Jan 20, 2017 10:28
Hi, anyone knows how to receive touch for subview and also send it to parent view, meaning that this touch should receive both views, because I know only way how to ignore touches in subview and forward them to parent view
Sep 13, 2016 12:54
@Abizern It looks like I understood. If I need for example in viewDidLoad, decide to show view or not for once, then it's better to enable or disable constraint. But if I have to show/hide view several times, then it makes sense to use constant value, correct?
Sep 13, 2016 12:41
@Abizern it looks like I misunderstood something. For example, I have label "New" which I should hide and set the height to zero. One way is to set fixed height constraint, then create outlet. And if I need to show this label, I set value from code equal to its height. Another solution is to add additional fixed height constraint and set it to 0 in IB and from the code set 'active' property. Both solutions require height constraint so constraint will exist in both approaches.
Sep 13, 2016 12:27
From NSLayoutConstraint documentation:
Setting the constant on an existing constraint performs much better than removing the constraint and adding a new one that's exactly like the old except that it has a different constant.
Sep 13, 2016 12:26
@Abizern I guess, that with setting the height to 0, then system need just layout it again. But with 'active' property it has to spend time on adding and removing constraints
Sep 13, 2016 12:15
@Abizern My concern is, that second solution is less efficient because every time I set active property it adds or removes constraint
Sep 13, 2016 12:08
Hi, have a question about hiding views completely using Autolayout. The first solution is to use fixed height property and then set to zero when needed. But this solution requires storing view's height in code. Another way is to create zero height fixed constraint, and in code just set "active" property of NSLayoutConstraint. What solution is better?
Apr 29, 2016 11:19
@ShobhakarTiwari thanks for advice
Apr 29, 2016 11:16
Hi, is it good practice to place button tap handler for a custom view inside implementation of this view, or make a property of this button and add action in view controller?
Apr 20, 2016 11:58
@ShobhakarTiwari I'm loading image async in default queue, in stack trace, there is no code execution in main thread just semaphore_wait_trap
Apr 20, 2016 10:49
Hi, can someone help me with GCD stackoverflow.com/questions/36740717/…
Mar 10, 2016 13:12
Hi guys, is there any difference between debug and release versions of static framework. Which one I should add to my project Debug or Release?


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
Feb 23, 2016 21:20
@KhaledKhnifer I didn't say that I don't want to work with this. For me, it's just a little bit confusing because there was no documentation and not a lot of information about this.
Feb 23, 2016 21:17
@JerryCoffin ok, thanks for a help, I'll try to investigate in this direction.
Feb 23, 2016 21:07
@JerryCoffin Actually, I'm working as iOS developer and it's not for a job. It's coursework I received in the university.
Feb 23, 2016 20:59
@JerryCoffin The problem is, that I have to write algorithm by myself
Feb 23, 2016 20:56
Hi guys, this question is not completely related to C++ but I think to use it in my project.The problem is, that I had the task to create a project that will convert COFF object files into single static lib file. Anyone has the idea how to do this?
Sep 1, 2014 12:25
@Jefffrey ok, it's depands on compiler realisation but in most cases it will. I used it just to illustrate what low-level things i wanted to see in some book:).
Sep 1, 2014 12:20
@Jefffrey I mean what the @Puppy said "he doesn't want to know what they are, he wants to know how they're implemented.". For example do you know that if you have
struct A
{ int a;
char b;
}; The size of struct will be 8 bytes on 32-bit machine. And now I'm working with Obj-C and there are many things that are not described, and it's very hard to find any information about it. So i thought maybe there is any book about it.
Sep 1, 2014 12:09
@Jefffrey maybe not C but C++ and Objective-C.
Sep 1, 2014 12:08
Sep 1, 2014 12:06
Hi guys, is there any book that describe internal work of C++/C or even Objective-C?. I'm interested in, how struct works, where global variables are stored, how class is internally organized and so on.
Nov 16, 2013 18:38
Ok, Thanks
Nov 16, 2013 18:37
Can I ask question in this chat about C++ or NO?
Oct 14, 2013 13:44
@not-rightfold So, do you have any ideas why my signature is bad?
Oct 14, 2013 12:46
@not-rightfold I know about string.c_str()
Oct 14, 2013 12:45
Because then libcurl take it as function argument
Oct 14, 2013 12:42
Frankly speaking, i don't have this line of code in my project. I am creating char array and copy from C++ string to this char array and then use it (i wrote it just for simplicity), but why assigning a string literal to a char * is wrong?
Oct 14, 2013 12:34
Could you see this question on SO, coz I have no idea what's wrong in that code stackoverflow.com/questions/19358388/…

iOS Android Python

Should talk about iOS App development related issues. No langu...
Feb 3, 2016 13:31
Hi, anybody knows some library that allows to show list of files from custom directory, something like UIImagePickerViewController, but for custom directories (like Documents folder) and different file types?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Sep 29, 2015 16:06
Hi, can someone advise me some book or guide of how to properly architect web apps. If I use some framework (Ember, ExtJS), it's more or less is obvious, because they forces you to obey some rules and you know how to write properly. But if I use plain JS with JQuery, how to organise project?
Sep 11, 2015 12:41
@CapricaSix I used Ctrl+K but in doesn't help
Sep 11, 2015 08:31
Hi, is it possible to promisify methods recursively. Because I have function that accept some params and callback, then inside that function I call other async function and pass as callback function received in outer function. Is it possible to promisify outer function and it will promisify inner function too?
Sep 9, 2015 14:40
Hi, is there anyone who works with Extjs? Because I need advice about how to load store.
Aug 30, 2015 18:31
Hi guys, I only started to use tests in my project and would like to ask, if it ok to install library npmjs.com/package/faker in project's node_modules if it'll only be used in tests. Maybe there is a way to separate project libraries and libraries for unit testing.
Aug 26, 2015 09:53
Really, I did't think about this, then the best solution is to do validation. Thanks all for help.
Aug 26, 2015 09:47
@Cauterite it's new ES6 syntax?
Aug 26, 2015 09:42
@Cauterite it depend's only on params names. I thought that it'll be so easy to filter docs in MongoDB, just pass directly req.query and that's all
Aug 26, 2015 09:35
@RoelvanUden I am creating Express.js app, and when user types /users/?age=18, server has to find all documents in MongoDB that satisfies that age is equal 18 myCollection.find(req.query), but the problem is that express.js converts all query values to strings but I need to have numeric values because mongoDB returns empty array otherwise. If I'd have only this age parameter, I'll simply convert it and that's all, but there can be at least six params, and I'll have to convert part of them
Aug 26, 2015 09:25
Hi, is there any library that convert object values. For ex. if I have {"age" : "18"} it has to return {"age":18} ?
Aug 19, 2015 12:06
@RoelvanUden maybe I'm not correct express thoughts. But for ex. If I have todo app and user created new item like "Go to shop next Friday", I need library that from this string will return date of the next friday.
Aug 19, 2015 12:00
@BenFortune @RoelvanUden I don't know, if it's good option, because when I execute moment.("today") it returns invalid date
Aug 19, 2015 11:52
@edzillion thanks I'll check them
Aug 19, 2015 11:45
Hi guys, Anyone knows library that will help parse text into dates? For ex. it has to parse 'today', 'three days from yesterday' and so on.

Trash can

Like the recycle bin, but trashier.
Sep 11, 2015 12:33
Hi, if I have Promise.map(arr, function(el) {
this.callfunctionWithCallback(data, callback);
}).then(function() {console.log("FINISHED")}
Is it guaranteed that FINISHED will be showed only when all callbacks will be executed in callFunctionWithCallback?

Ruby :: Sometimes on Rails

The humane programming language. Be nice. Have fun. Lurkers...
Apr 5, 2014 11:31
@WayneConrad Well, I already understood how return works in blocks when read SO answers, but I don't understand why block passes to method last evaluated expression(Maybe it sounds more properly then 'return' ) and is it possible to pass not last expression but any?
Apr 5, 2014 11:20
@WayneConrad Maybe I'm misunderstood you, but it's don't work for me. For instace:
def foo
puts x=yield

foo {2+2} #->4
foo {return 2+2} #->error
Apr 5, 2014 10:36
Hi, I don't understand why block returns value of last expression to method, when is used yield, however I can't write return in block.


It's a bin, for binning things.
Nov 15, 2013 14:43
Hi guys, is it possible to create in C++ explicit instantiation of template inside function? Because I'm little biased, in my book that I used for learning C++(C++ Prime 6th ed.) there is example of code where was explicitly instantiated template inside function but when I try to do the same in Visual Studio or Ideone, compiler outputs error


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Oct 17, 2013 17:37
Hi, is there someone who familiar with OAuth 1.0? I'm implementing OAuth protocol in my C++ project in order to work with COPY (compy.com) But all time I send request to server it's return that signature base string is bad, however i 100500 times checked this. Could someone create signature base stirng with my consumer key and secret by using OAugh php library, in order to understand what's wrong with mine.