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Q: How to make a "fire & forget" async FIFO queue in c#?

Gil SandI'm trying to process documents asynchronously. The idea is that the user sends documents to a service, which takes time, and will look at the results later (about 20-90 seconds per document). Ideally, I would like to just fill some kind of observable collection that would be emptied by the syste...

as I can't fill it while it's being emptied from the other end. What do you mean by this?
I'd suggest one thread/task to write to the collection, and one to read from it. Your existing code can't work, since the person effectively deadlocks themselves - they put something in the queue, then go process it and then wait for the next task to come, which will never occur.
@mjwillis I mean the collection is processed in FIFO order, so if I put 3 documents in, the queue will process 0, then 1, then 2. But during that time (longer than 1 minute), I could very well add more items to the list. So by the time the process reaches index 2, it might be a size 10 collection.
BlockingCollection handles that just fine. It is a ConcurrentQueue under the covers. What makes you think that won't work?
^ Besides the fact that ProcessQueue should most certainly not be called from Add
Correct @CamiloTerevinto. I mean you could if you used TryTake etc - but it does seem to defeat the purpose somewhat.
Okay (about all your comments). So you'd say I'm on the right track and just need to create separate threads, correct ? I've found a lot of help online and it seems like there are a thousand ways to achieve that, and even more ways to fail. I'm not comfortable with threads, could you either share some pseudocode or point me to correct area of the docs, or a tutorial that would help me start?
Task.Run(() => ProcessQueue()); assuming private void ProcessQueue(). Call that just once.
@CamiloTerevinto But I want the queue to start processing as soon as an object is added ; when would I start if not when something is being added?
Is this just a POC or are you writing production quality code? Do you have access an external queuing service, like Azure Queues or AWS SQS? Or even onprem you could setup MSMQ or RabbitMQ. I think that would be more robust than trying to roll your own queue.
@GilSand Start up ProcessQueue straight away - it can do the work when it arrives.
@mjwills I'd suggest instead the overload with a CancellationToken for proper cleanup when the app shuts down
Good call @CamiloTerevinto.
No this is production code, but in essence it's a very small product that pretty much only does help processing documents to another service for colleagues. So I'm trying to write it clean, but it's a one-man job and an opportunity to learn a few things in the process. it'll probably be updated every once in a while but it's probably not "azure worthy"
@mjwills So what happens in the case that you set this: Task.Run(() => ProcessQueue()); and the method begins running on a threadpool thread, and then Add is called and another threadpool thread runs the method while the other thread is still running the method?
@RyanWilson Try it and see. Short answer - it does what the OP wants (assuming the Task.Run is run only once).
@mjwills So I can just call ProcessQueue even if the list is currently empty (at the start of the app) and it'll still execute the loop whenever I add something ?? If that's the case that would be amazing
Except that there's no need to make Add run on a thread pool thread. Just call Add like you'd normally do
@GilSand That is literally its job.
Am I worried a ConcurrentQueue will serve up the same object twice? No.
Right, so I had completely misunderstood everything I had read until now. So essentially I've been calling processqueue multiple times for no reason, and because of that I was obligated to re-instantiate a new one. So to be clear, I can remove CompleteAdding as well as the condition at the top, and run ProcessQueue from the start (only once), I should be fine then?
Correct. You can also call CompleteAdding when you are finished adding (e.g, at shutdown), so ProcessQueue can stop executing.
Well, this has been a pretty helpful conversation. It all makes sense now. :D
Yes, you just need public QueueService() { ExtractedDocuments = new ObservableCollection<IExtractedDocument>(); _processingTask = Task.Run(ProcessQueue, _processingCancellationToken); }
Finally - your main reference should be:…
Alright thanks a lot everyone :) It's all been very helpful. It's the kind of thing that's not particularly simple to discover/understand alone but is incredibly easy to understand once you can talk to someone :)
At least you're trying to understand :) it doesn't happen often
@mjwills I see that duplicates aren't something to worry about, but is it not possible that items added to the queue after the the first call to ProcessQueue on the threadpool and another Add is called, that items added to the queue could be processed out of order? So LIFO could be a result?
It's a queue, order is guaranteed to be FIFO
@CamiloTerevinto It sounds like from the documentation that the call to GetConsumingEnumerable returns a mutating enumeration, but at the same time you have another thread Adding new items, which weren't returned by the first call and then a new threadpool thread is running the process method on a new call to GetConsumingEnumerable. So it's not possible for the second threadpool thread to be processing documents that were added after the first call to GetConsumingEnumerable?
I'd suggest you to test that theory - it should be fairly simple to duplicate the code in a console app and use a Parallel.For loop to add multiple items to the BlockingCollection and in the consumer side just print the item to the console
@CamiloTerevinto I found this related article and it appears that processing could be done out of order when using multiple consumers on different threads - (…) - answer by EVK.
Long thread already, but take a look at Channels; based on your description of your requirement, they seem to suit it well.
1) It's still a FIFO queue - the items are retrieved from the queue in order. 2) You don't even have multiple consumers, you have a single one
@CamiloTerevinto How do you figure? You have one thread running off of the each call to Add? If threadpool thread1 runs and get the items in the queue, and while it's processing those items, another call to Add is made, another threadpool thread2 runs on the queue getting items which weren't being processed by threadpool thread1.
I'll refer you to a previous comment:…
Is it a requirement that the Add(string filePath, List<Extra> extras) method returns a Task? Or it's OK if the return type is void?
Also what is the type of the application that the user interacts with? WPF? ASP.NET?
How do you figure? Because, as has been said multiple times, you need to call Task.Run only once. Thus, there is only one consumer.
14 hours later…
Hey guys, I've worked it out almost all the way but I'm facing a threading issue that I'm confident you know how to deal with. When I first add a document, it's processed and I can see the expected result in the UI. Then I navigate a bit and come back to add another, and then I get an exception with error " The application called an interface that was marshalled for a different thread".

I'm not sure where / how I can go back to the UI thread, but is it what I should try to do anyway?
Also, to answer @TheodorZoulias : return type can be void or Task. To be honest I'm not certain of the difference between the two. When you await a Task function it's behaving like a void function. So I always treated it like a void but async. So really it can be anything, as long as I get to process those documents :D
6 hours later…
A return type of Task would allow you to keep track of the progress of each individual document, on top of the notifications coming through the ObservableCollection<IExtractedDocument>. But it also complicates the implementation.
So if you don't need this functionality, I could post an answer/suggestion of using the TPL Dataflow library to do the job, with comparatively less code, and with fewer possibilities for bugs to creep in.

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