Ramesh Rajendran

Mar 10, 2021 10:29
it is fixed thanks for your help Man
Mar 1, 2021 11:21
is it possible without using await browser.waitForAngularEnabled(false);?
Mar 1, 2021 09:57
I have used three shared component's in the page.Is it creating this problem? We're spending more than one week for this issue. Kindly help me
Mar 1, 2021 09:55
when disable waitForAngularEnabled it is working fine. But after enabled it is throwing the same error for another element
Mar 1, 2021 09:55
async requestCreation(date: string, report: string) {
// await browser.driver.get('https://eip4qa.lntecc.com/EIPFIN/txr').then(async () => {
var selectDate = element(by.xpath("//input[@id='icon-right']"));
var reportType = element(by.xpath("//input[@placeholder='Report Type']"));
browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(selectDate), 30000);
browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(reportType), 30000);
Mar 1, 2021 09:54
Mar 1, 2021 09:39
It is purely angular application only. but the problem is login is one application and remaining screens are in another application which means it is deployed in two server with separate domain . In this case only I am getting this problem . any idea?
Mar 1, 2021 09:21
removed but still facing the same error
Mar 1, 2021 09:19
Sorry I will remove that. I just added for nothing
Mar 1, 2021 09:15
import { browser, by, element, ExpectedConditions } from "protractor";
import { spage } from "./pages/spage";


describe('Navigate to Register Report', async () => {
let page = new spage();

it('Login', async function () {
await page.first();

it('Navigate to Register Report', async function () {
await page.navigatetoRegisterReport();

it('Request Creation', async function () {
await page.requestCreation("21-Jan-2020 - 31-Jan-2020", "Sales Register Report");
Mar 1, 2021 09:15
test suites
Mar 1, 2021 09:13
//import { browser, by, element } from "protractor";
import { browser, by, element, ExpectedConditions, protractor, Ptor } from "protractor";
import { threadId } from "worker_threads";

export class spage {

async first() {
await browser.driver.get(browser.baseUrl).then(async () => {
await browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(element(by.linkText("Other User"))), 30000);
await element(by.linkText("Other User")).click().then(() => {
browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(element(by.css('#username'))), 30000);
Mar 1, 2021 09:13
My full code
Mar 1, 2021 09:13
But my two applications are angular only
Mar 1, 2021 09:13
Mar 1, 2021 09:13
OK, I'll try and let you know :)
Mar 1, 2021 09:13
I have tried and also I have removed await in find element.But still I am getting element is not found error message. But it is working fine if I am providing AngularEnabled is false :( @PDHide
Mar 1, 2021 09:13
@PDHide Thanks for your reply. Actually It is working for my 1st application, the problem is my 2nd application throwing unable to find the element error .
Feb 7, 2020 11:21
If possible please put delete vote for this question. I think the discussion is over and it may harm the believers..... Bye bye
Feb 7, 2020 11:11
Hmm. I don't want Separation be union. That's All.
Feb 7, 2020 11:08
@BDL intolerance between religious groups Accepted.
Feb 7, 2020 11:07
@Teemu-callmewhateveryouwant `At SO you need to define "good people" and "bad people", and give a value to "god". Otherwise the question is off-topic.` :

Then what is the use of Heaven and Hell?
Feb 7, 2020 11:05
OK. Any way. I am not saying God is Real. But if it real it would be NICE. DOT
Feb 7, 2020 11:02
@BDL I am expecting this same but here peoples are barking for religion with IND vs Pak , Here the peoples are forgot humanity. If we remove religion from mind then humanity will come automatically.
Feb 7, 2020 11:00
@Teemu-callmewhateveryouwant May be SO is a God for there questions and answers.
Feb 7, 2020 10:59
@BDL My question is religion related site's are really needed for Stack Overflow?
Feb 7, 2020 10:58
@NickA It helps to get out humans from wrong believe's.
Feb 7, 2020 10:57
@NickA Because lot of politics are going on with religion. And I analysed lot of good peoples are struggling in there life but bad peoples living life without any problem. If it god is true, then why it happening?
Feb 7, 2020 10:51
that's it
Feb 7, 2020 10:51
@Teemu-callmewhateveryouwant HMMM ... My thought is there is Only one GOD. Not more
Feb 7, 2020 10:48
Feb 7, 2020 10:47
I Agree all the comments. But there have lot of problems in the world L-Nono Lal-Nino, water, food etc....... does religion will solve those problems? I hope humanity can solve. I am not opposite for religions. But I don't want giving much important like StackOverflow.
Feb 7, 2020 10:46
@Teemu If you come India, You can understand peoples are believe some animals are as GOD vehicle.
Feb 7, 2020 10:46
@NickA The website really needed for understand to that.
Feb 7, 2020 10:46
@Turamarth It helps to avoid wrong belief.
Feb 7, 2020 10:46
@Turamarth like, Is GOD can kill Thonos?

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Oct 1, 2019 13:03
Hi Guys, What is the use of this room? can anyone explain for me?
May 18, 2018 07:39
did you check this it works in locally?
May 18, 2018 07:39
I am not sure. what's the problem ..
May 18, 2018 07:39
But it's working here stackblitz.com/edit/…
May 18, 2018 07:26
I am not sure... it's working last time
May 18, 2018 06:52
@Heena But it's working fine in the demo :( sample-login-eqquk9.stackblitz.io/myform
May 18, 2018 06:52
What you mean by resize
May 18, 2018 06:52
@Heena cool Happy coding ... :P
May 18, 2018 04:34
what is the if condition??
May 18, 2018 04:34
what you mean by (15,24 deleted)??
May 17, 2018 09:13
May 17, 2018 09:10
I am not sure dude. I will go to lunch . so better to ask a new question....
May 17, 2018 08:55
Ok could you update latest codes in stackblitz
May 17, 2018 08:52
ChangeDetectorRef issue is gone?