
Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Feb 21, 2015 23:47
Hello world :)


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Feb 19, 2015 14:56
Feb 19, 2015 14:56
Feb 19, 2015 14:56
Oh hi charlie
Feb 19, 2015 14:55
Is there a way to have a timer with variable interval in c# ?
Feb 19, 2015 14:54
Hello all
Feb 18, 2015 23:03
Feb 18, 2015 23:01
No i just was asking questions that are not allowed, like what library to use for this ... but nvm
Feb 18, 2015 22:57
plz dude This is pissing me off
Feb 18, 2015 22:57
@Pheonixblade9 they no longer accept my questions
Feb 18, 2015 22:56
@Pheonixblade9 i can't ask on stackoverflow, can you let the message if someone can help me out PLZZZZ
Feb 18, 2015 22:55
Guys please I'm stuck with this hours ago if you can help me I'll be so gratefull :) , I'm building a WP 8.1 and i need to send a file to a web API, I'm using HttpClient to do this: the problem is that the web api doesn't reconize that a file has been sended, what am i doing wrong
Feb 18, 2015 21:55
yeah you're right
Feb 18, 2015 21:53
I was going to run it but i'm afraid I get any problems, so i'm waiting for a serious release
Feb 18, 2015 21:51
@Jase are you running it on your local machine or on a virtual machine ?
Feb 18, 2015 21:50
for 1 year :)
Feb 18, 2015 21:50
I know :D glad to see people testing it
Feb 18, 2015 21:50
Feb 18, 2015 21:49
Nice taskbar :D
Feb 18, 2015 21:41
@CharlieBrown is this the correct way ?
Feb 18, 2015 21:36
using (var webClient = new HttpClient())
                    using (var form = new MultipartFormDataContent())
                        var mp3FileByteArray = await readBytesFromStorageFile(mp3File);

                        form.Add(new StreamContent(new MemoryStream(mp3FileByteArray)), "input_file", "input_file");

                        HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = await webClient.PostAsync(ApiAccessUrl+"?access_id="+ApiAccessId+"&format="+responseFormat, form);
Feb 18, 2015 21:36
and when i use this code , the api returns a message that input_file is missing, but the file has beed uploaded
Feb 18, 2015 21:35
@CharlieBrown From the api, the input_file need to be passed from url if it's an id or a link to mp3 file , and in my case uploading the file from storage, i need to use post
Feb 18, 2015 21:22
@CharlieBrown ty so much for your help, these are two screenshots i took so you can see a working request,qxYKNyq#0,qxYKNyq#1
Feb 18, 2015 21:17
Thanks for reporting my account :D
Feb 18, 2015 21:14
yes, because it takes too long due to the mp3 file size 2MO
Feb 18, 2015 21:11
                using (var webClient = new HttpClient())
                    using (var form = new MultipartFormDataContent())
                        var mp3FileByteArray = await readBytesFromStorageFile(mp3File);
                        //form.Add(new StringContent(ApiAccessId), "access_id");
                        //form.Add(new StringContent(responseFormat), "format");
                        form.Add(new ByteArrayContent(mp3FileByteArray, 0, mp3FileByteArray.Count()), "input_file", mp3File.Name);
Feb 18, 2015 21:11
@CharlieBrown using this code , the API says that input_file is missing from the request
Feb 18, 2015 21:10
@NETscape yes or no :D ?
Feb 18, 2015 21:08
@CharlieBrown when i use this url the request succeed :… , my question is, using the method i posted in the question(multipartformdatacontent) will the input_file parameter be appended to the url ?
Feb 18, 2015 21:00
Q: Sending HTTP Request with a file AND strings as post parameters using HttpClient

Hi i'm RedaHi I'm writing a Windows Phone 8.1 Application, In this app i need to send a request to the Sonic API server, the request should contain a access_id (string) a format (string) and input_file (mp3 file) , I'm stuck with putting both the file and the string in one request : this is what I've tried ...

Feb 18, 2015 20:59
@CharlieBrown can you check my comment on StackOverflow please, thanks
Feb 18, 2015 20:49
@CharlieBrown you are right, but when i did that the api says that the file is missing,
Feb 18, 2015 20:40
I'm sending it as a file, isn't it ?
Feb 18, 2015 20:39
Feb 18, 2015 20:36
I can screenshot the Rest client response
Feb 18, 2015 20:35
@CharlieBrown first I'm able to send a request with a REST client, and it's working i can get the json response that i want, using HttpClient, I can send the mp3 file AND the strings both in the same request
Feb 18, 2015 20:32
I'm just a guy who's stuck with a thing and asking for help
Feb 18, 2015 20:31
also @KendallFrey my question has 0 votes
Feb 18, 2015 20:29
OK don't believe it , I'm not going to lie, if you can help me I'll be grateful if not I'll be grateful for you interest too
Feb 18, 2015 20:27
Ok @KendallFrey I use the other account because I can't post question with this one , and in any case i didn't upvote my post
Feb 18, 2015 20:26
Q: Sending HTTP Request with a file AND strings as post parameters using HttpClient

Hi i'm RedaHi I'm writing a Windows Phone 8.1 Application, In this app i need to send a request to the Sonic API server, the request should contain a access_id (string) a format (string) and input_file (mp3 file) , I'm stuck with putting both the file and the string in one request : this is what I've tried ...

Feb 18, 2015 20:26
Can i get some help over here plz guys :)
Feb 18, 2015 19:03
Guys is MultipartFormDataContent in System.Net.HttpClient used to send any type of parameters (strings , files) or just files ?
Feb 18, 2015 18:58
BTW I'm using windows phone 8.1
Feb 18, 2015 18:58
Anyone knows how to send a request with System.Net.HttpClient and pass both a string and a file to the web service, this is what I've tried and the response says that a parameter is missing : this is my code
Feb 18, 2015 18:56
Hello *

Trash can

Like the recycle bin, but trashier.
Feb 18, 2015 22:55
public async static Task<string> RequestSong(StorageFile mp3File, string responseFormat)
                using (var webClient = new HttpClient())
                    using (var form = new MultipartFormDataContent())
                        var mp3FileByteArray = await readBytesFromStorageFile(mp3File);
                        var content = new StreamContent(new MemoryStream(mp3FileByteArray));

                        //form.Add(content, "input_file", mp3File.Name);


A friendly room for discussing XAML based technologies. Our Co...
Feb 17, 2015 19:43
Thanks for your answers guys, is there any tutorial that i can follow ?
Feb 17, 2015 19:41
so I guess i'll just create a custom control :/