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A: Cannot register button click in modal in datatables

Captain HypertextYour click event is being defined before datatables has rendered your buttons. Try adding drawCallback to your DataTables config: drawCallback: function() { $('button.rowBtnDelete').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); alert("pls"); // Get data like so ...

I tried adding your code in the var table = $('#table_id').DataTable({}) code, but it does not show the alert at all when i click the button...
Can you update your question with the full datatable initialization?
I editted my post, thank you!
Ohhhh, you're talking about the DELETE button in the modal, not the datatable button. Is your modal hidden on the page, or is it loaded via ajax?
Yes i mean that button, however, shouldn't I be able to draw an alert when clicking on the modal button? If I cannot even show the alert, I don't think I can parse my data-attribute values? So I tried starting there before continuing myself;... the modal is hidden on the page
In that case, I don't see why it wouldn't work. Perhaps load the page, open up your javascript console and see if you can reach the button with $('button.rowBtnDelete').length, which should return 1.
It returns 10 yes, but thats because there are 10 rows in that list.
Ok, are we trying to set events on the row buttons or the modal's confirmation button?
so my datatables looks like this, it is responsive
the last column will always be in the responsive section because i have too many columns.
so ideally: the user clicks on the "verwijderen" button (which is delete in dutch). A modal opens where I can replace the text in this modal with like "Are you sure you want to delete the activity with name XXX" . Then after clicking Yes, I want it to redirect to a controller function (i am using codeigniter) with the data-vacid and data-userid data passed as well. I'm just completely stuck with not being able to pick up the onclick function after clicking the modal and thus get the data
Ok, in your click event, when they click verwijderen, you should be able to invoke $(this).data('userid'). I'm talking about referencing the button that's in the datatable. Then put a hidden input in your modal's little delete form, give it a unique id like "deleteModalVacId". Then you can run $('#deleteModalVacId').val( $(this).data('vacid') ) as part of your click event. Then when you submit your delete form from the modal, that'll go along with it. Does that make sense?
the modal will be the same for every row so I need to fill in the values via JavaScript right? I cannot set one ID because it willl be the same for each row then
Yes, that's what the hidden input is for. Every time you click delete on a row, populate that hidden input with the id you are deleting.
Click row delete -> Get id you are deleting and place in #deleteModalVacId -> Render modal.
So under <form class="modal-content", you could have <input type="hidden" id="deleteModalVacId" name="vacid" value=""/> (I'm assuming you are deleting a vacid).
When that form is submitted, you'll get a vacid in your post request.
Any luck with that?
Uhm, should I generate the HTML of the modal for each row then? I do not see how I can put the vacid in a hidden input field where it needs to be different in each row, unless i create the entire delete modal in every row
When you click the row's delete button, doesn't the modal currently exist in the html?
If so, when you click a row's delete button, you just drop the record id into the hidden input field as part of your click event. When you click a different row, a different id gets dropped into the input field.
I'm talking about the click event for each row's delete button. The modal's delete button should never change.
I updated my answer, if it helps, be sure to accept it.

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