@metal_fan And we can't delete until it's closed. Do your own dirty work! Also, beware, deleted questions are a bad thing. If you solved the problem, consider a self-answer.
yeah, im really sure you had an answer dummy. you already wasted enough real estate bullshitting and not answering. Now your doing what you do best, waste people time. Go kill yourself loser. I could care less about your answer because you are a MORON — Brian Patterson15 secs ago
yeah, im really sure you had an answer dummy. you already wasted enough real estate bullshitting and not answering. Now your doing what you do best, waste people time. Go kill yourself loser. I could care less about your answer because you are a MORON — Brian Patterson20 secs ago
@BrianPatterson All fine with me. Just want to say this is by far the worst comment I have ever seen here on SO and believe me I have seen a lot a crap ones. Not even going to report you. The only thing I want to say is that I hope you get well soon. — PeeHaa22 secs ago
@Lusitanian 8 machines with 15 cores between them, none of them faster than 2.4GHz, none of them with more than 2GB RAM. Actually the real problem is that all my Windoze are 32-bit XP, they're all starting to show their age. I do have 2 desktops with solid mobos that would happily take an i7 and 16GB, so I wouldn't need to fork out for a whole new machine. I could really do with a better laptop though.
@Lusitanian Working on it as we speak, although I did just get slightly distracted, but looking to get it done tonight.
@PeeHaa do you just go around trying to ruin peoples lives? I'm just trying to get someone to look at my code and help me out. Why do you keep following me around harrassing me? Do you have no life? — Brian Patterson40 secs ago
I'm sensing a flame war approaching, please don't. :P
@BrianPatterson No one talks shit but you. I'm not sure why you "hope I f**king die", but I will someday, as will you and everybody else you know and every human being that will ever exist or has ever existed. Kind of a silly statement. — Lusitanian5 secs ago
@BrianPatterson Right, because every time someone says their code works it means it actually works and no one has ever been mistaken about that. — Lusitanian6 secs ago
I'm doing some PHP/HTML/CSS programming with my business partner
We are trying to avoid using Facebook, Skype and MSN for distraction purposes
We are looking for good private chat for us to talk, change codes and stuff, preferably with programming-friendly interface
Does anyone knows something...
@Lusitanian Yes. Where people can start a chatroom. Also the option to pay for it and add more features or whatever for enterprisey stuff (i.e. intranet). I realize it's not 1990 anymore, but I always have liked SO chat.
@PeeHaa I was toying with the idea of a PM plugin for SO chat, not sure how useful it would be though. Generally the people who want to do PMs are help vampires.
@Lusitanian True, I guess if it were an open source back end people might be happy to use it for that. Would probably have to be DB-less push relay though, I can imagine people might get uncomfortable if there were any kind of persistent storage.
@igorw It's not only about middleware, it's also how to approach things. Like interfacing with HTTPKernelInterface is preferrable over name.php controllers.
it's probably overkill for my hosting needs since I just host static content, but I get to deploy over rsync/ssh, install my own crap if needed and most importantly: run irssi inside tmux over SSH :)
I am thinking if I should use a second server to store file (server has unlimited file storage), while I manage rest of the site on another server. Is that a good idea?
Well I need to store images and videos and stuff and obviously putting it on the same location where the whole website is will create a problem at some point
@NikiC It's all starting to get a bit philosophical, that thread. It won't be long before someone questions whether zero is a valid integer at all. And then people will be asking for ∞ to validate as an int as well, and then the whole thing will implode in a puff of logic.
Well, see the thing is. the url contains a profile id number, and the page fetches that id number, and gets all the information (name, age) from database by using that id as a reference point. The problem is that if the id is not valid, it says Notice: undefined offset..." and no data is shown. I can't have that.
in some cases it is annoying that PHP forces you to check indexes / array keys. most of the time it's actually good, because it forces you to properly validate your input.
Correct, ErrorDocument has no effect by the time the request falls through to PHP, unless you initiate another sub-request from PHP, which you can only do from mod_php, so don't do it.
@orourkek Skim over the caching and proxy stuff and it's not too bad... I reckon I've probably read every paragraph of the whole thing at least twice at some point in my life.