
General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
Dec 1, 2022 18:12
(I fixed my issue btw by programmatically adding a static GUI element in code, instead of in the designer. Sorry for messing up the channel, have a great day/evening folks!)
Dec 1, 2022 15:43
Super noob question, once again: I have a basic form (C# .net 6.0), with a textbox. I'd like to add text to this Textbox. Basically manipulate the GUI element. (The thread/invoke thing, I got that, that's fine. I just simply don't know how I should approach the problem. Some questions talk about making the TextBox static, sure, but it's all auto-generated by VS.)

How do I do this "properly"? Can anyone link me a Q/A that is still considered best approach?

I found related questions on SO, but they are very, very old and C# is still evolving at a fast pace. But, due to SO/SE's nature, you c
Sep 13, 2022 12:19
(I just tossed it all in a Task.Run and that solved my problem)
Sep 13, 2022 12:19
aww ty
Sep 13, 2022 12:17
nvm figured it out but I can't remove my message, oh well
Sep 12, 2022 18:18
@Asait This completely depends on the Instagram API. C# can do anything you can do in Python for example (when it comes to tasks like this). The question is, does Instagram allow you to do this?
Sep 12, 2022 11:29
yeah I want to avoid duplicate code, so I added a few branches where I could, but calling the function with a string or number to pick a mode seems rather messy. I mean of course it "works" but with enum, it's so much cleaner...
Sep 12, 2022 11:25
I can't remember the last time I "needed" enum so I 100% forgot about it's name, dang.
Sep 12, 2022 11:25
thank you very much @Wietlol
Sep 12, 2022 11:25
wanted to tab fast really quick to save y'all a minute
Sep 12, 2022 11:25
yeaaaah just found it lmao
Sep 12, 2022 11:23
if I remember correctly C++ or C also had this, and the compiler/language just used simple numbers behind the names. but it simplified the code a lot, made it more readable/easier to debug/see.
Sep 12, 2022 11:21
and I remember there was something like that, its on the tip of my tongue but after 30 tabs of searching I'm still left without a clue lol
Sep 12, 2022 11:21
okay, extremely stupid question incoming. what is the name of the "thing" where you can define super simple "options"? let's say I want to define types of fruits. and then refer to them like `if (Fruit.Banana) { ... }` but I can't remember the name of this thing.

I'm not talking about class or anything like that. I want to have like "pre-defined" variables, like MODE.READ_ONLY, MODE.WRITE, so I am not passing/checking some string instead....
Aug 7, 2021 17:43
Ah thank you I'll Google around. I believe this is a bit more complicated because of the async / HttpRequest part. Ie.: There is no URL I can just download/"stream" unfortunately.
Aug 7, 2021 17:32
Oh damn, thanks for the heads up, I'll look into that. Honestly the size is 10M limited by API but that's a nice pitfall I could have fallen into, so might as well just switch to that practice now to avoid trouble down the road.
Aug 7, 2021 17:02
Ah nevermind, fixed it. This worked:
(basically using Byte instead of String.)

var response = await httpClient.SendAsync(request);
var contentDown = await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();
File.WriteAllBytes(textBox_outputName.Text, contentDown);
Aug 7, 2021 16:56
Hey hey hey! Short, maybe very simple question. I am trying to write a simple app for DeepL's API ( deepl.com/docs-api/translating-documents/downloading ). I used this site ( curl.olsh.me ) to convert the requests. Works great. I only have an issue at download. How do I write out the response's Content? I am trying to Google, but to no avail. Cheers!
Mar 26, 2015 14:54
seriously this feels like C++ or C... copy, from, to, length. Oh well. Thanks for the help fellas!
Mar 26, 2015 14:52
@Squiggle Java, Python... and Roel may be right (well, most likely he is), I just never ran into such references in my last Java program (or I already forgot?)
Mar 26, 2015 14:51
Yeah I get the idea @RoelvanUden, I just haven't seen this behaviour in C# yet. (it's been a loooong time since I used C# for any project)
Mar 26, 2015 14:49
And how do I make a simple new String[] array, copy the contents of my original input, AND sort the new one while leaving the original intact?
Mar 26, 2015 14:49
Yeah, but in C#? #themoreyouknow
Mar 26, 2015 14:48
Guys, fast q: I have a single String[] array, with lines inside. Fair enough.
Then I have the following snippet:
String[] sortedInput = input;

And then - after this line - my original "input" array also gets sorted.
Like the "sortedInput" var acts like some sort of weird pointer.

Why does this happen? Oo
Nov 18, 2013 09:28
brb (visual studio install - reboot needed)
Nov 18, 2013 09:24
Nov 18, 2013 09:21
You should really make this a real Q VIPUL. I mean, so many information, code snippets... you could link that Q here then.
Nov 18, 2013 09:18
see ya

friendly bin

To all loving Room Owners If you want to remove message and don'...
Sep 13, 2022 11:51
Question! In SshNet (renci), how can you just "fire and forget" an SSH command?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
May 6, 2014 15:01
@rlemon: there is a timeout, that's all
May 6, 2014 14:57
@Shmiddty: Best trick with vim: stackoverflow.com/questions/2600783/…
Jan 3, 2014 20:52
fix'd: included a text-only "work in progress" message.
Jan 3, 2014 20:42
How much would they ask for making a single html page with a single image with this single css property?
Jan 3, 2014 20:42
*knew => managed to write code/make sites I had to.. was never an expert as you can see, but you know it was enough for a while to do things
Jan 3, 2014 20:41
I knew JS/HTML/CSS before, but I always forget it all. I spent days re-learning everything every single time I had to work with these. Then I forget about it all because I just don't need them. Only like once a year or even less than that.
Jan 3, 2014 20:41
The tradeoff just not worth it. :/
Jan 3, 2014 20:40
I know this is both JS (resize) and CSS (center)
Jan 3, 2014 20:39
Guys, small Q: Could anyone tell me how do I resize an image proportionally AND center it?
What I want:
- A single image on a html page
- Scaled proprtionally
- Horizontally-vertically centered

I tried to use up every Q I found regarding scaling/align, but I can't get things working. (I cannot really post a jsfiddle as all I had is a mess from all the pasted codes together.)


Room rules: sopython.com/chatroom Code formatting guide: tinyu...
Nov 18, 2013 10:04
I worked with both and Python can be damn fast. But there are simple pitfalls you have to avoid to do that. (There is a "Performance" page on Python wiki.)
Nov 18, 2013 10:03
If you use Pypy/Cython, I bet it can take on Java
Nov 18, 2013 09:22
@GamesBrainiac Put that logic into a Unity engine and sell it for 10$ on Windows Store. (And 0.99$ for other stores.)
Nov 18, 2013 09:20
See ya!
Nov 18, 2013 09:20
Yeah but you can't use mixed languages. Ooookay you can, but that makes debugging and error handling a nightmare if possible at all.
Nov 18, 2013 09:19
The logic would be much easier to write in Python.
Nov 18, 2013 09:19
Unless you build some very specific thing... like an OS, an enterprise grade (scale, especially) app or something, choose the tool you know the best.
Nov 18, 2013 09:18
If you find a toolkit, sure it is


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
Nov 18, 2013 09:33
sec, reboot
Nov 18, 2013 09:31
the random positions decides the outcome imo
Nov 18, 2013 09:27
poor cat, man
Nov 18, 2013 09:18
That glorious feel when I first installed NetBeans and a fresh Clang back then and I could just code. Dayum.