MySQL and relational databases

Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an e...
Oct 1, 2014 14:15
Yep, I'm with you on that. Will probably go with having them in the same table. Thanks for he support ;)
Oct 1, 2014 14:12
I guess I just needed to vent my thoughts somewhere :)
Oct 1, 2014 14:11
@TehShrike No, there wouldn't be any difference between them. I'd just keep basic image information in the table and nothing domain-specific.

I'm partly curious about performance (my guess there's none really) but also curious as if there could be any drawbacks in mixing these images. But to answer the last question I guess you'd need more domain knowledge...
Oct 1, 2014 14:02, this chat doesn't impress...
Anyway, would there be any performance improvement keeping two different image tables? And I'm only asking about the tables for the actual images, not the information on it.
I'd either have this setup:
UserTable, PhotoTable, ImageTable
UserTable, PhotoTable, UserImageTable, PhotoImageTable
Oct 1, 2014 13:57
I'm creating a photo uploading site for internal use. I'm guessing there will be less than a million photos in the database and around 10000 users.
Would it make sense to keep two image tables for user profile pictures and uploaded photos? Either from a


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Apr 17, 2014 12:12
Q: Creating new repositories with each controller

NiklasI've been reading up on Dependency Incection, UnitOfWork and IRepository patterns, and I intend to implement them all as I go along. But it's all a lot to take in at once. Right now I just want to make sure about some basic things, and that I'm not missing anything crucial that could impact my ap...

Apr 17, 2014 12:12
Anyone here confident in mvc and using repositories?
Sep 23, 2013 14:07
@KendallFrey You're not in charge of any PR are you?
Sep 23, 2013 14:03
@JLott props for cheering people up =)
Nov 6, 2012 15:44
@KendallFrey Damnit
Nov 6, 2012 15:42
I need to replace a range of elements. I know there's .AddRange() but is there something like .ReplaceRange() ?
Aug 7, 2012 13:59
@OutlawLemur What would you want your response email to contain?
Aug 7, 2012 13:50
Looks like @Nadal was right with his first answer then...
Aug 7, 2012 13:48
@DavidDV thanks!
Aug 7, 2012 13:46
I did google but couldn't find any good information about it.
Aug 7, 2012 13:43
Couldn't find the right room for this question:
What language did they use to program the robot that landed on Mars?
Jan 13, 2012 13:10
Where do I specify that I want the id's in 'Users' that are NOT in 'Groups' ?

db.Users.Join(db.Groups, a => a.user_id, b => b.user_id, (a, b) => new SelectListItem
Value = a.user_id.ToString(),
Text = a.surname + " " + a.lastname
Jan 13, 2012 13:08
Hi there!
I have a quick question becuase my brain won't work with me...
Feb 21, 2014 15:23
I won't be able to help you more today :/
If this is a separate problem then maybe you could post a new question?
Feb 21, 2014 14:55
So both Wordpress and your plugin loads jQuery, is that your problem? You only want one of these jQuery's?
Feb 21, 2014 14:14
Didn't this work for you?
Feb 21, 2014 14:13
Let's continue the discussion here instead:
Feb 21, 2014 14:13
@thommylue - The first thing you said there: .stop(true(first),true(second)). Did you take a look at the documentation for the stop function that I linked?
Feb 21, 2014 14:13
@thommylue - The first parameter will clear the queue and the second parameter will finish the current animation.
Feb 21, 2014 14:13
@AmitJoki - That's exactly what I wanted to show. The first one doesn't use stop(true,true) so it won't work. The second one does pass in two true parameters and thus works.


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Feb 21, 2014 14:12
Hi thommylue: Doesn't this fiddle work for you?