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@AwalGarg why are you so mean :(
@AwalGarg ask it on main (how this works in default parameters).
Q: Object Read-Only Properties

Sterling ArcherI was reading this question about read-only properties, and I came upon this snippet: var myObject = { get readOnlyProperty() { return 42; } }; alert(myObject.readOnlyProperty); // 42 myObject.readOnlyProperty = 5; // Assignment is allowed, but doesn't do anything alert(myObject.readOnly...

I'm on the hunt for knowledge
MDN says:
> The default argument gets evaluated at call time, so unlike e.g. in Python, a new object is created each time the function is called.
beforeEach(think) think;
@BenjaminGruenbaum ...this is what I am telling ssube and even you said I am wrong :(
I am totally confused now
you are wrong
and I'm at Caps pc right now and am too lazy to login as me
so for the next few minutes this is rlemon
!!are you rlemon
@JanDvorak Not at all yes
@CapricaSix we know you gained sentience. btw, rlemon is such a prick.
@AwalGarg are you going to post a question about it?
taco flavoured keeeses
kicked because rlemon is my boyfriend
tac taco, burrito burrito
@SterlingArcher found it
:( you really kicked me I was kidding :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah just a sec
so was I. wasn't that super funny?
@AwalGarg instant + 100
Uhh can't find
not when I am discussing serious things but np
@SterlingArcher lel
@BenjaminGruenbaum :D
I was reading the ES spec
I am so anxious... I just want an offer or a no... the wait is killing me
@SterlingArcher ES2015
Godaddy gave me 5000 rupee discount :D
for their error :-)
after 1 hour 40 minute of a phone call and making a friend with the customer care person
@AwalGarg awww. did you play a joke and then had a joke played on you and now you're sour about it?
what are you, a lemon?
@CapricaSix no I meant the discussion I was having with benji. chill :P
yes, so do I
@SterlingArcher see my answer
you called me a prick as a joke. I kicked you as a joke. you bitched because you were having a "srs discussion"
@afonsomatos for your answer: I know how getters and setters work, I just didn't understand how assignment was allowed without results
Doesn't address error throwing when setting without a declared set method
@SterlingArcher does this make sense to you:
add writable: false
var myObject = {
    get readOnlyProperty() { return 42; },
    set readOnlyProperty() { }
sorry, accidentally hit enter
Still yes
ok good
@KendallFrey if you omit a setter entirely, then it should throw, right?
i.imgur.com/oSrNmpF.gifv this is the most interesting gif I've seen all day
@ssube That's what I would have thought, but nope
Phil Spencer: "well, uhh, umm, well"
@BenjaminGruenbaum said it will throw in strict mode
modules are always strict
@SterlingArcher it does, and you should use strict mode
Also yeah, modules and class bodies are always strit
@AwalGarg wait no, that part in the spec was just about bindings
What we need to see is what the context is when it is called
@SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/4K8kAEi.jpg
I now see the appeal to imgur
@CapricaSix lol
InstantiateFunctionObject calls FunctionCreate which calls FunctionInitialize that stores the value of the parameter list as is in the internal slot
@Loktar youtube.com/watch?v=KRKP3VbI41M oldie but a goodie
(I'm running a bunch of automated tests that just need me to check results every three minutes. so I'm browsing reddit / imgur, sorry)
Guys, how do I unwrap() the <p> that has the line-height set? jsfiddle.net/9a4w1krm
$('p[style*="line-height"]').unwrap(); wont work
@BenjaminGruenbaum subtly long but here: stackoverflow.com/questions/30901648/…
@BenjaminGruenbaum who is responsible for the es6 standard?
@RahulDesai jsfiddle.net/9a4w1krm/1 unwrap unwraps the parent element
so it is removing the outer div
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes indeed, I was confused as well.
@afonsomatos nobody really knows
@afonsomatos zirak
lol @CapricaSix / @RahulDesai that is a great vid
Is there some function to tell if a string represents a number? besides a regex (nvm )
!!what did you do with our lemon
Thanks @CapricaSix. I love you.
@Jhawins Could not process input. Error: n.parse is not a function on line 2
@Jhawins lemon is being lazy
and not wanting to open chrome
@ssube Actually I (am) was really interested
the TC39 committee does. The committee includes Mozilla, MSFT, Apple (maybe?), Paypal etc...
So if you have an instance of a class, can you bind functions to it with just MyClass.myFunction = function () { }?
yes, and no
true && false == false
@corvid no
or with prototype? but I'm not sure about the advanatge of doing so
it will bind a static function to that instance. but not to the class prototype
also, if the instance is frozen, then no
they need to be added with prototype to be attached to new instances iirc.
@corvid bound class methods aren't a thing yet
Caprica has artificial intelligence now
always have. I've been playing the long scam.
Caprica, did they add the consciousness interface yet, or is that still in dev?
@SterlingArcher (off topic, no context) thelocal.se/20150617/…
That's great!
my brain parsed that url really badly first time
@SterlingArcher now go and share with everyone at work and feel worldly
Just did lol
@AwalGarg fixed your babel links in that question
thanks :)
@KendallFrey we switched to Jira for issue tracking at work, and the default filter in the url looks like ?filter=openissues.
Artificial intelligence is a paradox
Oh! Penis sues!
waits for the ridiculous discussion that follows
@Jhawins you're ridiculous and a paradox.
Does programming and webdev make everyone else feel dumb sometimes too, or just me?
@GrantWarren Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@GrantWarren just you. welcome.
@GrantWarren that question was ambiguous
@GrantWarren it's hard for webdev to make Awal feel dumb because he was already that way
:D #burn
Are you asking if it makes everyone else feel dumb relative to yourself?
Oh yeah stackoverflow rules it was probably answered before I should have searched it :)
we're big on the rules here
Or are you asking "everyone else" if it makes them feel dumb to themselves?
want 56 minutes of pure laughter? watch Trumps Presidential announcement
@Luggage Everyone kinda let out those private opinions, I can't really say more in good conscience
@CapricaSix 56min?? Hahaha
watched Jurassic World last night. It was like pretty ok.
Whats the non-jquery equivalent to .trigger() ?
Not the best movie. Needed more limbs getting torn off.
Some fire would've been nice
!!mdn dispatchEvent
lol the election is going to be a wild one, that's for damn sure. Cause we all know damn well that Trump is going to make it a lot further than logic allows
@ssube Yeah it was fine. Pretty.
@phenomnomnominal the last movie I saw in the theater was Mad Max, which was both full of limbs AND super pretty
@Jhawins Ha. American elections. Logic. Ha. Good one.
@Jhawins he already has
ugh... I am having trouble with this. has anyone done something like this? gist.github.com/AlexFrazer/d72e46cbf3e2da0bf913
@ssube Yeah Mad Max was great
@phenomnomnominal lol I bet the international coverage of our elections is pure gold
@Jhawins mainly just stunned disbelief
Can we add a feed of ES6 questions to the room for a while? I'd like to answer some to get a better understanding or maybe just read :/ Like we had the Promises feed when they were new.
@AwalGarg I said dammit because I ignore my own inputs
@CapricaSix I know that
> The media is going on about a wounded veteran who was given $100 and followed for the rest of the day on camera so that the American public doesn't notice the candidates are all saying the same thing today
h=whats the trouble corvid?
I always picture international coverage of American news seeing through all the bullshit and calling us out. But truth is they're just as ridiculous as us haha
@GrantWarren Just getting the days and timesOfDay in there efficiently, basically
!!> JSON.stringify({foo: 2}, null, 4)
@crl "{\n \"foo\": 2\n}"
y no multiline :(
better than what I had in mind
ah! Thank you @ssube, big help
I would recommend objects over arrays, though. Things could get funny if those were ever sparse or things came in out of order.
The main problem is that it has to represent two dimensional space. Do you mean objects instead of strings?
yeah, I said objects. Like this: es6fiddle.net/ib18g7ho
no feed then :(
@ssube Dat style
c'mon the spec finalized atleast in favor of that!?
Let the minifier destroy the readability don't do it yourself ;P
@Jhawins es6 fanboys like to single line fat arrow expressions
to them it is readable
@CapricaSix there's two forEach with far arrows in the same line
@Jhawins yup, I realize.
my point still stands
@ssube isn't the only person I see doing this with es6
totes not readable
I also think fat arrows are being overused in that example.
@AwalGarg How could they be..
It's a style
Just covering up the fact that that's kinda gross anyways
Hi guys, for this line of code, how do I get my form to submit automatically? .submit() doesn't seem to work for me.
$('.testInput').val("show me your work").submit();
@CapricaSix Oh I know. I just wish we as a community could nip this childish shit in the butt before the noobies start thinking we are trying to take some of the load off of the minifiers or something
Are jQuery questions ok in here?
ES6 is a great way to hide "I just threw some shit at it" code tho
Think it'd be a better idea to have a human readable format then serialize it when inserting it into the schema?
@GrantWarren only if they are not "can you read the docs back to me" type questions
@Rahul .submit on the form not the input element?
So, I interviewed twice today and the people were actually both decent programmers, I'm shocked.
Right, I hear that I am working on a design that needs to be able to sense a bg image but if (jQuery(boxes).css('background-image') != "none"){
jQuery(this).next().addClass("top-up bottom-down");
doesnt work
oops ctrl k didn't work either
@Jhawins you're mistaking "random things that could be functions" with "proper functional programming"
loops are pretty meh if you don't need to break out of them
ah its backticks?
`if (jQuery(boxes).css('background-image') != "none"){
jQuery(this).next().addClass("top-up bottom-down");`
@ssube Anything with .forEach isn't functional programming :D
ctrl + k but make sure there is 4 spaces in front after
otherwise you undid formatting
@GrantWarren backticks are single line, you either indent the whole message 4 spaces or do that
@BenjaminGruenbaum true, but I couldn't figure out how to just use map/reduce for that
How do you extend for multiple Objects?
I used to use ES5, then I took an arrow function to the knee.
@ssube what problem are we talking about?
I'm not sure you can rotate a matrix (which is essentially what that's doing) with just functional stuff
class Hybrid extends Animal, Human {} // doesn't work
lately, I am multilining parameters as well and I find it pretty readable TBH.
@BenjaminGruenbaum @corvid's gist
@ssube sure you can, you're not rotating it you're returning a copy or a view.
I wish someone would answer :(
@ssube "random things that could be functions" what?
@ssube how is that even remotely rotating a matrix?
if (jQuery(boxes).css('background-image') != "none"){
jQuery(this).next().addClass("top-up bottom-down");}
psh i'm dumb
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's really not
I have no idea how to describe that
@ssube It had nothing to do with the arrows... And you were still doing loopy stuff?
@ssube lol
@ssube filling a schedule?
@BenjaminGruenbaum mapping recurring appointments into a calendar, yeah
@ssube Loops are great
Especially in imperative languages like JavaScript
Less loops > using fat arrow functions with loops because then they aren't real loops... or something? wut
@copy go back under your imperative bridge
Why do people assume magic when seeing this :(
w00t our travel site is finally live :-D
@AwalGarg Don;t talk to those people. Ignore those people.
Because they don't know the first thing about JS
@ssube map, reduce, etc. aren't all that great if you don't have 1) proper function composition and 2) optimised immutable data structures
1 message moved to Trash can
@Rahul Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, and see the faq.
1 message moved to Trash can
I used ctrl k?
@BenjaminGruenbaum did you read the answers to that question? (the one from squint is meh... the second one is worth reading)
It just added a bunch of spaces.
@AwalGarg both are meh
@copy what do you mean "proper function composition?" I know JS doesn't have the best syntax, but [].map(_ => ...).reduce(_ => ...) isn't bad.
and [].map(foo::mapper) will be sweet
@ssube I think he means there's more to it than simply using fat arrows and reduce
Can I downvote the one from squint because he is not listening to what I am trying to tell him :(
@CapricaSix Thanks, that seems to make a lot more sense now :) Although my form still won't submit. Please note I can only use the return key to submit as I don't have a submit button. pastebin.com/GAjR0m4A (Sorry about before, my messages won't format properly, I'm using a mac and CTRL+K).
ES6 isn't inherently better or faster... You can still fuck it up
@ssube compose, flip, curry, ...
^ this statement is only partially true
@Jhawins clearly. I'm asking which part of function composition would make life so much easier.
@copy can't you polyfill most of those?
pretty easily, too, at least for some of em
an operator is much more convenient than a function
@copy inb4 ramda
Sure, or use a language that was from ground up designed to be functional
Why not both?
@copy yeah, but those languages don't run anywhere or do anything
I prefer practicality over Haskell, so I write functional JS when I can
Haskell is useless indeed :P
@ssube They can literally do everything and run almost everywhere (except in the browser, yet)
@ssube @ssube They can theoretically do everything and run almost everywhere (except in the browser, yet) (source)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ugh, such a terrible hack
I'm on Vacation for two weeks. Woop!
ramda's compose can be deprecated with proxies coming
@copy Ramda is amazing :D
!!afk vaaacaaa
@rlemon :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum hey don't rename the es6 tag though :P
gonna sleep
!!afk night
Then don't use it
This specific app uses it and I had to
New functionality added, had to make edits
@SterlingArcher WHAT YOU SAY?!?
7 mins ago, by Sterling Archer
Damn it, I don't like angular
It's so confusing, with the directives, and modules, etc
What's a good Lisp editor if I hate emacs' guts?
So there is a very nice Indian girl here who works in QA
@MadaraUchiha Speech therapy?
She was supposed to test the vulgarity filter and it wasn't working so she assumed she was trying the wrong words and asked which ones are bad
Any ideas on how to submit once the href class has been clicked? pastebin.com/yMdA8HjT
Which I found interesting...
Silly kitten <3
Language barriers are weird
Nope, that's @phenomnomnominal
hey opposite-kiwi
That's not correct either, but I appreciate the sentiment
Is continue working in a forEach loop? or should I use return for this purpose?
@AwalGarg Because it takes a while to get what it really means :) and how powerful it is
@Mikey AwalGarg is afk: night
Anyone know a good recipe to print json as an html table?
any small template library shoudl handle that pretty easily
ohh. ANY json?
start with boiling the json
boil?! Go back to php.
JSON.parse(data).then(function() { boil(); });
@SterlingArcher lol
why does that need promised xD
Because if he's cookin he prolly promised his girl he would
use only organic json.
So the module API (import etc..) is not es6 standard :(
what a shame
can anyone confirm this ^?
looks like it is
@afonsomatos Goooooooooooooooooooogle
Or Yahoo! if you're feeling reverse-hipster today
@Jhawins I use ask.com
That explains your development skills
Because I ask-it.. get it? ask nevermind
Badumtshhhhh totally kidding :P
!!urban ask.com 1
@Jhawins Ask.com A kick ass search engine website that you can use if you forget how to spell google. But beware, It is guarded by a mystical Wizard named "Jeeves" Good luck. WARNING: Jeeves is level 79, so don't go there if your a noob.
@Jhawins Ask.com A place where tweens go for relationship advice.
Wtf Urban Dictionary results are zero indexed haha
!!urban bitch
@Jhawins No definition found for first one 0
@Jhawins [Bitch](http://bitch.urbanup.com/7154) (1) Word used to describe the act of whining excessively.

(2) Person who rides specifically in the middle of a front-seatting only car meant for 2 passengers or less.

(3) Modern-day servant; A person who performs tasks for another, usually degrading in status.

(4) Term used to exclaim hardship.
!!urban fuckboy
@SterlingArcher [fuck boy](http://fuck-boy.urbanup.com/968694) A person who is a weak ass pussy
that ain't bout shit.
@SterlingArcher AskJeeves
^ not google
!!urban myspace
@afonsomatos myspace It's the ultimate game of testing your ego. It becomes a competition of seeing who has the most friends, so you add everyone you've made eye contact with in the past 6 years, constantly posting bulletins telling people to comment on your NEW PICZ PLZ or die. Also a way for every garage band ever to make a Myspace Music profile without even have talent and/or experience as other bands have. Also a ne(snip)
lmao that image links to a site called extremetracking.com
fuck that
@SterlingArcher For how long?
!!urban ask jeeves
@Jhawins No definition found for ask jeeves 1
@Jhawins Ask Jeeves (n.) The most [fucked] search engine ever. Typing in the word will bring up page upon page of irrelevant [crap], all pertaining to the same subject. the sex.com search engine is more likely to give you the answers you need. Jeeves has an annoying tendancy to hide the most popular and inform(snip)
!!urban ask jeeves 2
@Jhawins No definition found for ask jeeves 2
Such bullish shit
Man they hate jeeves
!!urban abc
@afonsomatos ABC American Born Chinese
!!urban abc 2
@Jhawins [ABC](http://abc.urbanup.com/1368554) Abbreviation for "American Born Chinese." Means a kid whose parents emigrated from China or Taiwan and are [\[fob\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fob)s.

The common connotation is of a person who speaks Chinese with an American accent, English with a Asian accent, and can't use chopsticks properly.

Most likely forced to pick up the piano or violin at a young age and/or sent to Chinese schoo(snip)
So it works if the query was only 1 word...smh
	if ( isNaN(parts[1]) ) {
		bot.log( '/urban input isNaN' );
		query = args.toString();
		resultIndex = 0;
	// /urban query index
	else {
		bot.log( '/urban input isn\'t NaN' );
		query = parts[ 0 ];
		resultIndex = Number( parts[1] );
Haha wtf
If the second word is NaN automatically get resultIndex 0
!!urban abc sex
@afonsomatos abc sex Sex only on Anniversaries, Birthdays and Christmas
fair enough
^ i would kill myself
@SterlingArcher too much for you to handle?
I'm more of a haleys comet kind of sexer
I'll think of you in 2061 then
@SterlingArcher Halley's, you geek
@KendallFrey well, non-geek as the case may be
SEX backwards is XES which also has three letters, which can form three points, which can form a triangle which represents illuminati.
@SterlingArcher we have a wiener

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