Mohammad Rahmani


if( awesome ) return "not awesome";
Feb 19, 2013 21:00
does anyone knows the answer to this question?…


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Feb 12, 2013 21:44
Feb 8, 2013 23:25
@tereško Please check this code
Feb 8, 2013 23:23
@tereško Was thatmy answer? You need code?
Feb 8, 2013 23:23
@PeeHaa what do you need more ?
Feb 8, 2013 23:21
What do you mean ?
Feb 8, 2013 23:19
in this image, I was advised to move teh constants to another class where do you suggest to move them ?
Feb 9, 2013 10:10
Ah ok thank you
Feb 9, 2013 09:49
Samples of any type - maybe something like github
Feb 9, 2013 09:48
Is there any code sample I can dig into ?
Feb 9, 2013 09:42
And how should I extend the class formats ? Can you give me a very simple basic example?
Feb 9, 2013 09:41
Where should the subclasses of that factory live?
Feb 9, 2013 09:38
@JBNizet I hopw we can discuss it live here
Feb 9, 2013 09:37
Feb 9, 2013 09:36
I am using PHP to develop, but what should I exactly do ? How can I use composition? Can you give me an example?
Feb 9, 2013 09:36
look I want to put all those files in my library which is called Sol, using namespaces like \Sol\Data\Source\Source and \Sol\Data\Source\Formats\Assocs(or Xml,Object) and \Sol\Data\Source\Formats\Factory. Now I am thinking of the client coder, if he want to add another format, he does not have access to Sol So he has to extend the factory in a way that he give the path to file containing that format class and also he has to extend \Sol\Data\Source\Formats\Types in on his own library ? Is that logical ?
Feb 9, 2013 09:36
You are right - but other classes are also using those types. What do u think of crearting those consts in a class called \Formats\Types ?