I created a new root user in hdfs, created a new virtual environment. Still stuck at permission denied error 13. For root user, this time it failed in client mode as well. Maybe my configuration setup or user permissions are wrongly setup
I attached the screenshot of the error. Please have a look. Before getting error=13 permission denied, i am getting a info from yarn as Application report for application_1594339922772_0011 (state: FAILED). Can here be any hint here ?
i tried this command in 2 different settings spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --conf spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON=/home/user/R1_I5/bin/python spark_count_words.py One setting has one master node. Another setting has 1 master node and 2 worker nodes. Both the settings failed with Caused by: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "/home/ergo.liferunoffinsuranceplatform.com/kdamarla/R1_I5/bin/python": error=13, Permission denied
@srikanthholur I cant come out of venv as all my spark programs can run only with python 3. RHEL 7 default installation of python is python 2.7. I cant upgrade this to 3 due to os dependencies. so, i have to use virtual env.
Is anyone familiar with scikit SGDClassifier.partial_fit() usage for online learning (or) perhaps time to read the last comment of the 1st answer from stackoverflow.com/questions/48902767/… ? Thank you,
However, i dont understand how these columns are clustered. Is it just hierarchial clustering or PCA also applied ? Please enlighten this ignorant ? This is so naive to post in SO as question. Any resources that help understanding this would be much appreciated.