That is why at the top of my class file I have the code above, if the global window instance is undefined then spoof it so that animation libraries can work
I am making a node module for easy DMX control over the network. I want to have an object that I can pass an ip address to and then use animejs to animate between colors. This module wants compatibility both inside the client side browser and inside a server side nodejs enviroment
So I want to create a server side script that can animate lights over the network. Running inside Node all animation libraries fail because requestAnimationFrame. I have tried using the browser-env node module but I have not had success
I have two screens stacked vertically that I need to render an electron app to. The displays are 1920 x 540 but only accept 1080 video signal so the screens only show the top half of the screen. I need to account for the bottom half of the screen missing and draw empty space there inside my app to make the software look seemless. Any ideas how to do this in HTML, JS and CSS?
I implemented the solution originally with opencv4nodejs but there are a few problems. One is that it is a massive library for such a seemingly simple task. The second is that it fails to build when electron-rebuild is run (I am using this in an electron project)
is there any possible way to extract video data from a NodeJS process? More specifically I am trying to extract frame data from videos. I am looking for a single dimensional array of RGB data for every frame. I was using OpenCV4NodeJS but that is extreme overkill. Any ideas?