@Theo I updated the frame_b64 = base64.encodestring(frame_buff) line, as well as made sure the encoding matched the html (both jpg). Try that out. I've also linked another reference for you.
Try adding a print of frame_b64 so you get the data that is supposed to represent the image. Then put it into an online decoder such as codebeautify.org/base64-to-image-converter to see if the base64 was generated correctly.
if I have a *p and *q referencing the left and rightmost elem of my array respectively, could I use a temp variable 'char t' to switch the array elems like so: 't = *p; *p = *q; *q=t" ?
after importing a module in the python interpreter, (import test), and then calling the module name >>> test, you get '<module 'test' from 'path to test.py'>