SO Close Vote Reviewers

This room is for support and discussion about reviewing and co...
Jan 28, 2020 14:31
@halfer that's kind of sad. more people, especially developers, should stop using any kind of notebooks, so we can move forward faster. notebooks are almost completely time wasters for almost everyone today, i would argue based on my anecdotal experience.
Jan 26, 2020 17:12
@halfer to answer my own question... desktop mode works. not too bad! 😆
Jan 26, 2020 17:10
@halfer about which was sent on January 11... any other way to get to that arrow, on mobile, without scrolling up and "loading older messages" all the way to so many days ago?! 😁😵😘
Jan 11, 2020 12:33
(meaning, close the chat tab, this time around)
Jan 11, 2020 12:32
off again!
Jan 11, 2020 12:32
@AtishShakya haha nice! don't you worry as well. abstention will continue to be my plan! 😆
Jan 11, 2020 12:31
but thanks for the hint. I never considered Firefox before this. now i'll slowly add it to my radar and see if the scripts can be of any use for me. 😘
Jan 11, 2020 12:30 I never ever used so or sen app. wasn't even aware they did such a thing. as far as I were aware, Jeff (and I kind of hate the guy for too much censoring) was always "ahead of the curve" in this aspect by not investing anything into dedicated apps. because web apps were (and still are) the future. obviously! 😁
Jan 6, 2020 08:34
I'm off now. thank you troop! cheers. 👍
Jan 6, 2020 08:32
@AdrianMole comment done. to the best of my efforts. 🥴
Jan 6, 2020 08:26
@Makyen lol u see? now I need to remove myself from those editing privileges... even if only by continuing with conscious withdraw. 🤣
Jan 6, 2020 08:25
@AdrianMole awesome! perfect.
Jan 6, 2020 08:25
yeah, i'm aware of that David, thanks! 😁
Jan 6, 2020 08:23
in other words, it should've been accepted. but I shouldn't have reviewed it to begin with.
Jan 6, 2020 08:22
definitely. the next thing would be to remove myself from doing reviews, as to prevent such stupid mistakes.
Jan 6, 2020 08:21
and thanks for engaging! 😘
Jan 6, 2020 08:20
@DavidW even replying to this was incredibly buggy. I don't know dude. I just want to make it right.
Jan 6, 2020 08:19
I would've copied and pasted everything already, and shoot a comment to or open a chat room for notifying him... but boy, this is no easy task on mobile!
Jan 6, 2020 08:18
for sure, meta and Google didn't help…
Jan 6, 2020 08:17
the thing there was i've completely missed the review, because the previous review was about an edit to my post and I rejected it but didn't notice the page was refreshed to the next, so I thought I was still in my post's reviewing.
Jan 6, 2020 08:15
is this the right place to ask for support on such an issue?
Jan 6, 2020 08:15
i'm trying to live a life with mobile only, completely withdrawing from desktops and notebooks but still coding s bit, sometimes... and i've made a mistake that's been bugging me the past half hour or so:
Jan 6, 2020 08:13
Jul 26, 2013 15:00
valeu! ;-)
Jul 26, 2013 15:00
Jul 26, 2013 14:59
se nao tem, tem algo muito parecido com tempo de acesso
Jul 26, 2013 14:58
ah, mas eh certo que o unity nao vai ficar se preocupando com tanto
Jul 26, 2013 14:58
virge, ok :P
Jul 26, 2013 14:57
achei que eram 3
Jul 26, 2013 14:57
eu ja tava certo de que nao era apenas mtime
Jul 26, 2013 14:57
que tbm preciso ir almocar
Jul 26, 2013 14:56
qual era a outra?
Jul 26, 2013 14:56
enfim, vou guardar essa dica pra testar em outro momento :)
Jul 26, 2013 14:56
vai dobrar o tempo de tudo
Jul 26, 2013 14:56
nao da pra ter que ficar nivelando a cada commit
Jul 26, 2013 14:55
dai nao rola, cara.
Jul 26, 2013 14:55
mas fode com uma 20 cm pra fuder legal
Jul 26, 2013 14:54
dai fode mesmo
Jul 26, 2013 14:54
bleh... ta dizendo que nao existe precisao suficiente?
Jul 26, 2013 14:54
tem, se salvar.
Jul 26, 2013 14:54
importa muito.
Jul 26, 2013 14:53
evitar 1 rebuild pra cada vez que precisaria resetar tudo.
Jul 26, 2013 14:53
pra evitar 1 rebuild
Jul 26, 2013 14:53
importa tambem
Jul 26, 2013 14:52
salvar sem precisao suficiente para aplicar igual.
Jul 26, 2013 14:52
aplicar 2 vezes e nao dar o mesmo resultado ou...
Jul 26, 2013 14:52
pois eh, quando vc falou em precisao, pensei nisso dai
Jul 26, 2013 14:52
que guarda data por arquivo. e jamais recupera do commit do git.
Jul 26, 2013 14:52
mas o unico script que estou usando eh o git-cache-meta modificado meu
Jul 26, 2013 14:50
nao, nao por isso... estou fazendo testes tudo na mesma maquina.