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oh wait
I have logic in there as well to change the color during the animation but I commented that out
hmm, it runs perfect now
cycleAmt = 1000;
(it ran slow as hell at first)
how many colors are displayed?
yeah that runs a bit meh for me
if I make the display window take most of the screen it's fine
y u no green
otherwise it's slow
eh oh well the pen itself is dumb, but the performance issues are weird to me
:refresh: Awww, no new visits
@Loktar I think the pen's pretty cool :-)
@JohnTheThird Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar what is this for btw
@RyanKinal thanks
@Mosho absolutely nothing
I just needed a break from what I was doing at work
and adapted my snake text pen to this
strong break
lol almost all of my pens were work breaks
been doing less lately because I actually have shit to do at work which is nice :)
Not having enough work sounds marvelous
We're so busy right now
as long as you're getting paid
@KendallFrey I know right!
eh, I suppose
Now that I think about it, I did finish the last of my tasks today
> It was a pleasure speaking with you regarding 21st Century Television with host Jackie Bales. We believe your Text Marketing story may provide added perspective for our Technology to Improve Business Series.
I still have other work to do, and probably more stuff that wasn't assigned yet...
/o/ \o\
@RyanKinal BOOYAH
Hey guys, quick question. I'm trying to get my feet wet with broserify and I'm running into a wall, I'm sure it is something dumb I am forgetting about. Anyways, var c = document.getElementsByClassName('wrap')[0]; is retuning undefined but when I run it in the console, it finds the element, even though the element is created in a regular HTML file not by any javascript
@alexdmejias My best guess is that you're trying to find the element before it exists. But I can't be sure.
@alexdmejias to check what Ryan just said. move your javascript out of the head and into the body
Put your JS files at the bottom of the page
put it just before the </body> tag
Right into your soul.
Argghhh I knew it was stupid, it was that
@rlemon does before </body> vs after make a difference?
I'm in the process of converting a requirejs project into browserify and I guess I forgot to move that
@RUJordan I don't think it is valid.
scripts should live in head OR body
@alexdmejias No biggie, we've all been there.
hmm, so while it might work it's not "valid"
notice how everyone knew what the problem is - because we all made the same mistake a dozen times
@RUJordan lots of things "work"
So, I got some new pants. They're fancy. (Yes, I have fancy pants). But the tag insults me.
> Size: 36... You should try on a 28. Come on, it'll be funny.
pics or it didn't happen
Screw you, pants!
wtf kind of marketing is that
Idiotic marketing
What do the Red Hot Chili Peppers on a road trip and a server doing nothing but providing a redundant download source for Java have in common?
hahaha @RyanKinal great
that's actually awesome
@SomeKittensUx2666 I give up.
They're just a mirror for the sun
!!youtube RHCP road trippin
Oooh, burn
RyanKinal SomeKittensUx2666 What do Clapton and Coffee have in common?
they both suck without it
Clapton, maybe
But coffee... black & bitter, man.
Like my soul.
is OAuth good?
I drink mine Regular. Which in Canada means one cream one sugar
general opinions of it here?
anyone ever used it?
in the USA means black so i've experienced
@Bubbas it's ridiculously complicated.
@rlemon A friend of mine drinks it triple/triple.
but but
it says its simple!
It's not even coffee at that point.
@RyanKinal an ex of mine drank it 4*4
@Bubbas It is simple. But it's simple for something that's complicated.
any sugar === not even coffee
4 by 4 in a SMALL COFFEE
The only time I add stuff to my coffee is when it's shitty coffee.
I can go without sugar. not the cream
I need at least a small shot of cream. enough to change the colour
Also, cider in coffee tastes horrible
The only thing I miss about cream is the fact that it cools it down. Which is especially evident at Tim Horton's.
I've also grown away from kahlua and baileys in my coffee
Because daaaaaaamn their coffee is hot.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Cider in coffee?
that sounds weird..
@rlemon Every so often I'll do that.
baileys over ice on the other hand.
Dunno, decided I'd try it one day. They didn't have cream
But it's a rarity.
@rlemon Mmmm. Tasty.
Iced Americanos is where its at
Never had booze in my coffee as a mixed drink. I should try it sometime.
@RyanKinal problem is the $40 bottle is like 3-4 glasses :/
I've had beercoffee, and that was fantastic
@rlemon lol, yeah
which reminds me.. I have two bottles of baileys at home
My family has an Irish Cream recipe. It's traditionally a Christmas and/or St. Patty's Day drinnk.
Not sure if you can get that out east, but it's great
aww too bad thats flash
the lizard is cool
Yeah, that lizard is pretty sweet
I was JUST about to bitch about using flash for the lizard :P
@SomeKittensUx2666 Sounds delicious.
nice to see we all immediately check what it was done with.
ooo an animation.. BETTER NOT BE FLASH!!!
we are getting our taxes done tonight, so last night I added up what I spend on coffee's throughout the year
Normal person: Awwww, what a cute lizard
JS dev: Fuck that lizard. Stupid Flash.
so I might start cutting back
@Loktar Yeah, I spend stupid amounts on coffee too
I don't even want to add it up
@Loktar I just brew at home. Ultra cheap
its such a bad addiction man
I could be even cheaper and drink the stuff at work
I didnt want to at first.. but I was hoping it would motivate me to stop
@CapricaSix 2.9
@SomeKittensUx2666 well in fairness I get mocha's and stuff like that
:( I am tempted to add up my beer + smokes + coffee
not normal coffee generally
@rlemon haha do it man
See, I actually like the experience of going to a coffee shop. It's somehow comforting to me to go into the cafe every morning (and some afternoons).
apparently I spend like $12 a day on coffee related items
2013 refund was almost exactly what we needed to finish off my wife's student loans. Super happy about that.
@RyanKinal yeah all the workers know and greet me, its part of the experience
Okay, yeah, I spend like... $5/day at the most
~10K/year total for just my vices.
@SomeKittensUx2666 wow lucky
we are going to pay around 17k
Ill pretend Im giving you some money :P itll make me feel better
Ugh. I don't know that I want to know what I spend on beer either.
@Loktar Ouch, why so much? No withholding?
That's so much money
Cat's a realtor
and I make a decent salary on the net
I don't have any vices but I spend around $1000 a month on food, just for myself
so we pay at the end of the year :?
could do quarterlies but I'm lazy
I might break even this year
@AbhishekHingnikar Sorry. Different conversation. OMG LOL THAT'S AWESOME
lmao captain puerto rico..
I'll have a big tax bill for 2014, since I'm working as a contractor. Currently setting it aside in an index fund
!!s/\s\?/ who haven't seen that 10 times already?/
@SomeKittensUx2666 NO MARVEL FANS who haven't seen that 10 times already? (source)
welp. talking about taxes. I have you all beat.
yeah thats smart @SomeKittensUx2666
talking about taxes
i had a few
i just paid $200
(I haven't done any since 2005)
and i have no tax due.
I was a dependent in 2013 so I had simple taxes. Got maybe $1500 back
so when I fix my shit this year... wowza. i'm not looking forward to it
@rlemon you can get away with that?
@rlemon you are my role model.
I wish I got money back.
<aside>Soooo ready for this Eminem album to be over... 2 more songs</aside>
I remember the days, they were good days lol
but I do get ten years of back pay on my GST cheques
@rlemon with no interest, I bet
@SomeKittensUx2666 well until recent years they have owed me. The ontario government doesn't care if I don't file them so long as I don't owe them
yeah thats how it is here too
IRS doesn't care either
I fucked up on my taxes when I was like 16-17 and they over payed me. no one told me about it (revenue canada is supposed to notify me) so I played ignorant and just let it sit there (they wanted a few hundred in interest)
sums of cash over 10k are reported though, so if you are getting some large deposits and dont report them but the other person has (paypal does automatically) then the IRS will come knocking
now they owe me x grand, and I owe them a fraction of that
so it is just a week long process of dealing with government financial types which I keep putting off
taxes here only go back what like 7 years
not sure about CA
I'll be submitting ten years of taxes this year
\o/ procrastination!
Will your fish have to pay taxes too?
no but I claim them as dependents
I mean.. it is Canada after all. :P
hehehe good answer
not my cats. They make it very apparent they don't need me.
you dont owe anything right @rlemon?
because the Canadian penalties look pretty shitty
they compound each year
and add up each month..
I do. from this year. penalties from before I'm fighting because they never notified me
> If you have amounts owing from previous years, we will continue to charge compound daily interest on those amounts. Payments you make are first applied to amounts owing from previous years.
still to this day no letter no phone call no nothing.
and it is not owing from taxes, it is over pay
daily compounded interest damn
daily?! Jesus
I've spoken to many financial people about it. I was terrified to do them. Now not so much, they all put me at ease.
I have little interest in becoming an expert in javascript, but I need to do some. Shame on you :( — RUJordan 5 secs ago
> Parse.Butt.define("getRecoveryQuestion", function(request, response)
I need to install that userscript
Wow, that thai food went through me at record speed. It's been 30 minutes and I already have to poop.
i'm so glad i'm regular.
@mikedidthis o/
@rlemon o/
Q: Lorem ipsum decode

user3516426this words means something ? or how i can decod this ? ( Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam commodo risus lobortis diam molestie, varius vestibulum lacus condimentum. Phasellus fringilla, leo at ornare tristique, est elit lobortis dolor, a placerat tortor eros nec e...

!!youtube sick bubble gum dubstep
@rlemon I love that song. Rob Zombie is awesome
@RUJordan its has answers facepalm
guys? how do I print this for consumption.
I have an architecture question for a small js app, where do you guys recommend I ask it?
@alexdmejias right here
@rlemon 3d printer. tasty plastic.
ohh shit @Loktar did you get my message about that 3d printer?
make fucking lego man!
haha yeah I responded
ohh :/
someone else was here too cant remember who
I don't remember
I'd just print snubfighters
I remember talking to them about it :P not you
yeah basically I said they are really cool but it would sit and collect dust for me
I really should get off the chats after 2-3 beers
after a few months
I would print women
and beer
I would print so much fish stuff :P
and cat toys
yeah thats right you said custom fixtures
because I asked if the stuff would float :P
fuck moving the couch. just print them a new toy
will you guys tell me how retarded this is plz:
so i want to animate this text to different sizes/positions based on screen size (media quieries). basically i just want to make this particular element responsive... only use animation to do it. do i set some random dummy css property at each breakpoint then use jquery to test if (css prop == "dummyprop") {size to blah} ?
Right then. I have this labs.alexdmejias.com/svgexp/# . So far so good, with the exception that it is becoming tightly coupled and event handling is kind of a pain. I have been thinking about using the mediator pattern or a pub/sub way of handling this but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how this is done with requirejs or browserify
@Bubbas haah?
@alexdmejias UI architecture is a broad subject, there is a variety of techniques to decouple them. pub/sub and mediator are actually really common (other common patters are observer and strategy).
@alexdmejias event handling turns into global state very fast if you're not careful (also, namely a lot of other 'common' things in JS, like query selectors).
It's very natural to want to use a mediator for decoupling components. That should probably be your first go to without knowing the specifics.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok so it seems that I'm on the right track then
@alexdmejias there is a lot of good literature about it, you're on the right path basically but don't try and reinvent the wheel :)
@alexdmejias this is a good start martinfowler.com/eaaDev/uiArchs.html

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