Trash can

Like the recycle bin, but trashier.
Jan 17, 2016 16:24
Q: How does meanshift tracking work? (using histograms)

blackI know, that the Meanshift-Algorithm calculates the mean of a pixel density and checks, if the center of the roi is equal with this point. If not, it moves the new ROI center to the mean center and checks again... . Like in this picture: For density, it is clear how to find the mean point. But...

Jan 17, 2016 16:24
Does somebody know how mean shift tracking works?

CHATLAB and Talktave

Congratulations to Luis Mendo for hitting 100k unicorn points ...
Jan 17, 2016 16:23
Q: How does meanshift tracking work? (using histograms)

blackI know, that the Meanshift-Algorithm calculates the mean of a pixel density and checks, if the center of the roi is equal with this point. If not, it moves the new ROI center to the mean center and checks again... . Like in this picture: For density, it is clear how to find the mean point. But...

Jan 17, 2016 15:32
I mean getting mean shift of a histogram (and maybe its backprojection)
Jan 17, 2016 15:29
Does somebody know how meanshift works?


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
Dec 6, 2015 18:24
@BenjaminGruenbaum Eigen, the math method or is this a library?
Dec 6, 2015 18:22
@Lalaland Ok I'll try it and thanks @Elyse thats probably the right place to ask!
Dec 6, 2015 18:21
Where can I ask this question?
Dec 6, 2015 18:20
Dec 6, 2015 18:19
Nobody here who has experience with mathematical libraries for c++?
Dec 6, 2015 18:17
Has somebody here experience with a library in C++ for graph analysis; e.g. determining vertex, slope,...