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I think the unary plus operator is pointless
It should be burninated from the F# language
And every other language
It's almost like a unary "yes" operator, i.e. the opposite of a unary "not" operator
As I commented: "! is dereference, not not. There is a positive counterpart for the not function, and it is called id."
(first time on chat :) )
At first I thought you said "deference" and not "dereference"
Imagine having to show deference to your code. It'd be kind of like INTERCAL's "PLEASE" keyword.
Checking this out, didn't know about this nice language
Indeed an amusing language.
if heavy! then 2. elif heavy then 1. else 0.
i wonder if that is useful
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying with the if heavy! then 2. elif heavy then 1. else 0. code...
heavy! is true iff heavy is more than true. That is, we extend the bool type from {false, true} to {false, true, absolutely true}
There's also need to be an absolutely false, just for symmetry
and if we're at it, also possible (that is: heavy? is true iff it is possible that heavy will ever get the value true)
There should be multiple types of possible, like maybe, probably, and probably not.
or we could just go back to floating-point for probabilistic response :)

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