Mar 10, 2016 02:07
So you're saying that trading rep for money via bounties is legit as long as we say so using a custom bounty reason?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Oct 11, 2012 15:20
Plz gimmeh teh codez!
Oct 11, 2012 15:13
HTML is my favorite programming language
Oct 11, 2012 15:11
I think this is the most beautiful thing I have ever designed:
Oct 11, 2012 15:09
It's so beautiful
Oct 11, 2012 15:07
Does the href link to the page you're already on?
Oct 11, 2012 15:06
Same in IE9, the second one is alittle bit lower
Oct 11, 2012 15:04
You could give them absolute positioning!
Oct 11, 2012 15:04
Oct 11, 2012 15:04
Are you wanting it vertically aligned or howizontally aligned?
Oct 11, 2012 15:03
You could use a table
Oct 11, 2012 15:02
I'm not using Ubuntu
Sep 17, 2011 00:44
Q: Why aren't ◎ܫ◎ and ☺ valid Javascript variable names?

Peter OlsonI noticed that in Internet Explorer (but, unfortunately, not in the other browsers I tested), you can use some Unicode variable names. This made my day, and I was delighted that I could write fun unicode-laden code like this: var ктоείναι草泥马 = "You dirty horse.", happy☺n☺mat☺p☺eia = ":)Yay!", ...


Why doesn't F# have a unary plus oper

Chat room for commentary about [this question](stackoverflow.c...
Nov 3, 2011 17:40
There should be multiple types of possible, like maybe, probably, and probably not.
Nov 3, 2011 17:37
There's also need to be an absolutely false, just for symmetry
Nov 3, 2011 17:30
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying with the if heavy! then 2. elif heavy then 1. else 0. code...
Nov 3, 2011 17:19
Imagine having to show deference to your code. It'd be kind of like INTERCAL's "PLEASE" keyword.
Nov 3, 2011 17:18
At first I thought you said "deference" and not "dereference"
Nov 3, 2011 17:05
It's almost like a unary "yes" operator, i.e. the opposite of a unary "not" operator
Nov 3, 2011 17:04
And every other language
Nov 3, 2011 17:02
It should be burninated from the F# language
Nov 3, 2011 17:01
I think the unary plus operator is pointless