Captain Hypertext


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Jan 9, 2019 20:36
nvm the query ran off the dead-end bridge and killed everyone on board.
Jan 9, 2019 20:18
Anyone know how to kill an actively running query in mysql and commit the transaction instead of rolling it back? The sql chatroom seems dead :(
Jan 20, 2018 19:50
Jan 20, 2018 19:49
Anybody know a good place to discuss job woes or get career advice?


Got a SQL question? Any SQL flavor here, just ask. Indicate yo...
Jan 9, 2019 20:36
nvm the query ran off the bridge and killed everyone on board.
Jan 9, 2019 20:17
In mysql
Jan 9, 2019 20:17
Anyone know how to kill an actively running query and commit the transaction instead of rolling it back?
Jan 29, 2018 20:06
Nvm I got it.
Jan 29, 2018 19:52
Jan 29, 2018 19:52
Can anyone explain this explain to me? I can tell it's scanning way too many rows, but I can't tell why.
Jan 29, 2018 18:42
So if I were importing a batch of records, say 100,000 in chunks of 1,000... would it be better to wrap each chunk in a transaction, or wrap each record in a transaction? Would it create a lot of overhead committing a transaction for each single record?

Security / Privacy

General chatroom for information security offensive and defens...
May 4, 2018 13:40
What's the deal with big companies logging plain text passwords? First Github, now Twitter.
Nov 9, 2017 17:03
I updated my answer, if it helps, be sure to accept it.
Nov 9, 2017 16:39
I'm talking about the click event for each row's delete button. The modal's delete button should never change.
Nov 9, 2017 16:38
If so, when you click a row's delete button, you just drop the record id into the hidden input field as part of your click event. When you click a different row, a different id gets dropped into the input field.
Nov 9, 2017 16:36
When you click the row's delete button, doesn't the modal currently exist in the html?
Nov 9, 2017 15:59
Nov 9, 2017 15:59
Any luck with that?
Nov 9, 2017 15:17
When that form is submitted, you'll get a vacid in your post request.
Nov 9, 2017 15:16
So under <form class="modal-content", you could have <input type="hidden" id="deleteModalVacId" name="vacid" value=""/> (I'm assuming you are deleting a vacid).
Nov 9, 2017 15:14
Click row delete -> Get id you are deleting and place in #deleteModalVacId -> Render modal.
Nov 9, 2017 15:13
Yes, that's what the hidden input is for. Every time you click delete on a row, populate that hidden input with the id you are deleting.
Nov 9, 2017 15:05
Ok, in your click event, when they click verwijderen, you should be able to invoke $(this).data('userid'). I'm talking about referencing the button that's in the datatable. Then put a hidden input in your modal's little delete form, give it a unique id like "deleteModalVacId". Then you can run $('#deleteModalVacId').val( $(this).data('vacid') ) as part of your click event. Then when you submit your delete form from the modal, that'll go along with it. Does that make sense?
Nov 9, 2017 14:41
Ok, are we trying to set events on the row buttons or the modal's confirmation button?
Nov 9, 2017 14:40
In that case, I don't see why it wouldn't work. Perhaps load the page, open up your javascript console and see if you can reach the button with $('button.rowBtnDelete').length, which should return 1.
Nov 9, 2017 14:40
Ohhhh, you're talking about the DELETE button in the modal, not the datatable button. Is your modal hidden on the page, or is it loaded via ajax?
Nov 9, 2017 14:40
Can you update your question with the full datatable initialization?