ping me whenever you have anything to look at:)
@JGreenwell cbg
long time, well short depending on what measurement of time your using but I digress, how ya been @AndrasDeak?
@Antti I rebooted my laptop after having more than 1e6 4096-sized allocations... 4 gigs down the drain. It seems that I'd have to recompile the kernel for memory debugging, which I'm reluctant do. So I tried booting into an (much) older kernel, we'll see how this goes in a few days
@JGreenwell standard galactic units
But anyway I'm fine, thanks for asking:) How about you?
good, finally have some research potential (looking at adding NLP to different quiz/testing centers we use for writing. Which is really, really interesting as children write in a bizarre way which defies standard NLP convention). Also classes are connecting and starting to really pick up - can't ask more as a teacher - and we start Newtonian Physics :)
Granted, I think I made a 10 year old's head explode when he asked me "what is really in gravity?" but that was fun in its own way too :)
trolling the kids, sounds like fun
the follow up question was "what is dark energy?" - I am actually, really I am, trying to write something to explain this in a way ten-year olds can understand.....not easy.
but fun in its way
honestly, I kinda wish I had college kids who would have asked that question but most were too busy worrying about just getting through the intro class
anyone wanna give a hand
to what? just ask your question @Caspar
@JGreenwell oh, nice challenge:D
and you can't just say "we don't know" ;)
See the rules on asking a question (i.e. just ask and we will answer if we can/are not busy/are not too drunk/are interest/are actually here and not just the ghost in our machines imitating us)
yeah, kids don't like the idea of "we don't know"........for that matter, neither do undergrads :)
"so much for your fancy science"
"we know but the information is so dangerous you can only be told it after the occult and secret ceremony we do for all graduate students" can work though
we should add a caution to our room rules: "Ignore all snarkiness as we are programmers inspired by a comedy troupe"
Also see the rules on posting a link to a question
hmm...we don't have headers set up on those to link directly too them
or I'm just waaayyy to tired to figure out where they are
also the answer is in the error message (is the lcd module/library on your Desktop, as it appears it is not)
And all I can see is I used "too" when I wanted "to".....argh!
@JGreenwell Good to see you around here again! I think it's important to explain to the students how science doesn't try to say what's really happening but instead builds models to help us make sense of our observations. As I said the other day in this and a few following posts:
Jan 25 at 14:48, by PM 2Ring
@MYGz That's really the best answer, but you need the right context to appreciate it properly. Firstly, remember that science doesn't try to describe the universe directly. Instead, it builds limited models, and describes those models, and tests how well predictions derived from the models match up with empirical tests & observations.
yes, now put that in a speech that a 10-year-old will understand ;) I kid, as this is one of the most important aspects of teaching science in my opinion. Well, that and the idea is to break the model not test it expecting that it is correct.
which is very related but a useful distinction (in my mind at least)
honestly, right now, I'm just trying to get these kids (remember I started mid-year) to understand that an incorrect hypothesis is still a good thing
@JGreenwell and be on the lookout for serendipity, my favourite example of which is Fleming and mold
Yeah, if you just do tests to demonstrate that your model is correct then you're doing religion, not science. :)
Also, I still have adults/teachers who are surprised to learn about plasma as a state of matter so that can be interesting....once started on Bose-Einstein condensates and that got a lot of blank stares from adults so...... shrug
now you can go on with the newest thing: time crystals...
cabbage \o
anytime I hear time crystals I just start talking about the T.A.R.D.I.S
or tachyons
same thing
well, except for that one with the 4th Doctor where he explains how Time Lords moved beyond tachyon physics but then I'm back at the TARDIS
good night
night @AndrasDeak
how to create a list of unique value using list comprehension while computing .. ?
use set
This ones a classic. :D
Comment: "you might want to take a look at stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask"
OP's reply: "are you always -1 people?, you might want to take a look at stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-answer"
1 hour later…
People from this room have pointed you to the rules several times. Please read them before continuing.
3 hours later…
I don't think it's possible, but does anyone know of a method for getting the raw timings back from timeit? So not the final time, but the time for each individual run?
Looking at the source code I don't think it's possible, so anyone know of any alternative libraries that would support this?
What do you mean by rawtime? individual run of what?
Well timeit is used to time the execution of code.
Normally it actually runs the code repeatedly and returns the time for the entire repetition.
I'd like it for each individual execution.
You could call timeit repeatedly with number set to 1 :D
^ or even create a decorator to record the time of execution of each function. By setting -n = 1, in a way you will not be actually utilizing the features of timeit
[timeit.timeit('pass', number=1) for _ in range(100)]
Based on the doc, I thought repeat might do it. But it gives the best of r repeeated results
nespresso <3
crash crash crash
@AndrasDeak compiling a kernel is not really hard :D
if you've not yet done it,
there's the curses menuconfig, you just need to take the existing kernel config, and change the few settings and then install it after compilation
ah but you didn't have ubuntu :d
I guess the same applies to plain debian
@Ffisegydd I don't know any better way than what vaultah suggests in his listcomp. Of course, times of individual executions are pretty noisy, since timeit measures wall clock time not CPU time, so the timings will be affected by the other processes running on the system. But being a data scientist, I'm sure you know how to deal with that. ;)
Hello people. I have an off-topic question (if allowed). Do you know a good CMS for developers? I do not like the famous ones such as Wordpress (poor code formatting plugins, for example). An ideal CMS would give me good code formatting results and can manage articles according to their categories. Thank you
Hey @vaultah I've just finished putting together a timing script for that list merge function. You'll be pleased to know that your version scores consistently well in Python 2 / 3 and on a wide size range of input list lengths.
hai alll
@PM2Ring nice!
@MoinuddinQuadri I guess a decorator would work, although it will slow down the overall time it takes to run the tests due to the overhead of an extra level of function call for each call of the function that's being tested. Of course, that time won't be included in the time the decorator records, but it will still slow things down.
Note that timeit turns of garbage collection when it does its timings, unless you tell it to enable gc, so to replicate its functionality your own timing code needs to turn off gc too.
@vaultah I was thinking of posting the timeit script as a Community Wiki answer, but I guess I might as well just append it to my answer. Otherwise we need to re-open the question and then re-hammer it, which seems a little irregular.
@AnttiHaapala nice ti see u again after a while :)
no djnago discussion groups?
@MoinuddinQuadri Another problem with the decorator approach is if you want to test a recursive function, since you don't want to call the decorated version.
@Ananthu in SO?
@khajvah i dont get u,
There is not chat room for Django, no
there might be some IRC channels though
@PM2Ring Indeed 😛 I basically wanted it so I could take multiple samples to build up a distribution of timings for statistical analysis.
So just make your data quantum a small number of loops and reps, eg 10 loops & 3 reps, and take the minimum time, as discussed in the timeit docs. There'll still be noticeable system noise in the data, even if you only have the bare minimum of other processes running.
Not sure how much value it would add, based on the standard of taking the minimum timing from a collection when comparing different pieces of code.
Yeah exactly.
Yeah, you'll be mostly measuring variations in the system load, rather than variations in the actual performance of your code.
Depends on the code I suppose, for basic stuff yes.
For non-trivial stuff there may be a valid distribution within the noise.
One minor annoying thing when trying to compare Python 2 vs Python 3 speeds for code that uses the random module is that the RNG seeded with the same seed returns different results on the different versions.
@vaultah I've posted the timing script & output stackoverflow.com/a/42028851/4014959
I'm frankly surprised that merge_PM2R_pop does so well in Python 3.6, and that merge_PM2R_it does so poorly, generally only doing better than the functions that use pop(0).
Thankyou, anonymous upvoter. It's nice to get some compensation for the time I put into writing that timing code. ;)
is it better to use less variables? for eg :
diff =s-e
or print(s-e)
@Naveen Use variables if 1. Your expression will become more readable by naming specific parts or 2. You are gonna reuse the variable
@Naveen It's very slightly faster to avoid using the extra name, but the difference is so small that it rarely makes much of a difference, so you whould write whatever makes your code clearer.
Generally speaking, print(s-e) creates a numeric object that contains the result of s-e and passes it directly to print.
diff =s-e creates the same numeric object and stashes it in either the globals() or the locals() dictionary (depending on whether you're running the code in the global context or inside a function). And then print has to do a dictionary lookup to find that object, checking first in locals() (if locals() exists) and then in globals() if it's not in locals(). But both adding to a dict and performing a lookup are rather fast.
@PM2Ring Ohh Yes! I totally missed the recursive part. It won't be a good idea to use it on recursive functions
Of course, in many cases you can put the recursive function inside a non-recursive wrapper, and then decorate the wrapper. Of course you'll still get that extra function call from the wrapper calling the recursive function. OTOH, a lot of people like to wrap recursive functions anyway, rather than allowing callers to directly interface with the recursive function itself.
@khajvah and @PM2Ring got it
Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit, 16gb of RAM, i7, Python 3.7.0a0
PM2Ring,is there any resource , where i can find behind the scene workings of python, like what you said abt dict lookup and performance?
@vaultah Thanks. It's interesting that merge_PM2R_it gets promoted and merge_PM2R_pop gets demoted. That output is a better match to what my gut-feeling expectations were.
@Naveen Some of that info is mentioned in the Python docs, and it gets mentioned from time to time in SO answers by the top answerers. And if you're really keen (and can read C code), you can look at the CPython source code. ;)
@PM2Ring thank you
But seriously, you don't need to clutter your head with a whole bunch of implementation details. Sure, it's good to have a general idea of what's efficient and what's not , but you should mainly strive to write clear code. If you're concerned about the efficiency of something, run time tests.
And of course you're welcome to ask specific questions about that sort of stuff here.
Also bear in mind that Python is an evolving language, and some constructions that were very inefficient in old versions of Python may be ok in more modern versions.
For example, if k in mydict.keys(): was very bad in Python 2 (unless the dict was tiny). It's quite efficient in Python 3, but it's still considered to be bad style, since you can just write if k in mydict. I mention this because it's the topic of a current question: stackoverflow.com/questions/42040020/…
Any python Developers?
@raghunath Nope, we only do C++ here
That's why we named the chat Python.
saturday cabbages
cabbage to you too
Hi am apple developer, for applepay i have python code for server side. In that server code am getting issue. please help out.
wooo....I just got the python 3x bronze badge
wakka wakka
@raghunath provide MCVE
@raghunath Welcome. Please acquaint yourself with the rules and as mentioned by khajvah, please read how to put together a MCVE. You can just ask your question. Just please make it clear and concise.
I hope that's not your real API key
Test stripe key
@idjaw test
does someone has experience with recurrent neural network with tensorflow?
ok good
Authentication error: Have to update TFS 1.0 to 1.2 like that it said. Now its loading am not able to post error screen now. Then, 2 or three lines shows error. Is there any error in that server code?
Because i don't know the basics of python too. Please help out.
You can't provide the traceback?
@raghunath Well maybe you should learn the basics of Python. The official tutorial is quite good.
that too
If you are responsible for developing an application using Python, you really should take the time to properly learn the language.
Make sure you are also using a proper IDE that will offer good tools to help debug as well.
Traceback means?
Therein lies the fundamental problem. You really need to take a few steps back and go through a tutorial to get the basics down.
I have to push my app into store. Only pending is apple pay. just i followed tutorial there they mentioned python code. thats why i added.Hereafter no other go.ANybody helpout?
@raghunath Your questions are now getting more incoherent. Please make sure you've done your due diligence to go as far as you can go on your side and ensure you can put together a proper mcve in order to get proper help here. If your problem is too large scale to be easily answered here, then please structure a question on the main site
@PM2Ring whoa that was a super explanation :)
@idjaw why you moved my question link bro? You only told to put it in a main site know
@raghunath Read back carefully. I wasn't the one who moved it
Ok bro sorry
Secondly, if you read the link I sent you about the chat rules, you are not supposed to link newly created questions from the main site here.
There is a 1-2 day grace period before posting questions here from the main site
@Naveen Thanks!
Ok ok. Bro if i know python i will ask technically. Just only one tutorial for iOS apple pay. That too used Python. What can i do bro?
I wish all libraries provided errors like that. So clear and informative...
Did you follow the instructions that the exception gave you about how to properly use Stripe the way you are trying to use it
Because it seems pretty darn clear what you are supposed to do
pls read the error message at the bottom
@vaultah Raghunath actually asked that question in here first, and then posted it on the main site after he was advised to do so. So it's not exactly in breach of our rule about posting links to fresh questions. OTOH, there was no need to one-box it.
I take the blame for the confusion on that
I suggested the creation of the question, because it seemed like there was no attempt to narrow down the problem, so I figure it would be best to try to explain it in a question.
Apple pay payment from customer should go to merchant stripe account. Just am sending Request format with amount product with tokenId to server. In server i have added Charge to stripe account code. That will send customer amount to Merchant stripe account.
@PM2Ring won't happen hereafter
@raghunath For future reference,
@PM2Ring that would be more effective if the font was comic-sans
@raghunath But now that the question is on the main site we really should stop discussing it in here. Anyone who's interested can go to the main site. But you really need to learn some Python basics or it will be almost impossible for people to help you.
@PM2Ring sorry i have done everything for applepay except python server issue. Please helpout.
You should also try to copy the 'text' of that full traceback and put it in your question. Also. You really should do exactly what that error message is telling you to do. There is even a link to documentation on what to do.
I originally created that image so I could post in the comments of questions when appropriate, but Martijn declared that it wasn't a nice thing to do.
pffft....as if Martijn would know what he's talking about
@AnttiHaapala no, I haven't compiled one yet, and I'm not sure I'll take your word of "not really hard" for granted;D Anyway, thanks for the link, I'll check it out.
cbg, Bhargav
@AndrasDeak how are things?
Fine, I guess:) What about you?
not too bad. I took a big step this week and deactivated my Facebook
it's gone....wooosh
ooooh, respect!
Has your face been all like from the torrent of productivity?
Yes. Exactly that. So much, that I didn't know what to do that I found myself sitting like that for two whole hours because of the explosion of activities I realized I could do instead.
So now I don't know what was more productive.....sitting like that, or hitting "like"
life is hard
*nods knowingly*
@raghunath I'm sorry, I don't know how to solve your problem. And there's not a lot that could be said on top of what idjaw & avinash have said. I know nothing about Flask, or applepay. But I suspect that in its current state your question would be hard for experts to answer. At the very least you need to add the full error message to your question in text form. And as I said earlier, it will be hard for people to explain things properly to you if you don't know the basics of Python.
@PM2Ring yes, you're right
Ok i will add the error message in my question bro @PM2Ring
@PM2Ring python doesn't show error log. Its loading. I think its due to internet connection. Shall i post error image screen.
I am not able to copy the text.
@raghunath No. Do not post images of text. Copy & paste the text itself into your question, and put it into a code block to preserve the formatting.
eck bro
Error page is not coming now bro. If i run now, its in running position, not showing error. i have only error image screen as of now.
This is going nowhere.
@raghunath please don't call If you accept a suggestion, I don't think you should call anybody other than your close friends and relatives "bro"
it's off-putting for most people
@raghunath Simple question. The screenshot you posted told you to follow this link: stripe.com/blog/upgrading-tls
Is it? ok..
Did you follow that link? Did you follow the instructions?
Did you do what the error message clearly told you to do?
If you did not. Then please go back to your work station and do exactly that
If you did, then the information you are providing is out of date and you are facing another problem.
In that they told to upload TFS. I did, but again it shows same error.
You clearly are not doing something correct. No one here can help you right now.
I'm going to call "garlic".
Please stop digging for people to magically come up with some solution
It is very clear no one here can help you
19 mins ago, by PM 2Ring
@raghunath But now that the question is on the main site we really should stop discussing it in here. Anyone who's interested can go to the main site. But you really need to learn some Python basics or it will be almost impossible for people to help you.
And you have nowhere near enough information for people to be able to help you
Please stop.
OK, @Antti, compiling the kernel doesn't seem impossible after all. I'll stick with the old kernel for a few days to see if it leaks, then try to compile the new one with memory debugging enabled
also: fakeroot looks like magic
@AndrasDeak it is hardly magic, it just uses chroot to simulate actions
ah sorry, I was wrong :d
yeah it instead uses ld_preload to intercept syscall library calls
in other words: magic:D
can you guys link me to what you are referencing?
hmmm. Now why use that over chroot
is fakeroot intended for single command usage
it seems to me that fakeroot is especially suited for packing up partially root-owned stuff in archives/packages
oh, you can chroot in fakeroot
so they seem to be for different purposes too
I use chroot...I haven't had a use case for fakeroot
so this is fairly new to me
typo stackoverflow.com/questions/42041391/… Quick! It's already got 2 answers.
As a fresher, they don't know technically.So they will ask whole issue. You guys have to help new comers.
nobody has to help
none of us signed a contract
but we do help if the question is a good one.
@raghunath we're here to donate our free time at our own accord. It's your responsibility to ask and behave in a way that we are inclined to help you.
@raghunath and it is your responsibility to make sure that you have done your own due diligence to troubleshoot the problem and provide the community with your findings. The way you are approaching your problem is the equivalent of "I don't know Python, and I need someone to troubleshoot this for me"
That is not how any of this works
We are all here on our own free time contributing when we can and when we want
and there are guidelines we all follow to ensure that the community stays healthy
We tried multiple times to guide you to these rules
Ok bro...
We are volunteers.
but you seem to not want to read them and follow them and are coming back to argue that we need to help you
We do not need to help you.
And as a newcomer we are helping you by guiding on how to use this StackOverflow service properly
Telling others that they need to help you is the best way to make them not help you.
^^ that
Ok i accept...
and on that note, time to go do Saturday things with the kids
rbrb friends
until next time
rhubarb, have fun
Cya idjaw \o
Have fun python developers
This OP seems to have an OK description of the algorithm he wants to use, but his code is crazy. Because his algorithm would work (although it's not very efficient) I'm tempted to post some working code. OTOH, I guess the algorithm description could just be a paraphrase of a homework assignment problem statement, though. And if I post an answer it'll probably get downvoted. stackoverflow.com/questions/42041952/…
Ah, Mitch has already posted an answer.
@Mitch Nice answer. But don't be surprised if it gathers a downvote or two from people who disapprove of answers being posted to really bad questions.
no close votes yet? interesting
I wrote a lacks minimal understanding one, I'm in a nostalgic mood
OP needs a tutorial, not debugging help
that code is not even wrong
and if we keep fixing their "code", they will never be forced to actually learn programming (cc @Mitch)
scanning the uniques-list over and over again can become time-consuming
What's OP?
@Naveen "original poster", whoever wrote a given post
typically the asker, or the answerer depending on context
if you don't care about the order, you can also use a set to hold unique elements
Trying to answer some question to eke myself over the 1k mark, finally.
996. rolls eyes
(can always sort it later if need be / convert it to a list)
People are too friendly and helpful when they should be strict and critical instead, which is the bane of Stack Overflow in the long run. The only way to maintain a culture of high-quality content and high signal-to-noise ratio is through ruthless peer pressure.
(concerning the unasked question of "but why downvote a perfectly fine answer?", and the unwritten response of "the hover text says >this answer is not useful<")
rhubarb for now
@Withnail almost there!
Before you know it you'll have 3k, then the real "fun" begins.
Heh. What kicks in at that point?
Close votes.
@Wander Nauta , Thanks thas is was I to search! .I have with google to search and I have not to finde this answer.... so , thanks for the link . — iratxe 4 mins ago
^ as dupe or unclear/too broad
@PM2Ring I'm guessing his book is about Pascal. Easy to confuse, both have six letters and start with P. And in Pascal, the function name does act as the result variable name, which is what this somewhat looks like. — Stefan Pochmann 5 mins ago
@PM2Ring @AndrasDeak Understood, thanks. I just thought it was sort of an amusingly bad attempt and so fun to answer.
@PM2Ring lol, that would be amazing
I think what prompted me to answer a question like that is seeing about 5 of these sorts of questions upvoted yesterday with well-received answers, where OP didn't have any attempt and was trying to perform some trivially simple thing.

Not that that makes the question I answered any better in comparison... it's just frustrating in general at times.
@khajvah It would be. It's pretty farfetched but I can't think of a better explanation for such crazy code. :D
Brief cabbage for all.
Before I trouble the ninja or the overlord, would someone look at these three questions and see if they find them as suspicious as I do?
@DSM Very suspicious
I'll be surprised if that's not sock puppetry
1 to 3 minute answers with no edits, all no rep accounts and all accepted answers - definitely suspicious :P
So either Coder X is a pretty fast typist who watches for questions from users who just signed up that day, or he got tired of waiting for people to respond to his plea "Please give your vote I need it" and decided to take matters into his own hands..
I just downvoted all of those, presumably they won't be reverted
I flagged and explained the situation. I suspect this won't be my first-ever declined flag. ;-)
nopes, mods don't decline flags in good faith
The boys in blue move quickly, it seems!
Yep. :D
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