@HongOoi oh, I have some wild Perl scripts flying around on my computer that surely would stand their ground in a competition with C++ :-)
How about this implementation of game of life? (classic) `$/=pop;@b=split'',<>;map{$n=-1;@b=map{++$n;/ /?$_:($t=grep/X/,@b[map{$n+$_,$n-$_}1,80..82])==3|$t+/X/==3?X:'.'}@b}1..$/;print@b`
@JorisMeys well, Perl is in a category all of its own, lol. I guess C++ isn't so bad, it's only when you go down the rabbit hole of template programming that things become seriously non-Euclidean.
@Spacedman Just wait for the next version of the as-of-now unannounced package with its quadruple @@@@ operator. And in the Olympic spirit, it will be called quad-at-xel.