Under new administration.
Feb 23, 2018 14:27
@JorisMeys is that perl or tidyverse R?
Feb 22, 2018 16:41
@HongOoi and "modern" R with %>% and %<>% doesn't look like line noise?
Feb 22, 2018 12:41
@DirkEddelbuettel SANitary, because you know, Rcpp isn't tidy.
Feb 19, 2018 12:00
this getting 2 upvotes is why I really don't care about SO much any more: stackoverflow.com/questions/48864487/…
Feb 8, 2018 21:26
@coatless or how do I configure X and Y to work with Z and M supplied by P and Q because I want to use F with G instead of U which can only support V
Jan 11, 2018 14:19
Needed a guest appearance from Count von Count (Sesame Street) at that point.
Jan 11, 2018 14:18
~20m in if that link doesn't work.
Jan 11, 2018 14:18
Jan 11, 2018 14:16
did we not watch the same screencast?
Jan 11, 2018 14:13
@lionel yeah counting, counting is like a super-duper useful technique. I never thought of it like that.
Jan 10, 2018 17:00
but hey, that my opinion, other people lap them up.
Jan 10, 2018 16:59
talking heads are a waste of screen space...
Jan 10, 2018 16:59
I've never really liked "screencast" tutorials - too hard to control for your own pace, too "monotonous", can't cut n paste (athough yes, the text is also in the repo).
Jan 8, 2018 10:51
@JorisMeys how to squeeze ten years of experience into a five week course is kinda hard.
Jan 7, 2018 20:41
@DirkEddelbuettel link?
Jan 7, 2018 20:40
@DirkEddelbuettel just sit back with the popcorn?
Jan 7, 2018 18:31
@JorisMeys exactly, and tidyverse is not R, its a bunch of add-on packages. I'd be less bothered if a student said they knew python, and then I discovered they knew python 3 (and I've not got into python 3 yet) because python 3 is well described and official (and is the way to go).
Jan 6, 2018 14:25
Q: Print Loop results of each iteration

Pedro OliveiraI am working with CTM for Text Mining and I'm running a loop to define the optimal number of topics, using the following code: best.model <- lapply(seq(2, 60, by = 1), function(k){CTM(dtm_tfidf,k, method="VEM", control=control_CTM_VEM, model = NULL)}) best.model.logLik <- as.data.f...

Jan 6, 2018 14:25
anyway, here's an interesting one:
Jan 6, 2018 14:24
Acceptance: goes to use Python instead.
Jan 6, 2018 14:24
Depression: realises what R-core really is
Jan 6, 2018 14:24
Bargaining: Tries to make a case for git
Jan 6, 2018 14:23
Anger: Posts to R-dev
Jan 6, 2018 14:23
Denial: "I can't believe an important project like R uses SVN and Bugzilla!"
Jan 6, 2018 14:22
the git/svn discussion is at "bargaining".
Jan 6, 2018 14:21
@DirkEddelbuettel I'm at the "acceptance" stage with cran these days.
Jan 6, 2018 14:06
Oh ffs cran still has frames...
Jan 6, 2018 14:03
ooh special delivery...
Jan 6, 2018 14:02
@DirkEddelbuettel flag the comment as "obsolete"?
Jan 6, 2018 13:54
where "help" includes downvoting and closing. Because that helps.
Jan 6, 2018 13:53
Q: Xubuntu operating system R

BioifoCan anyone tell how to install R and Rstudio on Xubuntu operating system? I have tried so many times but always it gives the error: R shared library (/usr/local/lib/R/lib/libR.so)not found is configured the build with –enable-R-shlib.

Jan 6, 2018 13:53
lets do what we do best, and help some people...
Jan 6, 2018 09:24
And then they also produce code with idioms like the !! and we look at this and go "wtf? where did that come from?" and I think "well at least with Perl you knew you had no chance of understanding someone's code from a quick readthrough"
Jan 6, 2018 09:20
But that's beside the point. They're supposed to "know R", yet they do statistical courses and they can't implement a likelihood function because they can't program, (but they can mung data and make plots, I'll give them that) Five years ago anyone who "knew R" could.
Jan 6, 2018 09:18
@JuliaSilge 9yos and 11yos are learning machines - they can do almost nothing else! Students are what do I have to do to get my grade? machines.
Jan 6, 2018 00:11
@hadley we don't work in a vacuum. we get students who say they know R programming but have never seen a square bracket or a for loop. R has forked.
Jan 5, 2018 20:19
?subset at least has "This is a convenience function intended for use interactively"
Jan 5, 2018 20:18
better off without them
Jan 5, 2018 20:18
bloody users
Jan 5, 2018 20:17
Meanwhile I've typed mtcars[,mtcars$cyl==cyl] and its worked fine for the past 20 years. Okay, I get it now. Home time.
Jan 5, 2018 20:16
because operators, yes.
Jan 5, 2018 20:15
filter(mtcars, UQ(cyl) == cyl) works though even with my antediluvian rlang.
Jan 5, 2018 20:14
cyl=4;filter(mtcars, !!(cyl) == cyl) still doesn't work for me and my non-dev rlang though. fix is filter(mtcars, (!!(cyl)) == cyl) to force the evaluation precedence. But sheesh.
Jan 5, 2018 20:11
Can you explain a bit how a function called "UQ" which does what you call "unquoting" is "misleading" more than two symbols that already have a meaning in R that's been there since S?
Jan 5, 2018 20:08
But whatever. I'll !use it.
Jan 5, 2018 20:06
Sorry, but !! like this makes me throw up a little.
Jan 5, 2018 20:05
The normal R rules are that !! negates twice. Why define that operator when the UQ function makes it more obvious?
Jan 5, 2018 19:57
Does tidyverse implye A==B =/=> B==A?
Jan 5, 2018 19:56
But not: filter(mtcars, !!cyl == cyl)?
Jan 5, 2018 19:55
its a typo. and typoes make bugs.