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trying to execute an sql command on EF - and get back data - but it only return -1 how could I get the Table data instead?
string query = "Select * from " + headTable + " where stock_header_search = '" + editedHeader + "';";
                    var returnHeader = context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(query);
Commands Only return number of rows effected
Use a Query thingy (I have not done this with EF)
@juanvan you probably might want to go with SqlDataReader instead
also please your query is prone to sql injection, use parametered queries instead.
(now sure how that please ended up in the first sentence)
you've probably meant: please fix*
entityframeworktutorial.net/EntityFramework4.3/… no need for Data Reader EF maps stuff for you
this is an internal program no outside input
it reads an xml file that is where I get the values from
since the table changes I can't do a straight context.Table
ctx.Database.SqlQuery<Generic> and find the type by it's name?
you can also do ctx.Set<Generic>.SqlQuery()
@juanvan You have to make sure that the name of your properties match column names exactly.
sooooo in order to convert to png or jpg I need to pay $20? It's not a lot of damn, I just need to change a date LOL
@Arian how would I cast headTable to that generic type?
you can also do ctx.Set<Generic>.SqlQuery()
        var orders = context.ExecuteStoredProcedure<NonInvoicedOrder>("proc_NonInvoicedOrdersForReview @ShipFromBr", new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@ShipFromBr", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int, Value = branch }).GroupBy(o => o.Category);
but NonInvoicedOrder changes depending the unit type
@KalaJ ?? PDFCreator is free
Not PDFArchitect in which the convert module is not free
to create PDF is free
but not the convert module
@juanvan The Model changes?
IList<T> IContext.ExecuteStoredProcedure<T>(string procedure, params SqlParameter[] parameters)
    return this.Database.SqlQuery<T>(procedure, parameters).ToList();
thanks will try that
lol wrong link
someone's shopping from Urban Outfitters
@juanvan Does that make sense?
yep going to see what it does
Your POCO should match the name of each column, then whatever matches will be mapped to your object automatically based on the return results.
ok I have that - but not 1:1
Plan B: Take a screen shot of two parts of the PDF and then paste them together in paint
@juanvan Is it a one to many?
the class is not setup with all the columns that is what I meant
POCO - Entity
@juanvan You have to ways, Checking the "headName" and using a method accordingly, which is the easiest solution (if (headName = "cookie") return Foo<Cookie>()) or use black magic
@KalaJ what is paid for exactly? converting from or to PDF?
ya but that means having to update that everytime I do a new one
I think doing 20+ if is better than going to that side of .NET Api which I don't remember the name
no The Reflection and Dynamic execution stuff
What would you say is the faster approach to do a Contain search?
I got a question:
I have a userid and a string of roles that come from a seperate web authentication server
converting pdf to images etc..
they come as http headers
okay, @Failsafe
should i use a role provider on my website to distribute actions/views etc
or just use a cookie
you mean, switch from headers to a cookie?
well, yea
i kind of want to use role providers for the data annotations
but i feel like it's just duplication of something that was already done
I'd go with the headers
@Greg only a few more day to the baby?
or maybe a filter attribute?
@AdrianK., I want to convert pdf to jpg
that's the way to go
@KalaJ maybe give this a try: pdf2jpg.net
yeah that works. I was wondering though what they do with the uploaded copy, is it saved somewhere?
@KalaJ When you have those questions just google them like "PDF to JPG LINUX", and BAM Linux community
It's kind of private pdf
depends if you want real security or not
you'll get some app you can call by command line for your applications
Someone recommend an OData server library
I hate SSIS.
    // to the poor soul who stumbles upon this method and wants
    // to know what on Earth possessed me to write this method,
    // the values of bit columns that come of of the database are
    // True and False (i.e., capitalized) and therefore nigh on
    // useless - at the very least, annoying - to determine truthiness.
    // So here we are.
    private bool IsTrue(string value)
        bool result = false;
        return Boolean.TryParse(value.ToLower(), out result) && result;
lol at that tool: "We place great importance on the safe handling of your PDF and and JPG. All uploaded PDF, converted JPG and zip files are removed after a few hours."
@mikeTheLiar aha
A: how to convert a string to a bool

Kendall FreyQuite simple indeed: bool b = str == "1";

Minor tweaks, and voila
^ totally.
If the strings are predictable
This is SSIS. Nothing is predictable.
@mikeTheLiar that's totally untrue.
@Greg thanks that worked when I matched the class 1:1 to the table names - I guess I would want to use some kinda of notation to decorate the properties so they were not a 1:1 match?
@Squiggle Living up to my name.
SSIS's entire purpose is to sanitize and formalize data from disparate sources
> the values of bit columns that come of of the database are True and False
that is not a bit column
that is bad conversion
On a higher note, is it possible to edit pdf inside adobe? Like make a correction?
Photoshop CS6, I'm guessing
I was told to build a tool that searches web.config files for connection strings and validates them by trying to open and close a connection
@Squiggle I don't know what to tell you. It is a bit column, and the value that is in the DataRowCollection is either True or False.
@mikeTheLiar so where is it becoming a string?
Oh is that what's making this so stupid? Hold please.
crap, link down, nevermind
link doesn't work btw, thanks a lot for your help
@mikeTheLiar myDataRow.Field<bool>(columnName);?
@Squiggle if (Convert.ToBoolean(index["IsMonthly"])) much nicer, thanks
+1 for Convert.To*
but you've got an array called index?
foreach(var index in myDataRowCollection)
what's the Type of index? Isn't it a DataRow?
no no no
foreach(var row in myDataRowCollection)
var flag = row.Field<bool>(columnName);
@Squiggle they represent index rates. I know why I chose that name.
@Squiggle any particular reason to use it instead if (bool.TryParse()) ?
@AdrianK. it reads nicer
but I still prefer the Field<T> extension method if you're using DataRow
@Squiggle There's a reason for all of this. If you want to come and pick apart this monstrosity of a process to extract index rates from the Bloomberg API be my guest.
@mikeTheLiar olololol blooooomberg
Any NHibernate pros here?
@mikeTheLiar you're on your own with that tar baby, m8
@juanvan For some odd reason the data decorations don't work with SqlQuery or ExecuteSqlCommand
@juanvan Yeah, baby will be here sometime in the coming three weeks.
anyone know if there's a way in Word to make one comment for few selections?
@AdrianK. not using C#...
Seems to be not possible at all
For a company name search what would you use?
Full Text index :P
imo a lot of the git hate boils down to "yeah merges suck, welcome to software development kid"
merges suck in all source version systems, it's a matter of a principle rather than technology
git:version control::mcdonalds:fast food
just hate on the most visible/popular thing
there are people who hate git? o_O what do they like then?
mercurial lol
or svn
or tfs
fuck TFS
or some .txt file on the server
"log the changes you made :^)"
@Amy I second that
Damn I've tried so hard to make TFS ignore /packages directory
TFS is slow as hell, and branching and merging is horrible
None of the solutions worked 100%
TFS is evil.
yeah. same. i just ignore the packages folder now.
(manually ignore)
each time you commit, right?
hate it
Use Git, then use this download... atlassian.com/software/sourcetree/overview
.gitignore works perfectly, tho
i wish i could convince my employer to switch to Git, or Svn, or anything really
@Greg using it on daily basis for my open source projects, it's awesome
they don't know how much TFS holds us back.
i wonder why msft doesn't update tfs to work more like git
i mean, people have been ripping on tfs for years, it's like
TFS can be used with a Git backend.
@Amy I might be able to convince him, but crap, my 2nd developer is so laid back that he still uses VS2010 -.-
@SteveG open up a PR lol
I would rather Git.
@Amy oh i didn't know that
@Jeremy if msft wants to pay me
yeah it was added relatively recently
"SteveG wants to merge 28257 commits from git/master into team-foundation-server/master"
You guys are somehow making me complain way less about life...
with no code-reviewer too
Idk just open up a PR
like that guy did for msbuild
pull request
Life, birth, blood, doom, that hole in the ground is coming round, coming round soon.
a guy did that for msbuild? really?
Never get a job at microsoft in your life, but get those internet giggles
thought about Public Relations, lol
no, it's a github thing
imo it's a total dick move
I would love a job at Microsoft.
i'm not sure if i would
i worked at a big company before, but then again, it's msft, so it can't be as bad
It would be "a job"
Guys (and girls ;) ), I'm thinking about opensourcing my C# library that I've created at work, but I couldn't handle the project entirely myself. Anyone interested helping?
@AdrianK. what is it?
How do I create an OData service without using ASP.NET?
My project is a generic abstraction layer helper for standardizing handling tables in EF Database First
yeah, once all the stars are out of your eyes, i'm sure it's the same stuff different building
@KendallFrey hmmmmm
OData requires asp.net, at least the nuget does, as a dependency
or web api, or whatever
if it wasn't accessed via http, how would you query it?
I never said anything about HTTP
@AdrianK. ... What do you mean?
My task is to implement OData in a non-ASP.NET project
not .net?
Yes, C#
wow, i just discovered using the WIN+TAB hotkey. neat.
what web stack are you using?
oh wait, not HTTP?
@Squiggle Who me? None. WCF. IDK
http, with C# and no asp.net/mvc/api
We don't do web
@SteveG correct
@Amy holy shit
i have no idea :/
can't be too difficult to roll your own, right?
cool, right? how did i not know this hotkey
@Amy That's what I want to know
well odata is just EF + webapi, so you want to get rid of the webapi part, which... well, basically is just EF
For Windows 10 to switch between desktops?
Apparently it's changed a lot in W10
@Squiggle wrong
right now i'm on windows 7
Yeah, It changes between open apps
@Squiggle, @Greg So let's imagine that we've got tables in the database like.: tblkp_Lookup1 ( int ID key auto, nvarchar(300) value, datetime created_on, nvarchar(50) created_by, datetime modified_on, nvarchar(50) modified by). The idea is to provide implementation for CRUD commands using custom abstract dataService classes, MVC ViewModels, etc...
Most of stuff is done, though there are some errors like my last question I've asked here on SO: stackoverflow.com/questions/35154222/…
i wonder when WIN+TAB was added.
when they implemented the cascade windows
but It doesnt work for me on windows 8 for somereason
@AdrianK. I doubt I'd be able to invest any time in another project, tbh. Happy to have a look at it, but can't promise anything.
My favourite shortcut is Ctrl+Win+<>
what deoes win tab do
it does nothing over here
@Squiggle much appreciated, I'll try to setup a project on GitHub, will be easier to describe and provide examples
In W7 it's a fancier version of Alt+Tab
@Amy Not sure, but Alt Tab does the switch Win Tab does multidesktop.
In W10 it's the shortcut for the Task View, I guess
in w8
@AdrianK. I might be interested.
it does what you expect w8 to do
blue screen?
@Greg thank you, sir
i was going to say noop
what really
that would be odd
@Amy VS so pastel theme
@AdrianK. I feel though EF Core does a large chunk of this now, but I would be curious.
do astronaughts have sex in space?
can't spell
don't care
still looking for a naughts in english
@Greg I agree, but for me it's rather a library providing default functionality out of the box. Like where I had to previously create dozens of Lookup1-type Controllers and implement (copy-paste) most methods, the aim is to use public Controller Lookup1Controller : GenericLookupController(TModelType, TViewModelType) and every action etc is preimplemented
@mikeTheLiar i laughed. lol. but yeah, good call deleting that
@KendallFrey why can't you use asp.net?
Probably because that's an unnecessary dependency
well, you're obviously creating some sort of api
over the web....
then what are you need odata for?
"business intelligence"
point is, we don't do websites
why does this exist
Because it's JS
Kendall's Law - Every possible system that is related to or uses JavaScript will exist at some point.
@KendallFrey ...and once browsers will start crash for some reason people will start getting back to Haskel and Fortran, lol
Really? YAY!
good old fortran
reliable. dependable.
good old php
@Greg ahh so I won't even try that - its' fine they are 1:1 then I can work with it.
I still have to use it in my off-work projects.
Would love to have Wordpress working on C#
PHP > HTTP > mvc < recursion > bacon
i win
one day, i'll learn to be funny
one day.
"> bacon" is an invalid phrase
@Amy pffft, right back atcha
><(((º> fish
that is indeed a fish
that is a fish on drugs
don't be a fish on drugs
too much MDMA
whats MDMA
steve is smart
be like steve
drug, derivative of extasy iirc
@SteveG your Mother Doing My ... well, erm...
what is she doing?
<prepares to mute kick>
is scared
you see that, my tough talk is so tough
Al... Algebra homework
it even scares people not in the convo
is what I... I was going to say
Well, VS is frozen
let it go, let it go
i'm allergic to fire!
what else would you burn them with? shoes?
@Amy shut up meg
another Family Guy fan
My friends think I do nothing but watch family guy, because I have so many scenes memorized
I love the segues most
The scenes starting with "like at the time when..."
cracks me every goddamn time lol
@KendallFrey can you voice impersonate any of the characters?
not well
I was trying doing Mr. Herbert and Adam West.
lol i love herbert
@KendallFrey lol
@AdrianK., fyi since a lot of the programs you helped me with suck :( I decided to do old fashion way and for the most part it worked lol. I just hope it doesn't look too off.
porta loo
screenshot mulitple parts of the pdf into paint, edit the date, copy the whole thing into word then convert back to pdf
@KalaJ sorry to hear that those sucked, but glad you figured it out anyways, that's what matters most
yeah that gives me an idea
make my own program in the future
and host it for free for people that suffered like me lol
discount for C# chat users
I'll make a free PRO version for C# chat users
can somebody give me a tfs code review please
just scootch on over here
don't you all jump to volunteer or anything
i think, i broke C# chat
you're not somebody
@juanvan Yeah, I learned that the hard way.
maybe not to you - but my wife loves me ;-)
some, body, weird phrase , a body, i'm not sure which body, but some body
morning ladies and germs
@SteveG I found some body laying on my porch
was it a live body? or a dead one?
stack bodies
it was a celestial body
interesting, so it was neither living, nor dead
anyone is using sqlite?
no body
@yongyun, better to ask Android dev
@SteveG That's how I'd like to live
if we need "lite", we stick to sql server express
@KendallFrey that'd be awesome
@yongyun but what is your question about sqlite?
I wanted to know what is the way to generate the data dictionary from sqlite
"Data dictionary"? I don't understand
okay but what are you trying to do?
Like in Sqlite, you can create a cursor to go through your sql queries
In this context a data dictionary is documentation. You write it yourself.
Do you have your tables?
I have a problem, I engineer then think, but midway requirements come and I don't feel like reworking entirely, so I hack it a bit.
Never know what the next day will bring
@Greg I Suggest approaching different patterns and abstractions (aka learn functional programming)
Yeah, I should.
posted on February 03, 2016 by Visual Studio Blog

In November, we introduced the Visual Studio Dev Essentials Program to give developers everything they need to get started building and deploying apps on any platform, for free. Over the past 75 days more than 400,000 developers have signed up for the program to take advantage of deep technical training from Pluralsight and Wintellect, as... Read more

Look at c# 7 top priorities, 4 existed 26 years ago xD

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