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00:00 - 06:0006:00 - 00:00

sort of.
the issue is that my TableView is scrolling down
what does that mean?
when I press back button from another VC.
table views scroll up and down
yes. but it does it automatic
is the table view in the view controller you are popping back to?
I want to send the tableview row to the segue and then pass it again to tableview So I can be in the same position
TableView ----> Detail Image View
Detail Image View ---> Tableview
okay... so save the row when you segue to the new view
and when you return to that table view, scroll to the cell that you left behind.
when I come back from Detail Image View I want to be in the same row. not scrolled down.
how about this related question?
Q: Remembering scroll position on UITableView

mylogonI have a bit of a problem with my iOS app in xcode. I have a UITableView that loads a few hundred cells of data from a plist, which it downloads from a server. When I scroll down to a specific cell and drill down to detailedviewcontrollers and return again the table is scrolled all the way to the...

I know that.
I just want to know if I could send the position again to tableview
from Detail Image View
okay... here are two related questions
but I wouldn't try to handle it in a back action.
I'd rather just save the content offset of the table view when the view will disappear
and when I come back to it, restore that content offset.
is that posible?
It's a little depressing to me that I can never solve your questions. :-(
I must be getting old and obsolete.
lol. never ming
The issue I'm having is lots of trouble with scrolling positions.
its a nightmare
If I save it on viewWillDisappear
when I come back should I call it on viewWillAppear?
does it remembers it?
if you save the content offset as a property,
since Im making Query again
For the moment my Pagination Position remembering works perfect.
it remembers the position. Because Im basing it not on offSet but on the Row number
I just scroll to the Row number
that gives me exact scrolling
I tried using .height - oldHeight
and its not exact.
I'm also not seeing your app so I don't know exactly the difference between the content offset and the row number. If you save the row number, why can't you just reset your content offset to the appropriate row number when the view comes back into view after the detail was popped.
hi , can anyone tell me how to increase font size of uilabel depending upon the iphone screen size like 4 , 5 and 6 ?
i know size classes allows to increase the size ...but it does not allow to differenttiate between iphone 4 and iphne 5 screens?
its insane..
if condition on Objective C its saying that 1 == 0 its true :/
2 hours later…
anyone know a good way of optimizing dateFromString in NSDateFormatter
also good morning
Don't re alloc a lot of NSDateFormatter, IIRC.
yeah you're not supposed to create a separate NSDateFormatter very often
supposed to reuse it
only called twice tho
if it would be called more often...
so what is causing it to be slow?
the method itself
just wondering if i could speed is all
using localisation in some way
i can live with it since it's being done in the background
but still...
look, for every operation there is a cost.
Why do you say dateFromString is expensive?
I have never found it to be very taxing.
compared to the cost of other methods, this one seems more taxing
but yeah if it costs what it costs, there's nothing to be done here I suppose
I think it's fine as long as you don't feel it as a user.
yeah true
I had a more severe performance problem a few weeks ago.
I stupidly realloc like 3 image views per second instead of just re assigning the image.
It made the whole thing so freaking slow and uses CPU almost 100%.
3 hours later…
@Owatch Not at all.
Just found that there is an API endpoint on this project that if sent hte right params will return all passwords and user names in the DB
a project we are taking over ofcourse not that we coded
3 hours later…
@Dev2rights Jesus Christ.
Yeah it is shocking
who does not write rules not to expose the pasword
who just lets that through
1 hour later…
Hey, anyone experienced Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11 before?
3 hours later…
Hey! Im messing arround with iOS app extensions. I am trying to use Alamofire from the extension, but as soon as I add "import Alamofire" I get an "module not found" error. Im using CocoaPods and Xcode 6.4.
3 hours later…
@Owatch is here
Hello Gudiya
@Gudiya Can you help me with resizing a UITableViewCell?
I want to make it so that it fits the number of lines for the label inside it. But I can't find a way to reference the cell.
-(CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    CXCreditsTableViewCell *tableViewCell = (CXCreditsTableViewCell *)[tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
    CGFloat height = tableViewCell.contentLabel.frame.size.height + 60;
    return height;
This triggers an Exception if I try to reference the cell.
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