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Q: pyspark-shell command in cloudera master node is failing with error=13, permission denied from python virtual environment

user1We installed cloudera CDH 6.2 in single node RHEL 7 machine shipped with default python 2.7. We have to use python 3.7 in a virtual environment (/home/user/R1_I5/bin/python is venv path) for running pyspark / spark-submit jobs. When i run pyspark shell command in master node like >>> wordCounts.s...

Why do you want to install CDH on a single node to run your spark? If you are using it to develop and test spark applications, I would suggest installing pyspark python package. Since you have only one node and there are no task nodes for spark job to run, it is giving you the blacklist error
@srikanthholur i tested the same program in a 3 node cluster. same error.
Try setting up pyspark python path to point to python3. export PYSPARK_PYTHON=<python3 pth> or set it up in
@srikanthholur In my bashrc and bash_profile, i pointed to python3 running within virtual environment. do you want me to come out of venv ?
Yes, you can try that
@srikanthholur I cant come out of venv as all my spark programs can run only with python 3. RHEL 7 default installation of python is python 2.7. I cant upgrade this to 3 due to os dependencies. so, i have to use virtual env.
Well, if you have pointed PYSPARK_PYTHON path , it doesn't matter whether you are running it from venv or not. When you open pysark shell what python version are you seeing?
one second
python 3.7.1
i added the python path in

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