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A: Middleware should fail the request after calling next delegate

Camilo TerevintoYou can't throw an exception, nothing is going to handle it, you need to send a response instead. An example middleware: public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext httpContext, CmsContext cmsContext) { try { await _next(httpContext); // You may want to catch this separatel...

It seems to me that this is not working... I get an the following error: "System.InvalidOperationException: StatusCode cannot be set because the response has already started". That's also what I would have expected from reading the warning in‌​/….
@DanielRotter I use this exact code in applications running in production, without any issue whatsoever. It seems to me that you may be doing something else, like setting response properties in the controller rather than returning ActionResults. Also, make sure the order of the middleware is correct in the startup class
Actually I am only returning a CreatedAtResult... Have edited the question so that you can see the controller.
@DanielRotter That seems normal to me. Did you disable the Developer Exception Page? You can't use both middleware at the same time
I have commented it out, and the behavior is still the same... What did you mean previously with the correct order of the middlewares? I have tried it before and after UseRouting, both options don't seem to work.
I have also quickly tried to output "httpContext.Response.HasStarted" before and after the _nextcall. It returns false before and true after that call. That would be consistent with the warning from the link above.
That's... weird. I just created a new project, commented out UseDeveloperExceptionPage and added app.UseMiddleware<TransactionMiddleware>(); instead, then threw an exception in a GET method. Result is as I expected: There's something in your setup that is modifying the response when it shouldn't, but I cannot see what with the information provided so far
Ah, cool, didn't know that this chat existed :D
Yeah, it's easier for stuff like this :)
I just wanted to mention that I am doing this for educational purposes, and this code is public anyway:
let me take a look...
I don't have the authorization middleware yet, maybe that's related?
Nah, that shouldn't be it, the project template I used doesn't have authorization either
Give me a moment, need to configure an inmemory db for EF
ah, wait
I'm an idiot
you can't do this in this way
Wouldn't say you are an idiot 🙈
the middleware in my answer works for exceptions thrown inside actions, not on the middleware itself
I guess the UseEndpoints middleware already sends the response, right?
when the action returns successfully, the response is written as the MVC middleware takes care of that way before your middleware gets back the control
It's a mix of UseEndpoints and MapControllers
You'll need to either: A) write the response to a temporary buffer, or B) use something else, like an IAsyncActionFilter
Ok, I look into that. Thank you very, very much!
You'll need to test it, but for (A), you can do something along the lines of:
var actualResponseStream = httpContext.Response.Body;
var temporaryResponseStream = new MemoryStream();

// Write the response to a temporary buffer
httpContext.Response.Body = temporaryResponseStream;
await _next(httpContext);

// If everything is OK (200 is just an example), then revert to the actual stream
if (httpContext.Response.StatusCode == StatusCodes.Status200OK)
await temporaryResponseStream.CopyToAsync(actualResponseStream);
httpContext.Response.Body = actualResponseStream;
you just need to make sure you always go back to the actualResponseStream
@DanielRotter tagging you in case you didn't see the above
Sorry, had lunch break :) I think I am looking into (B), thank you again :-)
And would you mind updating your answer? Not that we potentially confuse other people. Otherwise I have to downvote it ;-)

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