
Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Oct 31, 2017 18:58
No problem.
Oct 31, 2017 18:56
@Vap0r pointer-events: none doesn't mean the event just disappears. It just means the event would "go through" selection and actually hit the canvas.
Oct 31, 2017 18:54
@Vap0r is this the behavior you want?
Oct 31, 2017 18:53
@Vap0r just set pointer-events: none in your selection css.
Oct 31, 2017 18:51
@Vap0r I think the reason your code isn't working is because the click event is never reaching img.
Oct 31, 2017 17:17
We don't have math where I'm from.
Oct 31, 2017 17:14
Is it possible to convert audio to another format using just client side JS?
Oct 17, 2017 04:29
Well RAW audio encoded with Opus would be more exact. I'm trying to play it in Chrome using the audio tag which I thought was supported out of the box, but it's not wanting to work.
Oct 17, 2017 04:28
Does anyone here have any experience working with Opus audio?
Aug 30, 2017 16:46
Any ideas of how to play raw audio that's been encoded with Opus and stored in a blob? I can't seem to get it working in Chrome.
Aug 14, 2017 06:32
I've been facing the problem for awhile and don't really know how to proceed.
Aug 14, 2017 06:31
Q: Playing doubly encoded audio using Javascript Audio API

McLemoreI'm working with a web service that accepts and sends doubly encoded audio. The encoding process looks something like this: raw audio -> Opus encoded audio -> Opus & base64 encoded audio. Now I need to take that output and decode it back to raw audio within a Chrome App. The base64 encoded audio ...

Aug 14, 2017 06:31
Can I post a link to an SO question that I'm needing some help with?
Aug 12, 2017 05:38
I've been working on this problem for a long time and haven't been able to find a solution. Any help is appreciated.…
Aug 12, 2017 05:36
Hi guys. Am I able to post a link to a question here for people to look at?
Aug 11, 2017 08:26
Does anyone here have experience working with Aurora.js using opus.js for decoding?
Aug 4, 2017 04:16
It might just be a redirect. I haven't used surge.
Aug 4, 2017 04:15
@RachelDockter ^
Aug 4, 2017 04:13
@RachelDockter, I belive Surge offers custom domains on their free plan.
Aug 3, 2017 04:23
You'll probably have to set a debounce on it.
Aug 3, 2017 02:43
Hey guys. Does anyone here have experience using Aurora.js with Opus.js?
Aug 2, 2017 05:48
@Cauterite, it's opus data encoded as base64. I think just decoding it from base64 to raw and then setting the raw data as the source might work, but I don't know.
Aug 2, 2017 05:09
Hi all. I currently have some audio that was encoded with Opus and then to base64. Now, I know the HTML5 audio element can take both Opus files and base64 data as its source, but any ideas for how I should go about handling where they're together?
Jul 31, 2017 19:33
@BenFortune, it's a regex to validate that it's a base64 string, so it needs to catch invalid sequences or it's not doing its job.
Jul 31, 2017 19:31
Hmm, the API might just be doing that. I've been using the ones from on here that I could find. I guess none of them accounted for it @KendallFrey.
Jul 31, 2017 19:27
Jul 31, 2017 19:21
Hey guys. Any reason why atob would be throwing a Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window': The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded. on a string that has passed every regex test for base64 that I've been able to find?
Jul 16, 2017 23:38
Is there currently any way to play an aiff file in Chrome or would I need a fallback?
Jul 16, 2017 20:06
I'm making a Chrome App that will then be ported to Electron. It pulls data from a web service that's shared with an iOS app that a previous dev set up to use base64 encoded aiff which Chrome doesn't support. So I would have to pull the encoded aiff, decode it, convert it to a supported format, and then possibly re-encode it.
Jul 16, 2017 20:01
@BenFortune, I would have to do it in real time using JS. I might be able to find a port of ffmpeg to JS though.
Jul 16, 2017 19:56
Hey guys. I have some base64 encoded aiff files. Is there anyway to convert them to a different audio format?
Jul 15, 2017 18:18
Go balance your personal budget.
Jul 15, 2017 17:56
Do you need to call webkitRequestFileSystem every time before you write or read a file?


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Jun 29, 2017 01:50
There is no <UsingTask> declaration in the .csproj, so that part is bust. I just honestly don't know what the problem could be.
Jun 29, 2017 01:48
Alright. Here's the error: It's confusing because that file does exist and I can't find anything that could be wrong with it. I've tried googling this, but the only thing I can find that mentions it is a very poor question on SO whose only reply was to google the error message, so there's your daily example of recursion in real life.
Jun 29, 2017 01:31
Hi guys. I'm having to work with some ASP.NET code for a project, but I'm getting a weird error when I try to build it. If I post the error, could someone help me out?
Jun 27, 2017 01:19
Could someone help me out?

ReactNative/ React JS Developer

This is ReactNative/ React JS developers Group. You can be mem...
Mar 23, 2017 15:11
Hi, all. I just started with React Native and am having some trouble with creating a TabNavigator. All I get from this code is a blank screen. I've looked over my closing tags and deleted and reinstalled all dependencies. The code is generating the View in the App component as I can add a <Text> tag and it will be generated normally. Can anyone offer any help?
Mar 22, 2017 13:14
Hi, all. I just started with React Native and am having some trouble with creating a TabNavigator. All I get from this code is a blank screen. I've looked over my closing tags and deleted and reinstalled all dependencies. The code is generating the View in the App component as I can add a <Text> tag and it will be generated normally. Can anyone offer any help?