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Can some one please explain how the hclustvar function from this package cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ClustOfVar/ClustOfVar.pdf works ? I am struggling to understand the algortihm behind. The hierarchial clustered output of my dataset imgur.com/a/n6H8p is imgur.com/a/oXfd4.
However, i dont understand how these columns are clustered. Is it just hierarchial clustering or PCA also applied ? Please enlighten this ignorant ? This is so naive to post in SO as question. Any resources that help understanding this would be much appreciated.
Perhaps the research paper might help: jstatsoft.org/article/view/v050i13
PCA does seem to be involved
Thanks Axeman. Reading it :)
Yes, without PCA is really doubt, how it clusters so perfectly
Howver, i was not sure how they are mixing PCA and hierarchical

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