Camilo Terevinto

Oct 13, 2021 14:43
Glad you found that
Oct 13, 2021 14:43
Well... that was quite simpler :)
Oct 13, 2021 14:36
from within Visual Studio... I imagine the same holds true for after deployment
Oct 13, 2021 14:36
if you try that with Kestrel, x is false, if you try it with IIS Express, x is true
Oct 13, 2021 14:35
public static void Main(string[] args)
var x = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APP_POOL_ID") is string;

Oct 13, 2021 14:35
I am working on an ASP.NET Core app at the moment so I took the opportunity to test it myself
Oct 13, 2021 14:35
That's still not my point...
Oct 13, 2021 14:34
Oct 13, 2021 14:34
I'd suggest you to try it in a new app, as I don't see how the most voted answer could have changed between versions honestly. IIS most likely still set those environment variables when it starts the application.
Oct 13, 2021 14:34
I've never done this, but perhaps this helps?… - I've been lucky enough to almost never have to worry about IIS since I started working on ASP.NET Core back in 2016 :)
Oct 13, 2021 14:34
Why? You need 2 different packages and 2 different source codes for Kestrel vs IIS (for example, Kestrel doesn't use a web.config, while it is required for IIS, and as you saw you need different middleware depending on the server to be used). You should also really consider this approach, you can find different behaviours depending on the server which will make debugging errors much more complicated
Oct 5, 2021 14:30
that's how you build a Basic authentication request in c#
Oct 5, 2021 14:29
Oct 5, 2021 14:19
I'm asking if the API has any requirements such as a proxy or VPN?
Oct 5, 2021 14:19
you can't :)
Oct 5, 2021 14:11
perhaps you need a proxy or something?
Oct 5, 2021 14:10
Oct 5, 2021 14:10
"code" : 401,
"message" : "Unauthorized",
"reason" : "Missing authentication token"
Oct 5, 2021 14:07
do you have an example URL that actually works? They all complain about missing token if I try them
Oct 5, 2021 14:05
And that also fails?
Oct 5, 2021 14:04
Don't tell us, show us the code :) No version with headers is going to work if the URL is not correct
Oct 5, 2021 14:04
So, if you know that the URL must look like that, why exactly are you not building that URL in code? You cannot add keys wherever you want, you need to follow what the API expects
Oct 5, 2021 14:04
"When I access the API via a link" -> if you are using a link it's impossible that you could be using headers. How exactly does that link look like? Also, a JWT Bearer token cannot be a random base64 string. Why don't you read the API's documentation instead of guessing?
Oct 5, 2021 14:04
404 is Not Found, not Unauthorized. Which one is it? Also, the code posted doesn't compile. Also, you're mixing httpClient and _httpClient which makes no sense at all.
Aug 27, 2021 09:58
@DanielRotter tagging you in case you didn't see the above
Aug 27, 2021 09:40
you just need to make sure you always go back to the actualResponseStream
Aug 27, 2021 09:39
var actualResponseStream = httpContext.Response.Body;
var temporaryResponseStream = new MemoryStream();

// Write the response to a temporary buffer
httpContext.Response.Body = temporaryResponseStream;
await _next(httpContext);

// If everything is OK (200 is just an example), then revert to the actual stream
if (httpContext.Response.StatusCode == StatusCodes.Status200OK)
await temporaryResponseStream.CopyToAsync(actualResponseStream);
httpContext.Response.Body = actualResponseStream;
Aug 27, 2021 09:39
You'll need to test it, but for (A), you can do something along the lines of:
Aug 27, 2021 09:31
You'll need to either: A) write the response to a temporary buffer, or B) use something else, like an IAsyncActionFilter
Aug 27, 2021 09:30
It's a mix of UseEndpoints and MapControllers
Aug 27, 2021 09:29
when the action returns successfully, the response is written as the MVC middleware takes care of that way before your middleware gets back the control
Aug 27, 2021 09:29
the middleware in my answer works for exceptions thrown inside actions, not on the middleware itself
Aug 27, 2021 09:28
you can't do this in this way
Aug 27, 2021 09:28
I'm an idiot
Aug 27, 2021 09:28
ah, wait
Aug 27, 2021 09:23
Give me a moment, need to configure an inmemory db for EF
Aug 27, 2021 09:23
Nah, that shouldn't be it, the project template I used doesn't have authorization either
Aug 27, 2021 09:21
let me take a look...
Aug 27, 2021 09:20
Aug 27, 2021 09:20
Yeah, it's easier for stuff like this :)
Aug 27, 2021 09:20
Aug 27, 2021 09:19
@DanielRotter That seems normal to me. Did you disable the Developer Exception Page? You can't use both middleware at the same time
Aug 27, 2021 09:19
That's... weird. I just created a new project, commented out UseDeveloperExceptionPage and added app.UseMiddleware<TransactionMiddleware>(); instead, then threw an exception in a GET method. Result is as I expected: There's something in your setup that is modifying the response when it shouldn't, but I cannot see what with the information provided so far
Aug 27, 2021 09:19
@DanielRotter I use this exact code in applications running in production, without any issue whatsoever. It seems to me that you may be doing something else, like setting response properties in the controller rather than returning ActionResults. Also, make sure the order of the middleware is correct in the startup class
Dec 31, 2020 00:29
I'll refer you to a previous comment:…
Dec 31, 2020 00:29
1) It's still a FIFO queue - the items are retrieved from the queue in order. 2) You don't even have multiple consumers, you have a single one
Dec 31, 2020 00:29
It's a queue, order is guaranteed to be FIFO
Dec 31, 2020 00:29
I'd suggest you to test that theory - it should be fairly simple to duplicate the code in a console app and use a Parallel.For loop to add multiple items to the BlockingCollection and in the consumer side just print the item to the console
Dec 31, 2020 00:29
At least you're trying to understand :) it doesn't happen often
Dec 31, 2020 00:29
Yes, you just need public QueueService() { ExtractedDocuments = new ObservableCollection<IExtractedDocument>(); _processingTask = Task.Run(ProcessQueue, _processingCancellationToken); }