
Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Nov 19, 2015 16:05
ahh i thought that websockets === "sockets"
Nov 19, 2015 16:03
@crl the socket server already listens to 'status' if I hit it from other clients
Nov 19, 2015 16:03
@ivarni thanks!
Nov 19, 2015 16:02
guess not :P
Nov 19, 2015 16:02
Nov 19, 2015 15:58
@crl write
Nov 19, 2015 15:56
I tried using the node methods but the server does not see the events
Nov 19, 2015 15:56
quick question, how can I send a socket event from the terminal or simple node script to a server?
Dec 17, 2014 18:31
hey guys, can any tell me how to document an angular service?
Nov 20, 2014 17:55
@jitu not sure what you are asking
Nov 20, 2014 17:45
anyone know if you can hit a url like in an angular app using the ui router and have it work? I keep getting errors
Nov 12, 2014 20:39
Hey guys. I have a quick angular question, is it possible to change the url to match a model value? I have a list with a set of filters and I would like to change the url whenever someone changes one of the filters and the application to load those filters upon load if there are any
Nov 12, 2014 17:04
Hey guys. I have a quick angular question, is it possible to change the url to match a model value? I have a list with a set of filters and I would like to change the url whenever someone changes one of the filters and the application to load those filters upon load if there are any
Oct 16, 2014 18:19
@JanDvorak not sure what you mean, use a package?
Oct 16, 2014 18:01
there is one specifically, but I think that part of the issue lies in that I'm not sure which file is the key and which is the bundle
Oct 16, 2014 17:55
hey guys, has anyone implemented SSL on an express site recently? I'm having a ton of trouble configuring mine
Apr 10, 2014 13:53
hey guys. Following the module pattern, is there another way to augment a parent method than by doing something like

    var old = parent.methodToOverride;
    instance.methodToOverride = function() {
Apr 9, 2014 19:05
I see what you mean
Apr 9, 2014 19:02
not sure what you mean
Apr 9, 2014 19:00
Right now I have this overarching App object that contains query selection + the modules but the event handling has me all confused
Apr 9, 2014 18:57
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok so it seems that I'm on the right track then
Apr 9, 2014 18:52
Right then. I have this . So far so good, with the exception that it is becoming tightly coupled and event handling is kind of a pain. I have been thinking about using the mediator pattern or a pub/sub way of handling this but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how this is done with requirejs or browserify
Apr 9, 2014 18:49
I have an architecture question for a small js app, where do you guys recommend I ask it?
Apr 9, 2014 18:21
wtf kind of marketing is that
Apr 9, 2014 18:17
I'm in the process of converting a requirejs project into browserify and I guess I forgot to move that
Apr 9, 2014 18:17
Argghhh I knew it was stupid, it was that
Apr 9, 2014 18:13
Hey guys, quick question. I'm trying to get my feet wet with broserify and I'm running into a wall, I'm sure it is something dumb I am forgetting about. Anyways, var c = document.getElementsByClassName('wrap')[0]; is retuning undefined but when I run it in the console, it finds the element, even though the element is created in a regular HTML file not by any javascript
Mar 24, 2014 17:17
@Metagrapher, Clear and to the point. Thanks
Mar 24, 2014 17:15
does putting something like "link upon request" in a resume make me sound like a jackass?
Mar 24, 2014 16:45
@Neil how can that be best specified
Mar 24, 2014 16:42
hey guys, quick question, not sure where else I can ask it. What would you like to see in a resume for a web developer
I have my site with my side projects and some case studies of the work I did in my last job but I don't really have any guidance on how to tackle the resume
Mar 14, 2014 23:03
hey guys just a quick question. I was reading an article and this syntax was used. var Foo = function Foo() { };, is there a difference between that and something like var Foo = function() {}?

Trash can

Like the recycle bin, but trashier.
Nov 19, 2015 16:02
@crl I have a socket server running on port 3001. Now I'm trying to send an event with

var net = require('net');

var client = new net.Socket();
client.connect(3001, '', function() {
Nov 19, 2015 16:00
@crl I have a socket server running on port 3001. Now I'm trying to send an event with

`var net = require('net');

var client = new net.Socket();
client.connect(3001, '', function() {

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Nov 12, 2014 17:02
I have a list with a set of filters and I would like to change the url whenever someone changes one of the filters and the application to load those filters upon load if there are any
Nov 12, 2014 17:01
Hey guys. I have a quick angular question, is it possible to change the url to match a model value?
Mar 24, 2014 17:13
Even if it is a list?
Mar 24, 2014 17:12
does putting something like "link upon request" in a resume make me sound like a jackass?
Mar 24, 2014 16:40
I have my site with my side projects and some case studies of the work I did in my last job but I don't really have any guidance on how to tackle the resume
Mar 24, 2014 16:39
hey guys, quick question, not sure where else I can ask it. What would you like to see in a resume for a web developer


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Sep 27, 2013 15:52
@Jack @Starsong thanks a lot guys, really appreciate it
Sep 27, 2013 15:51
which would be faster?
Sep 27, 2013 15:49
Hey guys. I'm trying to add a check to my script that checks whether the server name ends in '.com'. I'm trying something like substr_compare('.com', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], -1) but I can't get it to work. Can anyone help me find out why?
Jul 10, 2013 20:17
Well it worked @PeeHaa. Thank you and everyone else
Jul 10, 2013 20:08
@tereško: thanks this seems like a great resource
Jul 10, 2013 20:02
@PeeHaa any other solid OOP PHP resource or guide?
Jul 10, 2013 20:00
@NikiC put what exactly? make the constructor return the array with the concatenation ?
Jul 10, 2013 19:57
I did...? Also pressed 'b' for broken and nothing happened
Jul 10, 2013 19:55
? I did
Jul 10, 2013 19:54
public $custom_meta_fields = array(
'label' => 'Text Input',
'desc' => 'A description for the field.'. $prefix .'',
'id' => $wasd.'text',
'type' => 'text'
'label' => 'Textarea',
'desc' => 'A description for the field.',
// 'id' => $prefix.'textarea',
'type' => 'textarea'