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A: Where should creation conditions migrate in Factory pattern?

JB NizetThis indeed prevents adding a new subclass without modifying the base class (to add a new constant). I would indeed move it to the factory. The factory must need to know about all the kinds of subclasses it can create. The base class doesn't need to know about its subclasses. Moreover, these con...

You are right - but other classes are also using those types. What do u think of crearting those consts in a class called \Formats\Types ?
That would also be acceptable. It seems to me that the main use of these constants is to pass them to the factory in order to choose an appropriate subclass, so putting them in the factory makese sense to me.
look I want to put all those files in my library which is called Sol, using namespaces like \Sol\Data\Source\Source and \Sol\Data\Source\Formats\Assocs(or Xml,Object) and \Sol\Data\Source\Formats\Factory. Now I am thinking of the client coder, if he want to add another format, he does not have access to Sol So he has to extend the factory in a way that he give the path to file containing that format class and also he has to extend \Sol\Data\Source\Formats\Types in on his own library ? Is that logical ?
It's now time to choose a real programming language. The best solution depends on what language you use. But you should use composition instead of inheritance to implement your extensible factory.
I am using PHP to develop, but what should I exactly do ? How can I use composition? Can you give me an example?
Add a registerSubclassFactory() method to the factory, which allows the client code to plug in a new factory allowing to create a new subclass instance using a new key. Have the base factory delegate to its SubclassFactories.
@JBNizet I hopw we can discuss it live here
Where should the subclasses of that factory live?
And how should I extend the class formats ? Can you give me a very simple basic example?
If I understand correctly, you want to have client code able to make the base factory create instances of subclasses that the base factory doesn't know about.
So my proposition is to make the base factory accept "plugins". Each plugin would be able to create instances of a given subclass.
The plugin would be provided by the client code to the base factory
Is there any code sample I can dig into ?
Samples of any type - maybe something like github
No. Not that I'm aware of.
Ah ok thank you

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