
General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
Feb 3, 2016 20:06
A: Are there significant reasons not to use safe navigation for every object reference?

ArianDon't safely Navigate when 1) Null is actually an invalid logic for what you're doing public string ProcessHash(User user) { var hash = user?.Password?.Hash ... } It's called Safe Navigation not Easy Null Check for a reason. Imagine you're destined to read the code above. Does Proces...

Feb 3, 2016 18:31
@Codeman Safe Navigation => it can be null. Exception => null is an invalid argument. Until we get Null safety in c# safe navigation is to tell the reader this pipeline deals with nulls IMO
Feb 3, 2016 18:27
Turkish Coffee is used for fortune telling here...
And predicting future of untested code
Feb 3, 2016 18:22
@KalaJ Go to a coffee merchant and he'll grind it for you accordingly to your coffee machine
Feb 3, 2016 18:19
It's like American cheese, it...Opsie
Feb 3, 2016 18:19
@KalaJ it's processed to the point it's not coffee anymore
Feb 3, 2016 18:14
Meanwhile I can't get free drinkable water in government university here...
Feb 3, 2016 18:13
about 800
Feb 3, 2016 18:12
I don't mean to be racist but I understand SI only
Feb 3, 2016 18:10
We drink coffee in mugs here
Feb 3, 2016 18:03
what programming language doesn't? xD
Feb 3, 2016 18:01
wait why there's a java-hate tag on the room? we ain't them
Feb 3, 2016 17:59
Look at c# 7 top priorities, 4 existed 26 years ago xD
Feb 3, 2016 17:57
@Greg I Suggest approaching different patterns and abstractions (aka learn functional programming)
Feb 3, 2016 17:15
still looking for a naughts in english
Feb 3, 2016 16:59
You guys are somehow making me complain way less about life...
Feb 3, 2016 16:54
there are people who hate git? o_O what do they like then?
Feb 3, 2016 16:43
Any NHibernate pros here?
Feb 3, 2016 16:28
you'll get some app you can call by command line for your applications
Feb 3, 2016 16:27
@KalaJ When you have those questions just google them like "PDF to JPG LINUX", and BAM Linux community
Feb 3, 2016 16:20
no The Reflection and Dynamic execution stuff
Feb 3, 2016 16:17
I think doing 20+ if is better than going to that side of .NET Api which I don't remember the name
Feb 3, 2016 16:16
Feb 3, 2016 16:16
@juanvan You have to ways, Checking the "headName" and using a method accordingly, which is the easiest solution (if (headName = "cookie") return Foo<Cookie>()) or use black magic
Feb 3, 2016 16:11
you can also do ctx.Set<Generic>.SqlQuery()
Feb 3, 2016 16:10
you can also do ctx.Set<Generic>.SqlQuery()
Feb 3, 2016 16:09
ctx.Database.SqlQuery<Generic> and find the type by it's name?
Feb 3, 2016 16:05
entityframeworktutorial.net/EntityFramework4.3/… no need for Data Reader EF maps stuff for you
Feb 3, 2016 16:02
(now sure how that please ended up in the first sentence)
Feb 3, 2016 16:02
also please your query is prone to sql injection, use parametered queries instead.
Feb 3, 2016 16:01
Use a Query thingy (I have not done this with EF)
Feb 3, 2016 16:01
Commands Only return number of rows effected
Feb 3, 2016 15:56
Khajit has Amys if you have coins
Feb 3, 2016 15:54
@AdrianK. pst want some Amy?
Feb 2, 2016 23:59
that's actually awesome
Feb 2, 2016 23:59
and it changed it into datum
Feb 2, 2016 23:59
I'd laugh if you had a list named data
Feb 2, 2016 23:46
I have lived in Tehran with 4.2 times population density of Seattle I think I can handle my share of overprices xD
Feb 2, 2016 23:38
@TravisJ serves her right for using eclipse instead of Android Studio JK
Feb 2, 2016 23:31
so you can take some of ours in
Feb 2, 2016 23:31
@MatthiasHerrmann Well on the other hand we got like 81% unemployment for women
Feb 2, 2016 23:27
I'm used to 54 *C summers
Feb 2, 2016 23:27
@Jeremy To me they're both Medusa since the weather probably turns me into a statue xD shivers
Feb 2, 2016 23:24
plans to move to Seattle
Feb 2, 2016 23:21
@Jeremy Were they accepted tho?
Feb 2, 2016 23:20
Why am I checking my browser's "HTTPS" every time someone speaks about Iran's government? =))
Feb 2, 2016 23:19
@Codeman it's hard to find out people's intentions and I'm not antisocial...I belive
Feb 2, 2016 23:18
@KalaJ well at least that means female engineers are spread through all universities equally (yeey share for everybody)
Feb 2, 2016 23:15
@Codeman yeah that's a problem here too believe me