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05:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

have a good evening @ARr0w
@Tomm got lots of NAAs
hit me
i am almost finished with 1 report \
are you ready?
so ready
im pumped
ty for that
fueled me up again
ill easily be at 610 flags soon
nice man
il be marshal soon enough
when im done with internship boy im going to fly
school is easy
I had asked this question and it was quickly answered by expert:

I wish to make few changes in data filtering and do not wish to post new question. So I am posting modfied filter requirement in this chat thread.

- If there exists entries for specific ID with INDEX = 2, then my query should return only those rows where INDEX >= 2.
- If, for specific ID, there are no entries with INDEX = 2, then my query should return only those rows where INDEX = 1 OR INDEX = 3.
thats what you need
have a good evening guys\
Thank you @Tomm
I'm back guys
So do you mean I must make use of CASE expression in WHERE clause? I thought CASE is used to decode data
do you know of any podcasts that would be fun to listen to while working?
given that I apparently live in a land of sad creatures
peers won't talk at all
and they look at me like I released the kraken whenever I try to make small talk
@HéctorÁlvarez my podcast?
@AndyK do you have one? Please share
@HéctorÁlvarez I do
Thanks beforearm, my tens for you
Do you have a twitter account where I can send you? Wait. What is your discourd account name?
I don't really use Discord (because I can't conceal it)
and I don't use social media
unless, of course, I can claim some sort of price for the game I'm playing at the moment if I follow you like cattle
2 hours later…
So if I were importing a batch of records, say 100,000 in chunks of 1,000... would it be better to wrap each chunk in a transaction, or wrap each record in a transaction? Would it create a lot of overhead committing a transaction for each single record?
How do I delete all rows older than 24 hours. The column storing the time created is RegisteredOn with a datetime field.
Q: delete records older than 24 hours in oracle SQL

AndrewI want to delete all the records which is older than 24 hours. I am using the below query for the same but sometimes doesn't run perfectly. I want to know whether my query is right or wrong ? Or which is better way to do so. delete from TEMP_SERVICE_OPTION where EVENT_DATE < TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 1;

Can anyone explain this explain to me? I can tell it's scanning way too many rows, but I can't tell why.
Q: MySQL delete row if not verified in 24 hours

HarryI am creating a signup system for a site I am developing and I have hit a small problem. I want the user to have to click a link sent to them via email for their account to become active. When the user is active the row will have the active column set to 1. When the user signs up the time will b...

Nvm I got it.
2 hours later…
I know this may not be the best place but I was suggested to come here. Do any of you know a good resource on how Entity Framework internally binds columns from the database and how you might hook into that?
05:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

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