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@metal_fan And we can't delete until it's closed. Do your own dirty work! Also, beware, deleted questions are a bad thing. If you solved the problem, consider a self-answer.
@PeeHaa I didn't propose an RFC or anything.
Go home SoftLayer, you're drunk.
@webarto Holy crap, I'm totally sending that to our marketing folks.
(We build servers.)
Naming my children was easier than labeling some interface elements.
@Gordon "There are only two hard problems in software development: 1) cache invalidation, 2) naming things, and 3) off-by-one errors."
@Charles my boss is in Dallas at the moment, meeting with those SoftLayer guys (owner of Site5)... what company are you in?
@Gordon Oh?
@Gordon lol
What ruined the joke. I don't know what you're talking about. Ignore the edit icon.
@PeeHaa who said i was asleep?
@Lusitanian I thought we lost you :(
nope. i was eating a burrito.
it was quite tasty.
what were ya pinging me about?
@Lusitanian I wanted you opinion about using CAPS, but now you're too late. You missed that special moment :(
that's highly depressing
Yep :(
oh well. the burrito was a good trade-off for your undying affection.
@DaveRandom You mean, it works, that's right... PHP is cooler than Ruby.
Always has worked AFAIK. 3v4l.org/dmqu7
@webarto why doesn't that work in ruby?
1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': /private/tmp/sidekiq/lib/sidekiq.rb:30: syntax error, unexpected '(' (SyntaxError)
  def self.(╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻
I'm not sure...
Just gotta find unicode parens.
@webarto You're using the wrong kind of (, copy pasta the one out of my paste
4.3 --> 5.5
I thought that only worked if every byte in the UTF-8 sequence was a valid identifier on it's own...
and that most UTF-8 bits weren't.
Function %EF%BC%88%E2%95%AF%C2%B0%E2%96%A1%C2%B0%EF%BC%89%E2%95%AF%EF%B8%B5%E2%94%BB%E2%9‌​4%81%E2%94%BB huh, guess so.
@Charles Nailed it. "Use unicode ()" commit.
@DaveRandom @Lusitanian Awesome.
@PeeHaa should be tagged with jquery
i saw a jquery code generation lib for php last night and almost cried
what an abomination
@Lusitanian OMFG I never thought I would say this... ever. But it's actually way more puke than the original
jquery's great for prototyping at times (maybe) and really simple front-ends but idfk what use case this has
it's disgusting
@Lusitanian I... I... but...
@DaveRandom exactly
"class inheritance of database?"
yeah, im really sure you had an answer dummy. you already wasted enough real estate bullshitting and not answering. Now your doing what you do best, waste people time. Go kill yourself loser. I could care less about your answer because you are a MORON — Brian Patterson 15 secs ago
yeah, im really sure you had an answer dummy. you already wasted enough real estate bullshitting and not answering. Now your doing what you do best, waste people time. Go kill yourself loser. I could care less about your answer because you are a MORON — Brian Patterson 20 secs ago
@PeeHaa I literally don't believe this
but don't kill yourself, if you did, i might actually spend more time doing productive stuff instead of using it in here
he's 35, wtf
i thought taking things personally was an 18-29 year old thing
guess not
@tereško I've heard that factories are also anti-pattern — metal_fan 1 min ago
@BrianPatterson All fine with me. Just want to say this is by far the worst comment I have ever seen here on SO and believe me I have seen a lot a crap ones. Not even going to report you. The only thing I want to say is that I hope you get well soon. — PeeHaa 22 secs ago
i saw that
still considered pinging thiefmaster
Must be some tumor of some sorts
then decided eh, screw it
he's from california...sometimes they put stuff in the water there
Don't delete it, spam flag it.
i spam flagged it
honestly it's probably bad that i find this amusing but what an arse
yes @DaveRandom, i said arse
@BrianPatterson , yeah , those keys are right next to each other — tereško 27 secs ago
i just lol'd at that quite hard
Ban him, ban him, ban him
> This account is temporarily suspended to cool down. The suspension period ends in 3 days.
ALready been taken care of I believe
whoops, too big
wow. dislike button in your face!
stackoverflow.com/questions/14781111/… .. "feed me, i don't waht to do the research" post
old news ;)
@Lusitanian There's hope for you yet
@DaveRandom lol.
for cv? not even close
@PeeHaa sigh
Flagged it as dupe of his SO question :)
@MadaraUchiha Can mods on other sites see deleted question on SO?
@PeeHaa Only if they have 10K on that site.
@PeeHaa Why?
1 min ago, by PeeHaa
Flagged it as dupe of his SO question :)
@PeeHaa Definitely the best bin room
It's freaking awesome. Sometimes I wish I came up with it
> I also have some experience in the following areas: Network Security, Vulnerability Management, and Software Design and Testing. --Brian Patterson
Maybe he manages his own personal vulnerabilities
@PeeHaa Thanks, brought it to their attention, I'm sure they'll deal with it shortly.
I really need to buy a computer that isn't sh*t. The joke is wearing a little thin.
@DaveRandom what do you currently have? oh on a side note, did you get your routing table to work? :P
Ow. I see how I can get moar powahs on CR
I'm really tempted to comment "So... this site isn't as shitty as the previous one, right?"
how about "is everyone here a queer, too?"
For the poor souls who don't yet have 10k reputation:
@Lusitanian 8 machines with 15 cores between them, none of them faster than 2.4GHz, none of them with more than 2GB RAM. Actually the real problem is that all my Windoze are 32-bit XP, they're all starting to show their age. I do have 2 desktops with solid mobos that would happily take an i7 and 16GB, so I wouldn't need to fork out for a whole new machine. I could really do with a better laptop though.
@Lusitanian Working on it as we speak, although I did just get slightly distracted, but looking to get it done tonight.
@PeeHaa do you just go around trying to ruin peoples lives? I'm just trying to get someone to look at my code and help me out. Why do you keep following me around harrassing me? Do you have no life? — Brian Patterson 40 secs ago
I'm sensing a flame war approaching, please don't. :P
@Lusitanian I have a working prototype of an auth middleware :)
@BrianPatterson No one talks shit but you. I'm not sure why you "hope I f**king die", but I will someday, as will you and everybody else you know and every human being that will ever exist or has ever existed. Kind of a silly statement. — Lusitanian 5 secs ago
@PeeHaa ^^
@igorw nice. gist it?
You know what, I might just do that...
a moderator deleted my comment, i think. damnit.
@Lusitanian will do as soon as I'm done cleaning this up
@BrianPatterson Right, because every time someone says their code works it means it actually works and no one has ever been mistaken about that. — Lusitanian 6 secs ago
It gets better
@PeeHaa quit posting FAKE screenshots you troll, go harrass someone else. — Brian Patterson 17 secs ago
i'm dying [of laughter]
@PeeHaa so tempted to post that but i'll refrain.
Fellas, please, TL is getting uneasy.
btw I was thinking about this the other day:
Q: Good PRIVATE CHAT to do some PHP codes with my friend

Lucas BustamanteI'm doing some PHP/HTML/CSS programming with my business partner We are trying to avoid using Facebook, Skype and MSN for distraction purposes We are looking for good private chat for us to talk, change codes and stuff, preferably with programming-friendly interface Does anyone knows something...

Is it useful / waste of time?
@PeeHaa you mean creating a service for it?
@Lusitanian The other mods
@Lusitanian Yes. Where people can start a chatroom. Also the option to pay for it and add more features or whatever for enterprisey stuff (i.e. intranet). I realize it's not 1990 anymore, but I always have liked SO chat.
I can see it work in a corp environment
@PeeHaa interesting. could work.
I bet Brian is a 35yo virgin.
No one can be that frustrated, at least you have beer.
@webarto Good call. brb
@PeeHaa I was toying with the idea of a PM plugin for SO chat, not sure how useful it would be though. Generally the people who want to do PMs are help vampires.
@PeeHaa it's oftopic
@DaveRandom or people who want to share credentials like @igorw did with me last night
@tereško Yeah. Probably, but I was more thinking about such a service thingy. Would it work in 2013?
@PeeHaa as i already pointed out in comment, there are already such services
@Lusitanian True, I guess if it were an open source back end people might be happy to use it for that. Would probably have to be DB-less push relay though, I can imagine people might get uncomfortable if there were any kind of persistent storage.
@DaveRandom indeed
Ow nice btw. It's from 37 signals with it's single login without login RoR :)
@DaveRandom @tereško @Lusitanian @MadaraUchiha @hakre @Gordon @NikiC :beer: on my tab. And for everyone whom I forgot to ping.
@DaveRandom break it :)
@Lusitanian orange juice for you, mate. And for @hakre mate.
and for me.
lemonade instead? :(
> 16,915 Revisions
Wow @hakre
Oh, you are little nitpicker. @Lusitanian lemonade it is!
We're having a blast, chaps.
@DaveRandom get back here, don't kick Brians arse.
But I brought the knuckleduster out specially :-(
@DaveRandom Fine example of Englishman!
@igorw I'm too lazy to lookup what the interface is for. What is the HttpKernelInterface for? :)
@PeeHaa it's the http abstraction. basically converts request to response.
HttpKernelInterface is a wonder weapon.
in case you're interested why I did it that way, I've written a pretty detailed blog post about it: igor.io/2013/02/02/http-kernel-middlewares.html
We need more promotion for HTTPKernelInterface btw.
@hakre IMO it's only useful if we actually have middlewares that operate at that level
@igorw It's not only about middleware, it's also how to approach things. Like interfacing with HTTPKernelInterface is preferrable over name.php controllers.
@hakre sure, but that is mainly about HttpFoundation imo
@igorw Right, I might have mixed that.
At FOSDEM was a nice intro into Symfony2 World.
they are strongly related :) kernel depends on foundation
I have a question, how do sites like Instagram and Pinterest work? Like, how do they store the images?
@igorw loks interesting, will read over it more when not half-asleep
as @PeeHaa knows I woke up Way Too Early (tm) this morning.
@DemCodeLines At the end of the day, it's stored on some servers' harddisk.
@hakre foundation defines Request/Response, kernel defines an interface that handles Request/Response conversion: HttpKernelInterface
both HttpFoundation and HttpKernel are really nice
@igorw Then I did not mix it.
so there are multiple servers being used (obviously)
@DemCodeLines Yes, there are multiple servers used. Not only for the storage but for the different jobs, like delivery and caching.
I don't understand the whole concept of attaching multiple web servers to a single website.
@igorw Interesting
@igorw how do you like your linode? (DNSstalkingquestion)
@Lusitanian hehe, I'm quite happy with it
i have one and find them to be an excellent provider
it's probably overkill for my hosting needs since I just host static content, but I get to deploy over rsync/ssh, install my own crap if needed and most importantly: run irssi inside tmux over SSH :)
you presumably have the 512
nice. i use it for hosting git repos and redmine
How should I go about storing images that users upload?
The winds of change are blowing. They're actually talking about namespaces and unit testing at work now.
Did I mention I'm actually enjoying work again since starting there?
@GordonM what was the catalyst? I've been trying to get those words used more often at my job for over a year
PHPNW probably. Big talk on TDD
I am thinking if I should use a second server to store file (server has unlimited file storage), while I manage rest of the site on another server. Is that a good idea?
Unlimited storage? Would a server with unlimited storage have enough storage to store itself?
Well, unlimited file storage
@GordonM Only when it has unlimited + 1 storage
Well I need to store images and videos and stuff and obviously putting it on the same location where the whole website is will create a problem at some point
@hakre Your mails on the FILTER_VALIDATE_MAIL discussion don't make sense to me
why would we want to allow +-0 as a valid integer?
validate ($date); > You are really nice data who tries really hard and everyone thinks you're a fine upstanding piece of data.
Is there anyway to handle notices in php. For example, redirect to another page if there is any notice?
@NikiC It's all starting to get a bit philosophical, that thread. It won't be long before someone questions whether zero is a valid integer at all. And then people will be asking for ∞ to validate as an int as well, and then the whole thing will implode in a puff of logic.
@DemCodeLines redirecting to a different page on notice is probably a bad idea
^ close as "not making any sense"
@DemCodeLines You can set_error_handler() but as @igorw mentioned redirecting is probably not a good idea
Well, see the thing is. the url contains a profile id number, and the page fetches that id number, and gets all the information (name, age) from database by using that id as a reference point. The problem is that if the id is not valid, it says Notice: undefined offset..." and no data is shown. I can't have that.
@igorw @cspray ^
@DemCodeLines So instead of preventing to get a notice you thought it would be a good idea to redirect to somewhere?
@DemCodeLines Check that the ID is valid before you attempt to use it?
logic :P
well I thought of checking before using, but I tried it earlier and it kinda disrupted other things. I would be forced to restructure everything.
I guess I will have to do it.
in some cases it is annoying that PHP forces you to check indexes / array keys. most of the time it's actually good, because it forces you to properly validate your input.
So basically, I just see if the PDO query is successful or not?
@DemCodeLines No
You check whether it returns records
in this image, I was advised to move teh constants to another class noondreams.com/shared/data/pages/images/Factory.png where do you suggest to move them ?
Hey. That's the second time I have seen that image this day. Still cannot make much sense of it though :P
What do you mean ?
@PeeHaa so something like this? :
You are throwing some image in here with arrows keywords and some factory something
	if ($profile = $profQ->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)==null)
		header('Location: /notfound.php');
@PeeHaa what do you need more ?
@DemCodeLines do not redirect to notfound.php, instead send correct 404 headers on the same page
@tereško Was thatmy answer? You need code?
currently it looks like something that i would recommend to shoot dead, for the humanitarian reasons
@igorw something like this? : header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
@DemCodeLines yes, followed by the output of notfound.php
@tereško Please check this code pastebin.com/bQ0NWdGQ
followed by exit;
@igorw its still not working:
I have this code:
if ($profile = $profQ->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))

	header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
	header('Location: /notfound.php');
@DemCodeLines don't. do not. don't redirect to notfound.php.
In the htaccess, I have already put ErrorDocument 404 /notfound.php if that helps
@DemCodeLines replace that header location line with include('notfound.php');
and no, that doesn't help in this case
I might be wrong, but afaik ErrorDocument 404 only applies for files apache cannot find
either way, it's probably better to handle the output of the error page in PHP directly than going through the webserver
so you want me to remove all of the things in the else statement?
Correct, ErrorDocument has no effect by the time the request falls through to PHP, unless you initiate another sub-request from PHP, which you can only do from mod_php, so don't do it.
2 mins ago, by igorw
@DemCodeLines replace that header location line with include('notfound.php');
what sense does include('notfound.php'); ?
@DemCodeLines it displays the page directly instead of doing a redirect
Because you get the output produced by that script without needing to inform the client that you are using another page to deliver the content.
You really should go and learn how the HTTP protocol works and why redirecting to error pages rarely make semantic sense.
I know I should, believe it or not, I often come on SO chat asking for help article recommendations
The only article you need regarding HTTP is RFC2616
404 brah ;)
(I'll grant you it's not exactly a gripping read)
it's "gripping" in the sense that you'll probably be gripping your head and groaning after about 15 minutes :]
@orourkek Skim over the caching and proxy stuff and it's not too bad... I reckon I've probably read every paragraph of the whole thing at least twice at some point in my life.

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